Chapter 55
Time, 06:30 AM.

The two had just finished their breakfast, and Ye Wentian took the initiative to wash the dishes.Putting on casual clothes, Zhou Xiaotong immediately turned into a valiant heroine, but her hot figure was even more alluring under Ye Wentian's training.

At this moment, a cell phone rang.

Zhou Xiaotong walked over, picked up the phone and saw that it was Gongsun Linglong calling, she wrinkled beautifully, and immediately pressed the answer button.

When the phone was connected, the first thing that came out was not Gongsun Linglong's voice, but the sound of a series of bullets colliding and bombs.

"Linglong!" Zhou Xiaotong shouted loudly.

At the same time, Ye Wentian also heard the voice from the phone, and he exchanged a glance with Zhou Xiaotong. The two immediately went downstairs, and Zhou Xiaotong quickly started the car and rushed out.

"Sister Xiaotong, we have been attacked by terrorists, and their firepower is fierce!" Gongsun Linglong said in a hurried voice.

"Okay, I get it, you hang on for a while, I'll be there right away." Zhou Xiaotong hung up the phone, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car sped along. At the same time, he told Xiao Li and the others not to act rashly, otherwise, Xiao Li would only be killed instantly when he met those terrorists. portion.

It was still early, and there was less traffic on the road. Although it violated the traffic rules, when they saw that it was Zhou Xiaotong's car, the traffic police didn't chase it down.

Originally, it would have taken at least an hour to arrive at the normal speed, but Zhou Xiaotong arrived at the scene of the accident in 10 minutes.

If there is a car accident at such a speed, Zhou Xiaotong will be seriously injured, even fatally, no matter how good his skills are.

Ye Wentian's cultivation base has dropped to the late Huang level, but his physical strength is still at the peak of the late prefecture level, and there is something more important, which is spiritual consciousness.

Ye Wentian's consciousness can now extend to 300 meters away. When the incident happened, Ye Wentian's consciousness instantly locked on a person. That person was a sniper hiding in a secret place. When he heard the sound of a car, that person The reaction speed is very fast, and the sniper rifle is aimed at the wheel immediately.

"Be careful!" Ye Wentian tore off the seat belts on Zhou Xiaotong and himself, then grabbed Zhou Xiaotong and rammed them out of the car.


As soon as Ye Wentian and Zhou Xiaotong rushed out of the car, the whole car rolled over in an instant, rubbing against the ground for a distance of tens of meters, and with a loud bang, the car split open and burst into flames.

"Hmph~~ You are looking for death! I will let you be the first to pay homage to my flying needle!" Ye Wentian moved his mind, and a silver needle in the Qiankun Ring flashed quickly, and the sniper just pointed the gun at Ye Wentian , The whole body lost consciousness in an instant, a silver needle passed through his eyebrows, and flew back to Ye Wentian's palm.

Ye Wentian looked at the corpse coldly. Suddenly, his body went limp and he almost fell down. At this moment, he supported him with both hands.

"Wentian, what's wrong with you?" Zhou Xiaotong also found the sniper at this time, but found that the sniper was lying on the ground, obviously dead, and was shocked, but seeing Ye Wentian's situation, he was worried for a while.

"It's okay!" Ye Wentian forced himself to stand up. He didn't expect to consume so much effort to use the spiritual weapon. He wasn't fully recovered in the first place, and he almost fell asleep just now.

"It seems that the current cultivation level is still too low!" Ye Wentian sighed secretly.

Seeing that Ye Wentian's complexion gradually improved again, she finally felt relieved. She knew that Ye Wentian had many secrets, but she knew that if Ye Wentian wanted to talk about some things, he would naturally tell her.


Not far away, there was another explosion, this time a terrorist bombarded with a rocket launcher, and the target of the attack was Gongsun Linglong and his group.

"No, let's go to the rescue."

Not far away, the abandoned factory was blasted with a big hole by the rocket launcher, and the fire kept burning.

Fortunately, there was the protective umbrella of the factory, and those bullets couldn't get in at all, but now, the bazooka directly opened the gap in the protective umbrella of the factory.

Seeing this situation, Ye Wentian was also worried for a while. The opponent's firepower was concentrated, and they obviously wanted to concentrate their firepower to break through Gongsun Linglong's defense.

"It would be great if Xiaotong sister was an inner family practitioner!" Ye Wentian sighed inwardly. If Zhou Xiaotong was an inner family practitioner, it would be able to support his body for a period of time, and he could use the nine silver coins during this time. Needle wiped out the opponent in one fell swoop, but now relying on his own hard work to support him, he can kill at most five or six terrorists, and then he will become Zhou Xiaotong's drag instead.

The two slowly approached the factory, but a sniper spotted them not far away. Fortunately, the two were agile and avoided the bullets.

"Sister Xiaotong, there is no cover around the front, so it is very difficult for us to get into the factory like this." Ye Wentian held Zhou Xiaotong and analyzed carefully.

"Then what should we do?" Zhou Xiaotong knew that Ye Wentian was right.

"Gun!" Ye Wentian said.

"Gun?" Zhou Xiaotong was taken aback, looked at the pistol on his waist, shook his head and said, "The effective range of the pistol is only 50 meters. They say we have more than 200 meters. It's useless."

"Your gun is useless, but it doesn't mean his gun is useless." Ye Wentian smiled and pointed to the sniper he had just killed.

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaotong's eyes lit up immediately, his heart was filled with joy, and he quickly kissed Ye Wentian on the face.

"I'll go right away." Zhou Xiaotong immediately became excited.

"Wait!" Ye Wentian held Zhou Xiaotong back: "It's best for me to go!"

"You can……"


Before Zhou Xiaotong finished speaking, a black spot suddenly appeared in Ye Wentian's consciousness. It was a grenade. Ye Wentian was shocked, hugged Zhou Xiaotong, kicked his feet hard on the ground, and his whole body was ejected instantly.

At the same time, a sniper among the opposing terrorists shot instantly. Although Ye Wentian was so fast that his eyes could barely see clearly, the sniper still aimed at Ye Wentian based on his feeling. .



"Hiss!" Ye Wentian hugged Zhou Xiaotong and landed in a small piece of shelter, feeling the burning pain behind him, and gasped involuntarily.

"Wentian, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Ye Wentian's wonderful expression, Zhou Xiaotong was worried for a while, and carefully checked Ye Wentian's body.

In the end, a sniper bullet was found on the left back of Ye Wentian's back, which happened to be embedded in the muscles of Ye Wentian's back, but there was still a small tail left.

"It hurts me to death!" Ye Wentian stretched out his hand and scratched his back.

"do not move."

Zhou Xiaotong stopped Ye Wentian's movements, and at the same time was shocked by the abnormal strength of Ye Wentian's body. If this bullet hit the same part of her body, it would definitely pass through her heart. The result can be imagined, but Ye Wentian It's incredible that Wentian's body can block such a powerful bullet.

(End of this chapter)

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