Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 520 Cannibalism

Chapter 520 Cannibalism
"Interesting, it seems that the Yin spirits here are indeed very powerful, worthy of being the most elite army under Qin Shihuang's throne." Mo Luo looked into the depths of the mausoleum and smiled slightly, his fighting spirit was ignited.

Yilan and the third elder stood quietly without making a sound.

"Let's go and meet these guys." Moro held Yilan's hand, and with a movement, the two immediately disappeared in place.

The third elder was startled, reacted, and followed up with all his strength. Fortunately, Mo Luo was not in a hurry. Otherwise, with the cultivation of the third elder, even if he exhausted his whole body, he would not be able to keep up with Mo Luo and Yilan two people.


Ye Wentian looked around for a long time, and kept searching in his mind for a way to eliminate the psychedelic formation. Unfortunately, his strength is not enough now, and the only way to completely eliminate the psychedelic formation is to eliminate the eyes of the formation.

"This place seems to be just the periphery of the psychedelic array." Ye Wentian stared wide-eyed, unable to believe the result he had drawn.

If this place is really just the periphery of the psychedelic formation, then how powerful the psychedelic formation in the center of the eye of the Li formation must be, I am afraid that even the strongest in the third heaven of the innate level will be recruited.


Just when Ye Wentian was surprised, a scream pulled Ye Wentian back from his thoughts.

"Why are you beating your own people!" Ye Wentian frowned deeply. At this moment, a subordinate beside Liu Mingyu was injured by Liu Mingyu, and he flew upside down.

Ye Wentian stretched out his hand to lead, and grabbed the woman from the air to pull the woman back. At the same time, Ye Wentian found that Yan Suifeng had killed Wu Qianqian, and what made Ye Wentian feel relieved was that Yang Jing seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and stayed where she was, frowning tightly.

After all, Yang Jing used to be a super strong person. Even though her cultivation base is a thousand miles away from what it was back then, she still has some knowledge. Maybe it's because she hasn't experienced this kind of thing for too many years, so she didn't realize it all at once.

Seeing Yan Suifeng hit Wu Qianqian's forehead with a palm, Ye Wentian rolled his eyes, he knew it was too late to stop him, but he was not worried, every bead of Wu Qianqian's bracelet could Withstood the blow of the innate-level third-tier heavenly powerhouse.


With a muffled sound, just when Yan Suifeng's palm was about to hit Wu Qianqian's forehead, a defensive force knocked Yan Suifeng back several steps, but the chain beads in Wu Qianqian's hand did not show the slightest crack. After all, Yan Suifeng's strength is at most equivalent to the early stage of the second heaven of the congenital level, and it is far from the third heaven of the congenital level.

"This is really indiscriminate, even my future wife can kill me." Ye Wentian shook his head, stretched out his hand and pointed towards Yan Suifeng, and a powerful gust of wind hit Yan Suifeng instantly. In the cave of the wind.

Yan Suifeng was startled, and realized that he had been tricked. Seeing the terrifying monster attacking in front of him, he was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, staring at everything in front of him with horrified and desperate eyes, and his heart raised his throat Eye.

"I really don't know what this guy saw. He was so frightened. Just don't be stupid." Ye Wentian smiled helplessly, and put his palm on the back of the woman from Yuejiao. With the idea, the original divine power quickly went straight up the meridian, rushed into the brain of the woman in front of him, and stimulated her nerves.


The Yuejiao woman suddenly opened her eyes and felt the big hand behind her. She was taken aback. With her legs hard, she turned around and grabbed Ye Wentian's head with her claws.

Ye Wentian was rather depressed, and attacked him before he understood the situation, but he was not worried and did not resist.

Sure enough, when the opponent's five fingers were about to grab Ye Wentian's head, the woman realized that it was Ye Wentian and stopped immediately.

"Ye... Mr. Ye!" Wang Xin looked at Ye Wentian in disbelief, quickly withdrew his hand, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, I didn't know it was you."

"It's okay, senior, don't blame yourself." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, looking at Wang Xin who was at a loss, and felt a little funny in his heart. The woman in front of him was already approaching fifty, and she was as shy as a young girl , Some dare not look at Ye Wentian.

"Ahem~~Senior, take care of Xiaoqian first, and I'll help them." Ye Wentian came to Yang Jing's side in a flash, and Yang Jing sensed that someone was coming here, and turned her palm towards Ye Wentian Called, but Ye Wentian's speed was faster, and instantly touched Yang Jing's acupuncture points.

Yang Jing was shocked, and her heart was raised in her throat, but soon, her eyes became clear, and she finally felt relieved when she saw the person in front of her.

"Master Ye, thank you!" Yang Jing said gratefully.

"Senior Yang, if you think highly of me, then we don't need to say thank you." Ye Wentian pointed to undo Yang Jing's acupoints from the air, and looked at Wu Qian. At this moment, Wang Xin looked at Wu Qian's body. , a large bloodstain, countless small holes on the body, and the corners of the eyes are wet.

"Senior Yang, although Xiaoqian's injury is serious, I have a way to treat it, so don't worry." Ye Wentian said.

Yang Jing frowned, turned her head, and saw Wu Qian's face and body, she couldn't help but turn pale with shock, and stepped out, quickly reaching Wu Qian's side.

Ye Wentian sighed, and rescued everyone one by one. When they saw Wu Qian's miserable state, Xiao Yuxin and the other girls were dumbfounded.

For any woman, appearance is sometimes more important than life. Seeing Wu Qian's miserable state, they don't know how to comfort Wu Qian when she wakes up and finds her own appearance.

"Young Master Ye, now you have a way to cure my apprentice. She may not be able to accept this fact when she wakes up." Yang Jing looked at Ye Wentian worriedly. In fact, she also has a way to cure Wu Qian, but unfortunately there is no way now. .

"This..." Ye Wentian was in a dilemma. If Wu Qian could be cured now, it would take a lot of time, and more importantly, the potency of Zengyuan Pill remaining in his body would be exhausted.

Ye Wentian originally wanted to use Zengyuan Pill's powerful medicinal power to enhance his strength in case of emergency. After all, there must be ghosts in the mausoleum that he can't match, and Zengyuan Pill might be able to help him at that time, but now This situation made him difficult.

"Master Ye, I beg you, save Xiaoqian, she is still young, how can she bear such a devastating blow." Liu Mingyu and Wang Xin actually knelt down in front of Ye Wentian.

"You... what are you doing?" Ye Wentian smiled wryly.

Yang Jing prayed to Ye Wentian, she did not kneel down, after all, she is the Supreme Elder, and she also has her own principles.

"Young master Ye, if you don't treat Xiaoqian, the three of us will never be able to kneel down." Liu Mingyu and the three daughters said loudly.

"Okay, I agree." Ye Wentian sighed secretly: "I hope there will be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Now I'm afraid I can only take one step at a time."

(End of this chapter)

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