Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 545 The Return

Chapter 545 The Return
When the roar of Qinglong finally stopped, the whole mountain was already much shorter.Ye Wentian's divine sense saw that those Yin spirits were enveloped by an inexplicable Dao Yun one by one, drifting away into the distance, and disappeared in an instant.

"I hope they can be heroes again in the next life." Ye Wentian prayed silently in his heart.

The morning light has arrived, and through the mist, mischievously sprinkles warmth on the faces of all the people, dispelling the coldness of the night.

Ye Wentian glanced at Zhao Min in his arms, at the moment she was still fast asleep, very peaceful, maybe she didn't have any dreams, letting go is the best choice.

Meng Tianfang frowned slightly, a trace of heat came out of his body, his skin was burning.

He hadn't seen the sun for more than 2000 years, and his skin couldn't stand the heat of the sun.

Meng Tian let go of his whole body's energy, but found that it was not very effective, even the inside of his body seemed to be burning, and this feeling became more and more intense as time went by, his whole blood began to boil.

Everyone was surprised to see smoke coming from Meng Tianfang's body, but Ye Wentian already knew about this situation.

If the battle between the two was held during the daytime, there would be no suspense, and Meng Tianfang would undoubtedly lose, and it was still a disastrous defeat.

"Brother Meng, don't worry, I can help you." Ye Wentian handed Zhao Min to Yang Jing, and then his body flashed, and his palms rested on Meng Tianfang's back.

The original divine power entered Meng Tianfang's body, and immediately made Meng Tianfang feel as if he suddenly found sweet spring water after being hungry and thirsty in the desert for countless days, all the cells in his body became active.

Meng Tianfang let out a mouthful of turbid air freely, and opened his eyes, a gleam of light shone from his originally dull pupils, and his whole body became full of energy.

"Brother Ye, it's alright." Little, Meng Tianfang said.

Ye Wentian nodded and withdrew his hand.

Meng Tianfang turned his head and looked at Ye Wentian in shock, because he found that not only could he accept the sunshine, but what was even more outrageous was that his cultivation had improved a step further in this short period of time, which indicated that he The distance from the half-step golden core realm has narrowed.

"Brother Meng, why are you looking at me like that?" Ye Wentian rubbed his chin and blinked at Meng Tianfang.

"Brother Ye, I dare to conclude that the secrets in you may scare me to death." Meng Tianfang said in shock.

"That's right." Ye Wentian smiled slightly: "Okay, let's go."

Although Yang Jing already knew that Ye Wentian's zhenqi was miraculous, she was still a little shocked when she felt it again, and this was especially true for Iron Fan, Yuan Qin, Yilan, and Yan Suifeng.

Arranging good people, Ye Wentian took Zhao Min from Yang Jing, Yan Suifeng took Wu Qianqian and Wang Hu, Yang Jing took Wu Qian and Huang Xiangling, Iron Fan took Mo Xiaoyan, Yuan Qin took Yuan Lin and Xiao Yuxin , Yilan took Ruan Xiaoyu and Xiao Yuxin, while Meng Tianfang took Mo Xiaoyan and Bai Qiushuang.

Everything was ready, Ye Wentian led the way, and they followed one after another. Two hours later, the sound of "huh~~huh~~" was heard from a distance, and there were faintly the sound of Xiaodie and Xiaofeng playing.

A few figures fell, and Ye Wentian and the others stopped in this small mountain village.

"Brother Tian." Seeing Ye Wentian's safe and sound return, Dongfang Ning breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the others, and there were even acquaintances: "Xiang Ling, Xiao Yu, Yu Xin, Wang Hu, Xiao Lin, why don't you Here?" "Xiao Ning." Seeing Dongfang Ning, the three girls immediately came to greet her, and Wang Hu and Yuan Lin also came to say hello.

"Brother Tian~~"

"Brother Tian~~"

Seeing Ye Wentian appearing at the west end of the village, Xiaofeng and Xiaodie immediately ran over.

"How are you two practicing? You are not being naughty." Ye Wentian patted the heads of the two, seeing Xiaodie, Ye Wentian couldn't help but think of Dieyi.

"Brother Tian, ​​look." The two little guys immediately fiddled with the first movement of Hongmeng Daohua Jue.

After fiddling with it for a while, it finally looked good, but as soon as it looked at Ye Wentian with a smile all over its face, Xiaofeng fell down. Jing laughed, but with this smile, the body lost its balance, and then fell down.

"Not bad, you two guys are more talented than the few apprentices I have taken." Ye Wentian nodded in satisfaction.

"Brother Tian, ​​is it true?" Xiaofeng, who had blamed himself just now, immediately became full of confidence.

"Yeah, those guys have practiced for a few months to get to what you are now, which shows how smart you are." Although it was a bit exaggerated, Ye Wentian naturally had to say this to give the two of them confidence.

"Why are they so stupid? Xiaodie and I have only practiced for a few hours." Xiaofeng was overjoyed, and then he and Xiaodie fought a set of punches in front of Ye Wentian and the others, and they looked decent.

"Brother Tian, ​​who is the sister you are hugging? And who are these beautiful uncles, aunts, brothers, and sisters?" Xiaodie asked curiously, and finally He Xiaofeng fixed his eyes on the man who was still wearing a suit of armor. Monty put it on him.

"She is your sister Xiao Min, they are..." Ye Wentian introduced them one by one.

"Oh, what's wrong with sister Xiao Min? Are you asleep?" Xiaodie then asked.

"That's right, I fell asleep, how about letting sister Xiao Min sleep in your bed?" Ye Wentian asked.

"Okay, Brother Tian, ​​come with me." Xiaodie happily brought Ye Wentian to his home.

Ye Wentian put Zhao Min on Xiaodie's bed, covered her with a quilt, and a group of people walked out.

According to Ye Wentian's estimate, Zhao Min would not be able to wake up until night, and then told everyone to go out, and asked Meng Tianfang to stay alone.

Dongfang Ning understood everything from Huang Xiangling and the others, and she was extremely surprised when she learned that Meng Tianfang was still alive.

Knowing that there are guests coming again, the village head greeted the two hundred or so people in the village to prepare for the feast tonight.

Some of the young men in the village got the martial arts taught by Dongfang Ning. Although it was just the beginning and there was no effect, everyone in the village was very grateful.

The poorer the people, the more honest they are, less intrigue and more truth, kindness and beauty.

"We're back!" At the west end of the village, several men and women emerged from the woods, among them were willow trees and little flowers.

"The harvest is good, fish, hares, pheasants, and a small wild boar weighing several tens of catties." Ye Wentian's voice came from a distance, and he had already appeared in front of them in a blink of an eye.

The guy with the boar on his back looked at Ye Wentian dumbfounded, with little stars in his eyes.

"Master, please accept me as your apprentice." Without waiting for Liu Shu and the others to say hello, this dark guy actually knelt down in front of Ye Wentian, looking at Ye Wentian expectantly.

This sudden move made Liu Shu and Xiao Hua speechless for a while, especially Liu Shu, wishing he could beat this bitch up.

(End of this chapter)

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