Chapter 501
"Xiaofeng, when did you come back? I heard from Xiaodie that something happened to Xiaohua? How is the situation?" the old man asked quickly.

"Grandpa, I just came back, sister Xiaohua is fine, don't worry." Xiaofeng smiled slightly, revealing two cute little canine teeth.

Xiaodie looked at the braised pork that fell on the ground, her face was very distressed, she knelt down and prepared to pick up the braised pork on the ground, wash it and eat it.

"Xiaodie, don't use the things that fell on the ground, there are a lot of bacteria." Xiaofeng quickly stopped Xiaodie.

"Brother Xiaofeng, this is the only braised pork that I give to my grandpa, it cannot be wasted." Xiaodie said, reaching out to pick up the braised pork that fell on the ground again.

"Xiaodie, listen to brother Xiaofeng, don't pick it up." Xiaofeng showed the momentum of a big brother and pulled Xiaodie up.

"Brother Xiaofeng!" Xiaodie looked at Xiaofeng anxiously.

"Your brother Xiaofeng is right, you don't want the things that fall on the ground, they are covered with dirty things." At this time, Ye Wentian and the others walked in, and the room that seemed a bit small was suddenly replaced by a group of people. It got even more crowded after that.

"Hello, grandpa, junior Ye Wentian, this is my wife Dongfang Ning..." Ye Wentian introduced one by one.

"Hello." The old man nodded to Ye Wentian and the others: "Xiaodie, pour water for the brothers and sisters, and that uncle."

"Okay, grandpa!" Xiaodie reluctantly looked at the braised pork on the ground, stood up, glanced at Ye Wentian and the others, and was about to run out to pour water for them.

"Xiao Die, no need, we are not thirsty." Ye Wentian held Xiao Die, and then walked to the old man: "Grandpa, this is caused by a fall. Due to old age, I am afraid it will be difficult to recover."

"I know, my time may not be long. When I go, I am most worried about Xiaodie. Xiaodie grew up with me since she was a child. Both of her parents died. It has been eight years now. I hope I can survive In a few years, I will be relieved to see Xiaodie grow up." The old man sighed.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, your illness is not serious, I will treat you as soon as possible." Ye Wentian smiled slightly.

"Yes, Grandpa, Brother Tian is amazing. Sister Xiaohua was cured by Brother Tian at once." Xiaofeng added hastily.

The old man looked at Ye Wentian in surprise, it was hard to imagine such a young and promising doctor.

"Grandpa, don't worry, it will be fine soon!" Ye Wentian smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to condense the original divine power into the old man's body, and soon the old man felt the changes in his body, and his pair of old eyes looked at him with more enthusiasm. Looking at Ye Wentian.

But for a moment, Ye Wentian withdrew his hand, looked at the old man with a smile and said, "Grandpa, get out of bed and take a walk."

The old man was stunned. He knew his physical condition very well, and he also knew a little about medical skills, so he was very clear about his situation. But at this moment, he felt that he was at least ten years younger.

When he got out of bed, the old man felt as if he had returned to his youth, powerful and powerful.

"Grandpa, you're really well! Huh~~" Xiaodie was so happy that she hugged the old man's waist and burst into tears.

Yan Suifeng was also stunned. He felt that Ye Wentian couldn't treat Ye Wentian well with the Zhuyan Pill or the Immortal Pill. A little exaggerated, but it does have this miraculous effect.

"Wen Tian, ​​I really don't know how to thank you." The old man said gratefully.

"It's nothing, it's fate to meet Grandpa." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, looked at Xiaodie and said, "Xiaodie, let's eat, your brother Xiaofeng told me to bring you a big meal food."

Xiaodie was a little puzzled and looked at Xiaofeng curiously.

"Hey~~Xiaodie, let's prepare a big table, we will have a big meal later, it's much more delicious than this braised pork." Xiaofeng said seriously, holding Xiaodie's hand and ran out.

Soon, everything was ready, and in the astonishment of everyone, there was a table full of delicious food on the big table, which made Yan Suifeng even more curious about Ye Wentian.


It was just dawn the next day, Xiaofeng got up early, ran to Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning's room to make a fuss, and then went to Yan Suifeng's room to make a fuss.

After breakfast, Ye Wentian and the people in the village met each other. There were so many guests in the village, and the village chief greeted the whole village and had a good day.

For everyone's enthusiasm, Ye Wentian could only accept it happily, singing and dancing with them until midnight before leaving.


"Wentian, you said that the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is in this mountain range!" On the roof, Yan Suifeng, Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning sat together and chatted.

"Yes, and someone has discovered that place, but no one should be sure that it is the real mausoleum of Qin Shihuang." Ye Wentian said.

"Then why are you so sure?" Yan Suifeng asked suspiciously.

"I said that my son is proficient in the art of secrets, but you don't believe it." Ye Wentian rolled his eyes, he would not tell the real reason of the matter.

"Forget it, don't talk about pulling down, but when are you going to go?" Yan Suifeng asked.

"Tomorrow, this matter can't be delayed any longer, so as not to be preempted by others." Ye Wentian said.

"I'll go with you." Yan Suifeng said.

"You'd better stay. If you die, whoever taught Xiaofeng Kungfu recognized you as a master, and you, a master, didn't do your duty at all. So far, you haven't taught anything." Ye Wentian Said.

"You kid just curse me to death like that. Besides, don't you still have you, a pervert, by your side? For Xiaofeng's sake, I believe you won't let anything happen to me." Yan Suifeng laughed.

"Forget it, I'll let you follow." Ye Wentian pretended to be helpless.

"You boy!" Yan Suifeng rolled his eyes.


"Ning'er, you guard here to avoid other situations. By the way, if you have time, teach Xiaofeng and the others martial arts, especially the two daughters Wang Fang and Zhou Mei. They have good aptitude and temperament. If you teach them well, you will definitely have a good time." Do it." Ye Wentian urged.

"Okay, Brother Tian, ​​take care of yourself." Dongfang nodded solemnly.

"That's good, I'm leaving." Ye Wentian nodded, turned around and walked to Yan Suifeng's side.

Yan Suifeng pondered for a while, took out two cheat books from his pocket and threw them to Dongfang Ning: "Teach Xiaofeng well, if I come back with my life, I will still ask for the cheat books." After speaking, Yan Suifeng took the lead to run away go out.

Ye Wentian smiled slightly and followed closely.

Ye Wentian has already figured out the location of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. The speed of the two is extremely fast, and they are already approaching their destination in less than an hour. But what they did not expect is that there are several forces not far away at the same time. They rushed over here, their purpose was the same as that of Ye Wentian and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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