Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 543 The Forgotten Past

Chapter 543 The Forgotten Past
Seeing Zhao Min's abnormal expression, everyone was taken aback. Wu Qianqian was about to speak, but Ye Wentian blocked her small mouth with his hand.

Ye Wentian's breath is always pleasing, whether it is a woman, a man, or other living beings.Wu Qianqian was taken aback for a moment, and when she saw Ye Wentian make a silent movement, she understood, but the smell of Ye Wentian's hands made her feel a little nostalgic.

Ye Wentian didn't think much, quickly withdrew his hand, turned around and looked at the dull Zhao Min quietly.

Some things will not be lost with the passage of time; some things will not be stranded with the passage of time; and some things will not be forgotten as the sun, moon and stars change.

It was a big and strong banyan tree, and its lifespan was unknown, perhaps it existed before the palace was built here.

How many years of ups and downs have been experienced, how many days and nights of the world's changes have been experienced, and now it is still so strong, and its branches and leaves are still so luxuriant.

It is it that has witnessed a hard and unforgettable love story, and it is also a bridge of love between him and her.

The process of getting acquainted, getting to know each other, and falling in love is a long and not easy process, but he and she who are deeply involved in love are in the danger of taboos, just as persistent as moths rushing forward to the fire to find the light.

Love is beautiful, and it allows the two to taste the happiness they never had before, but at the same time, this love is destined to end in tragedy, because it is taboo!

"If there is an afterlife, I will dance with you again!" These were the last words she said to the man she loved the most in this life, with tender tears in her eyes, accompanied by the light of blood.

He is loyal, courageous, all-powerful, iron-clad, and is a man who makes women all over the world fall in love with him. But at the same time, he has a special identity. He watched his favorite woman die in front of everyone. In front of him, but he couldn't do anything.

Men don't flick their tears easily, just because they haven't reached the sad place!
His eyes were red with tears, and he stared blankly. At some point, his five fingers had sunk deep into the flesh, and the blood was flowing down, bright red, and finally gathered into a ball, flowing down patter, as if At this moment, his heart was the same, it was broken like this, and all the good things ended like this.

He has lived for more than 2000 years, just for one sentence of his master's prophecy, and also to be able to get to know her again and never leave her.

God, it's fair, it always gives you a ray of hope when you are desperate, but many people don't seize this opportunity to go to the light, because these people are not persistent enough; but, he did it...

At some point, the corners of Zhao Min's eyes were already wet with tears, and crystals flowed down his cheeks and the corners of his mouth, splashing onto the sarcophagus with a crisp sound.

Meng Tianfang's eyes were red, he looked at Zhao Min affectionately, walked to Zhao Min's side step by step, couldn't help the throbbing in his heart, and hugged Zhao Min tightly into his arms.

"Dong'er, I knew you were my Dong'er." Meng Tianfang was so excited, he just wanted to hold his favorite and never let go.

Life and death are in agreement with each other, and you can talk to your son; hold your hand, and grow old together with your son.

Although the original meaning of this poem refers to the agreement between two soldiers who lived in the army, it is most appropriate to use it in love.

"Meng, big brother..." Zhao Min subconsciously shouted upon hearing Meng Tianfang's voice.

"Dong'er!" Hearing this familiar address, listening to the familiar voice, it seems that everything has returned to the big banyan tree in the deep courtyard of the palace 2000 years ago. , Unforgettable, unforgettable forever.

"Brother Tian, ​​is Zhao Min really Han Dong'er?" Huang Xiangling held Ye Wentian's big hand and asked in a soft voice.

"En." Ye Wentian nodded solemnly.

Although it makes everyone feel unbelievable, even unimaginable, the universe is infinitely mysterious, and many things are difficult to figure out with their wisdom.

"No, I'm Zhao Min, not Han Dong'er. Han Dong'er is already dead." After regaining consciousness, Zhao Min pushed Meng Tianfang hard.

Mengtian thumped in relief, he was stunned, and Zhao Min pushed him away, looking at the bewildered Zhao Min in disbelief.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'm not Han Dong'er, I'm Zhao Min, right?" Zhao Min kept asking while holding Ye Wentian's arm.

"This..." Ye Wentian felt a little helpless, and pointed, Zhao Min paused, closed his eyes, and fell into Ye Wentian's arms.

"General Meng, if my expectations are correct, part of Han Donger's memory has already been integrated into Zhao Min's mind, so you don't have to worry too much, some things need time to heal slowly." Ye Wentian said slowly.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Meng Tianfang gritted his teeth, resisted the tears from falling, looked at Ye Wentian and nodded.

"General Meng, what are your plans?" Ye Wentian asked.

"It's been more than 2000 years, and everything has become history. I want to stay with you and take care of Dong'er." Meng Tianfang stared at the largest coffin in the middle in a daze.

"Okay, we'll wait for you in the main hall outside." Ye Wentian nodded, took Zhao Min in his arms and went out first, Yang Jing and the others took a look at Meng Tianfang, and followed him out.

"Ye Wentian, as long as you let me go, I can make you stronger." When Mo Luo saw Ye Wentian and the others walking out, his mind immediately became active.

"Let you go." A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Wentian's mouth: "Sister Yilan, you make the decision, everything is up to you."

Saying that, Ye Wentian carried Zhao Min to the foot of Qinglong, stroking this ingenious work.

There are two big black and bright gemstones inlaid in Qinglong's eyes, which are shining, and there is also a defensive formation set up by a strong Jindan stage, which is very powerful, which is why it is so breathtaking.

Behind Ye Wentian came Moro begging for mercy from Yilan, but Yilan didn't show the slightest sympathy in his eyes, a sword flashed across, and Moro's head moved.

Seeing this scene, the women were startled, and the iron fan tied to the other stone pillar also trembled in their hearts, but she resigned to her fate.

"Thank you, my lord." Yilan knelt on one knee behind Ye Wentian.

"Get up, I don't like friends kneeling in front of me." Ye Wentian said lightly.

"Yes, my lord." At this moment, Yilan has already regarded Ye Wentian as her immediate boss, and perhaps more deeply, she has already regarded Ye Wentian as her master.

Ye Wentian stomped on his feet, and in a flash, he came in front of the iron fan.

When Iron Fan saw Ye Wentian, his heart trembled, a little afraid that Ye Wentian would kill her.

"What happened to your arm?" Ye Wentian frowned slightly.

"Huang Wu did it." Iron Fan gritted his teeth.

"Huang Wu!" Ye Wentian was stunned for a moment, and looked at Iron Fan questioningly, so Iron Fan said everything before.

(End of this chapter)

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