Chapter 519
Although the four monsters were killed, Kuang Dao's face became a bit more serious, because he knew that this was just the prelude to the storm.

"These people's bodies seem to have been transformed by some kind of medicine." Kuangdao squatted down and observed carefully. When he found this problem, his expression became more solemn: "If the other party transforms more people, we may not be able to resist them." .”

"The power of these weapons is really powerful, I'm afraid even I can't face it head-on!" Kuang Dao became more and more frightened the more he looked at it.

The blood flowed to the feet, and Crazy Knife stretched out his hand to draw it. A drop of blood jumped into his eyes, put it on the tip of his nose, and sniffed it gently. This breath...

"It's the breath of the flood dragon!" Kuang Dao was taken aback, recalling the past scenes in his mind.

Crazy Sword was originally not the regular Qin Chao Ziming, but a person on an island. It is said that this island is guarded by a dragon, so people named this island Shenlong Island.

The people on Shenlong Island have been living a peaceful life. People work at sunrise and rest at sunset, taking care of their husbands and children, which is very unharmonious.

But one day, the arrival of a ship broke the original calm, and their purpose was to slay the dragon.

The people on Shenlong Island have always regarded Shenlong as a patron saint, and they rose up to resist, but the opponent was powerful and quickly killed many people.

Back then, Kuang Dao was young, and he was also a member of Shenlong Island, and he witnessed everything with his own eyes.

Legend has it that the seven warriors slaying the dragon happened on Shenlong Island.

The seven warriors are all extremely skilled in martial arts, and their strength is above the golden core stage. They lead out the dragon. In fact, the dragon is not a real dragon, but a dragon mutated from a snake. But even a young dragon is extremely powerful. .

Jiaolong showed his supernatural power, the seven warriors were no match at all, and was soon severely injured by Jiaolong. After a while, a masked man descended from the sky, and his whole body turned into a sharp sword. Before Jiaolong could react, The sharp sword has pierced Jiaolong's heart, taking out the inner alchemy from Jiaolong's body.

After Jiaolong died, part of the body was taken away by the masked man, and the seven samurai who were seriously injured were all brutally killed by the masked man...

Kuang Dao didn't expect that someone would get the blood of the dragon and use the blood of the dragon to transform so many powerful monsters.


Inside the cave, most people are still trapped in the psychedelic formation, and two of them, a man and a woman, are also doing the same, struggling to resist those countless dark creatures.


An afterimage flashed past, and then the man and woman were led out of the psychedelic formation by a man in a black robe.

"Who is it?" Surprised, Yilan and the third elder turned their heads to look at the person who came.

"Why, girl Yilan, I don't know you so soon." The man looked at Yilan and smiled slightly, with a look of frivolity in his eyes.

"It''s you!" Yilan's face turned pale with shock, she was too scared to speak.

"Master Mo Luo!" The third elder was startled, and hurriedly knelt down on one knee to pay respects, with cold sweat breaking out on his face.

Even facing his leader, the third elder never knelt down, but facing the person in front of him, he was terrified to death, bloodthirsty, brutal, inhumane at all, and all negative words were not enough for this person point.

"Third Elder, don't be so afraid, I won't eat you, get up." Mo Luo smiled slightly, glanced at the Third Elder, then looked at Yilan, stretched out his hand to gently pinch Yilan's chin.

Yilan was terrified in her heart, she didn't have any thoughts of resistance, she let the man in front of her do what she did, and prayed in her heart not to do anything to her.

"Yilan, to be honest, do you miss me?" Mo Luo lowered his head, moved to Yilan's mouth, sniffed gently, and smelled the fragrance of Yilan's body.

"Mo...Master Moluo, let the little girl go!" Yilan suddenly knelt down, lowering her head and not daring to look at the person in front of her.

"Yilan, why are you doing this? Tell me, will I eat you?" Mo Luo squatted down, lifted Yilan's chin, and approached slowly.

Yilan was terrified and closed her eyes.

In the end, Mo Luo still kissed Yilan, stirring in Yilan's mouth for a while, Yilan was afraid and had to let the other party do what she wanted.

If she resisted, she knew that the consequence would be that life would be worse than death. Sometimes, death is not terrible, but what is terrible is that life is worse than death!If she offends the person in front of her, Yilan believes that the end result is that even wanting to die has become a luxury.

"That's great, Yilan, I didn't expect your little mouth to be so delicious, fragrant, sweet and greasy, I can't wait to swallow your little mouth." Moro licked his tongue, and once again kissed Yilan's mouth. Stirring in the air, he savored happily: "This xiangjin is the best I've ever eaten. At this moment, I really want you."

"Master Moro, Yilan is just an ordinary girl with average looks, how about I recommend you a better one." Yilan was startled and said hastily.

"Better, hehe~~ Yilan, you want to reject me!" Mo Luo smiled evilly, and put his hands dishonestly into Yilan's neckline, kneading Yilan's plump part for a while.

Yilan was in so much pain that she gritted her teeth and had no choice but to suffer silently. She knew that saying some evasive words would only arouse the other party's animal nature even more.

"It's really comfortable. Although some women are indeed better than you, and their appearance is also more beautiful than yours, but for some reason, I just like you. Looking at your appearance, I really want to talk to you about the ideal life. "Speaking, Moro's hand went all the way down, heading towards Yilan's private parts.

However, the tremor in the cave suddenly disturbed his mood.

"It seems that we have already started." Moro withdrew his hand and pulled Yilan to stand up.

The third elder and Yilan were puzzled, but they didn't dare to ask more questions.

"Unexpectedly, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is here, and it is really well hidden. If the small animals hadn't opened the tomb, it would have been hard to find." Mo Luo looked around and murmured.

"Master Mo Luo, the Mausoleum of the First Emperor!" The third elder was taken aback, and looked at Mo Luo in disbelief. He and Yilan came here only thinking that there was some treasure here, so they came here Take a look.

"Do you want me to say it again?" Mo Luo looked at the third elder and said calmly.

Although Mo Luo's tone was light, the third elder felt a sense of oppression of death. If he dared to say one more word, he knew that he would definitely end up in a near death.

"Yilan, wait a minute, what baby do you like, I'll give it to you." Mo Luo squeezed Yilan's face, and kissed again.

"Thank you so much, Lord Moro." Yilan said tremblingly.

"You're my woman, you're welcome." Mo Luo smiled slightly, and suddenly his expression froze.

Feeling the oppressive atmosphere, Yilan's heart skipped a beat, thinking that she had suffered a disaster.

(End of this chapter)

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