Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 544 Dust to Dust, Earth to Earth

Chapter 544 Dust to Dust, Earth to Earth

"Sure enough, people have ulterior motives!" Ye Wentian shook his head, flicked his fingers, and the rope tied to Iron Fan broke.

"Young master Ye, who is this?" Iron Fan looked at Ye Wentian in confusion.

"Why, do you want me to kill you?" Ye Wentian had a smile on his lips.

"Thank you Mr. Ye for your life." In front of Ye Wentian, Tie Fan didn't look like a senior, and knelt down towards Ye Wentian with his head down.

"Okay, get up." Ye Wentian stretched out his hand and flicked the iron fan up with a soft force: "I think you should have a way to get out, you can go."

"Young Master, Iron Fan's life already belongs to you. Wherever Young Master goes, Iron Fan will go as well." Iron Fan said seriously.

"You really decided that way?" Ye Wentian looked at Iron Fan in amazement, he never thought about asking Iron Fan for anything in return, but decided to let her go because he felt that Iron Fan was much better than Huang Wu. .

"The servant has already made a decision." Tie Fan said and was about to kneel down.

Ye Wentian stretched out his hand to stop her, and when he heard her calling herself a slave, he suddenly thought of some indecent episodes in the Daoguo movie, especially when he saw that the iron fan was still a complete and innocent body, he became even more angry.

Thinking of those unhealthy things, Ye Wentian trembled all over, shook his head, and put aside those messy things.

"Ahem~~ If you are willing to follow me, don't call me a servant or anything from now on. This is the 21st century, not ancient times." Ye Wentian coughed twice to hide his embarrassment.

"Iron Fan understands." Iron Fan nodded.

Ye Wentian and the others waited for a while, at this time, Meng Tianfang came out, followed by six Yin spirits, two of them floated into the green dragon.

"Young Master Ye, everything is properly arranged, let's go." Meng Tianfang turned around and glanced at the four Yin spirits: "Take care."

After finishing speaking, Meng Tian stepped forward, jumped onto the green dragon, knocked on it a few times, a window opened on the body of the green dragon mechanism beast, and a long ladder stretched down immediately.

"Let's go up." Ye Wentian said, holding Zhao Min in his arms, stepped on his feet, and entered the green dragon.

Yan Suifeng and the others followed closely into the Qinglong.

The space inside the Azure Dragon is quite large, and it still looks very spacious when they enter it. There are shining night pearls inside, which are priceless.

Looking at these shining night pearls, apart from Yang Jing and Iron Fan, the eyes of the other women were all brightened. Even a cultivator like Liu Mingyu was a little tempted by this, after all such night pearls are rare.

Perhaps women subconsciously have a preference for jewelry, while men's love for jewelry is mainly because this thing can be exchanged for a lot of money.

"If you like, after a while we go outside, you can share." Meng Tianfang looked at Wu Qianqian and his daughters and said.

The girls were overjoyed, but no one spoke first, a little embarrassed, after all, it's not good to be favored by others for no reason.

"Then I will thank General Meng on their behalf." Ye Wentian smiled slightly.

"Young Master Ye, you are being polite. Now I am no longer a general, but a person like you. How will we be brothers in the future?" Meng Tianfang said.

"Okay, Brother Meng!" Ye Wentian said.

"Brother Ye." Meng Tian felt relieved, but when his eyes touched Zhao Min's face, he felt a little sad in his heart.

"Brother Meng, it's still a long time, don't worry about anything, take your time, she will accept you." Ye Wentian comforted.

"I hope so." Meng Tianfang sighed, and suddenly thought of something, so he took it out of his arms.

"This is Huang Wu's space ring!" Ye Wentian looked at Meng Tianfang in surprise.

"That's right, Brother Ye, take it." Meng Tianfang said.

"This..." Ye Wentian was a little hesitant, but he still reached out to take it.

After recognizing the Lord, Ye Wentian took a glance at his mind and found a lot of good things. Ye Wentian looked at Iron Fan and Yang Jing inadvertently. They must have a deep foundation in their hands. The strong under the Dan period may have nothing to do with them.

However, Ye Wentian knew that if it was an assassination or a sneak attack, they would still face death. After all, their own strength was far from that of the innate fifth level powerhouse.


After a series of preparatory work was completed, the two innate-level Yin spirits at the peak of the second heaven began to activate the green dragon.


Qinglong screamed wildly, and a monstrous momentum swept in all directions.

Mo Xiaoyan and the girls were so startled that a little heart almost jumped out of fright.



Under the perception of Ye Wentian's divine sense, Qinglong had jumped up, and his head easily got into the stone wall. With four powerful claws waving, he went out at an extremely fast speed.


In the blink of an eye, the Azure Dragon Mechanism Beast had already left the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, roaring up to the sky, and the huge sound waves spread to the distance like a storm.

When all the beasts in the forest heard this roar, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, and they were even more frightened. They were all trembling with fright, and they dared not move an inch.

This is from the fear and fear in their bones, a kind of surrender to the superior.

"What's that sound?" Zeng Zhi and his group, who had already rested fifty miles away, couldn't help frowning when they heard this sound.

"How does this sound like the legendary dragon's roar!" Yang Buxiu frowned and said.

"Could it be that there is a legendary dragon in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor?" Another person said in disbelief.

"This..." Several people looked at each other, and they all saw the shock in each other's eyes.

The same was true for Gong Zhichou and the others on the other side, who jumped up from the half asleep and half awake, jumped to the top of the tree, and looked towards the source of the roaring sound.

"What a terrible roar!" Qian Feng secretly swallowed his saliva.

"Yeah, I don't know what happened to the Mausoleum of the First Emperor." Gong Zhichou felt a little regretful, but he knew that going there rashly might be life-threatening.


"General, we have arrived." Two Yin spirits came over and said respectfully to Meng Tianfang.

"Okay." Meng Tianfang nodded, distributed Ye Mingzhu to Mo Xiaoyan and his daughters one by one, and then said: "Brother Ye, let's go down."

Ye Wentian nodded, and a group of people stepped down from the Qinglong Mechanism Beast one by one.

Meng Tianfang stood outside the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, and nodded towards the two Yin spirits. The two Yin spirits looked at Meng Tianfang with great reluctance, and it took a long time before they turned around and opened the green dragon to enter the Mausoleum of the First Emperor again.

After an unknown amount of time, the green dragon roared again from the Mausoleum of the First Emperor, and then the entire mountain began to tremble violently.

"This... the Mausoleum of the First Emperor is about to collapse!" Bai Qiushuang said softly, grabbing Ye Wentian's arm.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, it's time to end what should be over." Ye Wentian nodded.

Meng Tianfang stared blankly, motionless, just like a statue, Wei An's figure was tall and straight, with a gentle breeze, but unfortunately he lacked a cloak, otherwise he would be more heroic.

(End of this chapter)

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