Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 502 Accidental Encounter

Chapter 502 Accidental Encounter
Ye Wentian and Yan Suifeng frowned slightly. The strength of the people who came was not simple, at least they all had the strength of heaven, and some even reached the second level of innate strength.

Ye Wentian guessed that this should be due to the fact that they didn't know what was inside the cave. If they knew that this was the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, maybe the ancestors of these sects would be mobilized.

Yan Suifeng and Ye Wentian stood on the top of the tree, quietly watching those people rushing towards them, and soon came to the front, stopped in front of the cave, and did not enter in a hurry.

"Young master Ye, the situation seems to be a little bad!" Yan Suifeng frowned and looked at Ye Wentian.

"What's wrong?" Ye Wentian smiled.

"Among them are the strong ones with the second level of congenital, we..." Yan Suifeng suddenly stopped when he said this, and looked at Ye Wentian and rolled his eyes: "Ahem~~ I'm sorry, I'm sorry to put your Pervert forgets."

"The Mausoleum of the First Emperor is definitely not simple, otherwise it would not have been so many years, and no one has found it." In addition to his military skills and leadership ability, he is definitely a highly talented martial arts master, do you think his tomb will be simple for such a person?"

Ye Wentian glanced at Yan Suifeng with a smile on his face, and smiled evilly: "And they just happen to be the vanguard for us."

"You boy!" Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Yan Suifeng couldn't help laughing: "However, Mr. Ye, who do you think built Qin Shihuang's mausoleum here?"

"This is really hard to speculate, but I think it must be a close friend of Qin Shihuang, and he is also extremely loyal." Ye Wentian said after a moment of pondering.

"Extremely loyal person!" Yan Suifeng's eyes showed a pensive look: "According to the notes left by the ancestors, when Qin Shihuang swept Liuhe, the most powerful person under his command was a brave general named Yang Jian, this person is said to have been a strong man in the Jindan period, but later he was dissatisfied with Qin Shihuang's tyranny and retired from the ruling and opposition parties to live his life. He must not be the builder of this tomb.

And the second person under Qin Shihuang's command is an eunuch named Zhao Gao. This person's martial arts is also extremely high. The person is either a confidant, or has already died in his hands. This person has been designated as an extremely dangerous person by my ancestor.However, Zhao Gao has two minds in his life and is not a loyal person, so he will not be the builder of this tomb. "

"It is said that the most loyal sword under Qin Shihuang's command is the Meng family army. From this point of view, the builder of this tomb is likely to be a member of the Meng family." Ye Wentian thought for a while and said.

"Yes, I dare to conclude that the builder of this tomb must be a member of the Meng family. The ancestors of the Meng family served the Qin Dynasty and set the ancestral motto of 'sacrifice for the country, die only after death', and then the Meng family even came out Meng Tian, ​​the ever-victorious general, has become famous all over the world since then, and his name will last forever, but Meng Tian finally died in the battle, which makes people sigh and regret; and if I guess this tomb is correct, it should be built by Meng Tian's younger brother Meng Yi " Yan Suifeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"Meng Yi!" Ye Wentian was taken aback, he was not very familiar with this person, and there were not as many introductions about Meng Yi in historical materials as Meng Tian.

"That's right, it's Meng Yi." Yan Suifeng nodded, and then said: "Meng Yi's military talent and martial arts talent are also extremely high, but when he really emerged, the Qin Dynasty was already on the road to subjugation, so about him There is very little information about this person, and although this person is loyal to Qin Shihuang, he is not very keen on state affairs, and according to my ancestors' records, Meng Yi is also involved with one of Qin Shihuang's favorite concubines."

Hearing this, Ye Wentian couldn't help laughing: "Uncle Yan, I didn't expect your old patriarch to gossip like this. He knows all about his private affairs. He really is an expert!"

Ye Wentian cupped his fists towards Yan Suifeng, trying hard to hold back the smile on his lips.

"You boy!" Yan Suifeng looked at Ye Wentian with a slight smile, and then said: "My old patriarch always likes to be carefree, and sees the world from the perspective of an outsider, but he has been alone all his life, with his own heart. Hongyan, but the flowing water is ruthless, after being troubled for a while, I decided to travel around the beautiful mountains and rivers, forget the sorrows of yesterday, and spend this life in this way.”

"It's easy to have no worries, but to appreciate life is life!" Ye Wentian smiled, looked at Yan Suifeng and said jokingly: "Uncle Yan, you are old and young, when will you bring me an aunt?" have a look."

"Don't make trouble for me here, boy. I, Yan Suifeng, have been inspiring and carefree all my life. Floating with the wind, marrying a wife and having children is not part of my life." Yan Suifeng gave Ye Wentian a hard look.

"Hey~~Uncle Yan, you are so handsome, I really don't know how many women are worried about you at this moment, and you just have the heart to make them heartbroken." Ye Wentian looked at the girl pretending to be very sad. Yan Suifeng.

"Ahem~~ Well, my parents were born well, and it's not my fault that they are handsome." Yan Suifeng said rather stinkingly.

"Well, I was completely defeated by you." Ye Wentian rolled his eyes and glanced at those people: "It seems that they are going to go in, let's follow."

"En." Yan Suifeng nodded.

But just as Ye Wentian was about to leave, a woman's scream from a few miles away reached Ye Wentian's ears.

"Young master Ye, what's the matter?" Yan Suifeng was taken aback, seeing that Ye Wentian didn't move, but instead looked towards the distance of the jungle.

"Someone is approaching there, let's go and have a look." After Ye Wentian finished speaking, he took the lead in leaping away.

If ordinary people come here, even if they don't encounter those mountain poisons, they will be killed by these practitioners, so he must stop those people from coming.


"Wu Qianqian, I told you it's not easy to go here, so you have to come here, cut your skin!" Zhao Min angrily stared at Wu Qianqian who was injured on her leg.

"Damn Zhao Min, smelly Zhao Min, didn't you see that I was hurt?" Wu Qianqian rubbed her knees, where the trousers had been torn by stones, and through the gap, she could see the white skin with traces of blood .

"Okay, Xiao Min, don't blame Qianqian." Another woman walked up to Wu Qianqian, knelt down, took out a ointment from her backpack, and handed it to Wu Qianqian: "This is Wuhen ointment, it works, wait It won't hurt after a while, and the wound will heal soon, don't worry."

"Yu Xin, hello!" Wu Qianqian took it, looked at Xiao Yuxin with a slight smile, and gave Zhao Min another look.

"Yu Xin, Xiang Ling, Xiao Yu, Wang Hu, why are you!" A sudden voice sounded behind them.

"Ah~~" Suddenly hearing an unfamiliar voice, Zhao Min and the girls were startled, but they were stunned when they saw who was coming.

(End of this chapter)

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