Chapter 56

"Sister Xiaotong, what are you still doing, help me take out the bullet!" Ye Wentian said anxiously.

"Removing the bullet can't stop your bleeding now," Zhou Xiaotong said.

"..." Ye Wentian's head was filled with black lines: "Sister Xiaotong, it's not like you don't know my abilities, don't worry, help me take it out, my body will automatically stop the bleeding."

"Oh, good." Zhou Xiaotong was also too worried about Ye Wentian's accident, so he was in a hurry and forgot Ye Wentian's magical ability. Hearing Ye Wentian's words, he gently pinched the bullet and quickly pulled it out. .

Sure enough, the blood was still flowing slowly at first, but after two or three seconds, the blood from the wound gradually solidified, and it never flowed out again.

"Sister Xiaotong, it's safer here. You stay here and I'll deal with them." Ye Wentian patted Zhou Xiaotong on the shoulder and said.

"Okay, be careful." Zhou Xiaotong thought for a while, and finally decided to choose a man who believed in her.

Ye Wentian got up, lowered his center of gravity and jumped, avoiding the sniper's lock, and came to the side of the dead sniper.

Holding a gun for the first time, and it was a high-end product, Ye Wentian was in a calm state of mind without any disturbance.

From Hu Tiequan, Ye Wentian learned a lot. The closer he was to the edge of life and death, the more he had to be calm. Only by being calm can he face the problems that are coming or have already come.

Scanning the entire sniper rifle with consciousness, he instantly understood the structure of the sniper rifle. Immediately afterwards, Ye Wentian made an unexpected move and directly removed the sniper scope. You know, no matter how powerful a sniper is, if he does not have a sniper scope , his hit rate will also drop significantly, but Ye Wentian's move seems very crazy.

Having prepared everything, Ye Wentian picked up the sniper rifle, closed his eyes, and locked the target completely by hearing and spiritual sense.

200 meters away, a terrorist was sweeping with a heavy machine gun. Ye Wentian swung the tip of his sniper gun, pointed it at the man, and pulled the trigger immediately.


With a clear sound, the crackling of the machine gun stopped instantly, and the terrorist's head was pierced by a bullet, and he lay on the ground forever.

quiet!Absolute silence, deathly silence!
The terrorists stopped their sweeping movements and kept scanning the Ye snipers hiding in the dark.

"Hmph~~ The good show is just beginning!" Ye Wentian sneered in his heart.

"It's your turn, you give me a shot, this shot is returned to you, it's reciprocal." Ye Wentian swung the head of the sniper gun again, the sniper who had been locking on Ye Wentian's position was still waiting for Ye Wentian to stretch out his body Any part, but he was wrong, what Ye Wentian revealed was just a sniper rifle.

Ye Wentian pulled the trigger again, a bullet flew by, boom, with a slight crisp sound, the sniper fell to the ground instantly, leaving him with endless doubts, he didn't know where the bullet came from Yes, because he didn't see any part of Ye Wentian's body exposed from the beginning to the end, who killed him.

"Everyone be alert, there are snipers!" The leading terrorist whispered.

However, although his voice was quiet, Ye Wentian still heard him, he pulled the trigger, and what rewarded the terrorist was a merciless bullet.

Seeing that their leader was dead, the other terrorists became even more nervous. They looked around but saw no one.

But what they didn't expect was that they were rewarded with ruthless bullets.

Ye Wentian changed positions, and the remaining terrorists had just noticed Ye Wentian's movements and were about to shoot and kill Ye Wentian, but the bullets sent to them immediately exploded in the head.

"Solution!" Ye Wentian stood on the open space, straightened his body, looked in Zhou Xiaotong's direction, with a vague smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Zhou Xiaotong poked his head out, seeing Ye Wentian looking at her and laughing, and then looking at the corpses lying on the ground, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"Why is there no gunfire?" Gongsun Linglong was curious, poked his head out quietly, and saw corpses and a figure that made him dream, his little heart was beating non-stop.

"Everyone, come out, the terrorists have been dealt with!" Gongsun Linglong shouted.

Ba Song and Wen Bo hid on the ground in a corner, with layers of shields placed in front of them. Hearing Gongsun Linglong's words, they finally let go of their hearts and almost collapsed from fright.

It's just that when he heard Gongsun Linglong's words, many expressions flashed in Wenbo's eyes, full of resentment and helplessness.

"Wentian, you are awesome!" Zhou Xiaotong hugged Ye Wentian, and kissed him on the face again and again.

"Of course, I don't even look at who I am!" Ye Wentian trembled in his heart, and a pair of salty pig's hands were dishonestly kneading Zhou Xiaotong's body.

"Bastard!" Zhou Xiaotong didn't expect Ye Wentian to become more and more unscrupulous. He wanted to break free from Ye Wentian's bad hands, but his body was so weak that he really didn't have much strength.

"Screw my husband and I'll let you go." Ye Wentian played a rogue.

"No, they have come out!" Zhou Xiaotong was anxious for a while.

"I won't let go until you tell me!" Ye Wentian acted like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

There was no other way, Zhou Xiaotong had no choice but to compromise.

"Husband..." Zhou Xiaotong's voice was very low, like a mosquito, if it wasn't for Ye Wentian's sensitive ears, he really wouldn't be able to hear it.

"Hey~~ Not bad, good wife!" Ye Wentian lifted Zhou Xiaotong's jaw and quickly pecked.

Zhou Xiaotong immediately jumped away, glared at Ye Wentian, and then walked towards Gongsun Linglong.

The last scene just now was obviously seen by Gongsun Linglong and the others. Although Gongsun Linglong was a little jealous, she knew that she couldn't help it. Now Ye Wentian didn't know her at all.

Zhou Xiaotong briefly told Gongsun Linglong and his party what happened just now, and Ye Wentian happened to walk over, and immediately got the group's attention.


"Hello, my name is Gongsun Linglong, great hero, you are really amazing." Gongsun Linglong didn't wait for Ye Wentian to introduce herself, and took the lead in introducing herself and expressing her admiration for Ye Wentian.

"..." Ye Wentian made a black line again, then smiled and said, "Hello, Miss Linglong, hello everyone, my name is Ye Wentian, nice to meet you all."

"Brother Ye, I didn't expect your skills to be so good. It's a pity not to join our special forces." A special soldier said.

"I like the life of idle clouds and wild cranes, and now I am still a student, and I am very restrained in the army. I can't stand the hard life." Ye Wentian laughed.

"Hehe~" Hearing Ye Wentian's words, the others smiled noncommittally, but they also knew that Ye Wentian didn't mean to join their ranks, and they didn't insist.

A few people chatted for a while and began to clean up the corpses. The equipment of those people was naturally collected by Gongsun Linglong and the others. These terrorists knew that they were worth a lot when they saw it, otherwise they would not have been equipped with such good equipment.

(End of this chapter)

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