Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 550 I miss you

Chapter 550 I miss you
"Village Chief, dinner is ready, everyone can start." Ye Wentian ignored Yang Shan directly, he knew that the more he quarreled with this guy, the more endless this guy would be.

The village chief exchanged some polite words with Ye Wentian, and as soon as he shouted, someone came to distribute these delicacies immediately, and the others lined up.

Meng Tianfang only had Zhao Min in his eyes. Seeing Zhao Min looking at Ye Wentian with affection in his eyes, he felt very uncomfortable, but he always thought that he owed Han Donger. , it can definitely be done, but it's a pity that his stupid loyalty ruined his happiness.

"Dong'er, are you feeling better?" Meng Tianfang quietly walked to Zhao Min's side, and said softly.

At this moment, for Zhao Min, he has changed into modern clothes, and even his hair has been changed into short hair. Not to mention, a handsome guy will always be a handsome guy, especially with his military temperament, the whole person is mighty and extraordinary, It's just that in front of Zhao Min, he has an image of a tender husband.

"I'm fine." Zhao Minxiu frowned slightly, she was about to get angry, but inadvertently, that unforgettable memory flashed in her mind, making her suppress her anger again.

"That's good, I'll get you something to eat." Meng Tianfang said.

Zhao Min was just about to say no, but Meng Tianfang had already walked over quickly.Soon, I got delicious meals and roast wolf meat from Ye Wentian.

"Dong'er, I didn't expect Brother Ye's cooking skills to be so good, so hurry up and try it while it's hot." Meng Tianfang handed the bowl and chopsticks to Zhao Min, and said with a smile.

Zhao Min looked at Meng Tianfang's considerate look, and the time when the two were intimate together appeared again in his mind.

Zhao Min frowned, trying to get rid of those memories that shouldn't exist now, but those memories were like flesh and blood on his body, and he couldn't get rid of them.

"My name is Zhao Min, not Han Dong'er." Zhao Min quickly took the bowl and chopsticks in Meng Tianfang's hand, then walked to the side of the wooden chair and sat down.

Meng Tianfang followed closely.

"Okay, from now on I'll call you... Minmin, how about it?" Meng Tianfang said.

Zhao Min ate delicious food, and when he heard Meng Tianfang's address, he paused for a while and continued eating without saying anything.

Seeing that Zhao Min didn't speak, Meng Tian was relieved to be overjoyed, and stared at Zhao Min as he ate in small bites.

After all, Zhao Min is a child of a big family, especially under the good influence of her mother, the way she eats is very cute.

"Can you stop watching me eat like this, if you're hungry, you can go and get some." Zhao Min felt like a giant panda in a zoo, and it was uncomfortable being stared at.

"I...I'm not hungry." Meng Tianfang smiled awkwardly. It's hard to imagine that the majestic and majestic General Meng would be so humble. Once upon a time, even when facing Qin Shihuang, Meng Tianfang couldn't speak. It is sonorous and powerful, with extraordinary momentum, but facing Zhao Min, he has already let go of everything.

Ye Wentian was holding a big wolf leg, biting it with big mouthfuls, why should he reward his stomach after working hard for a while?

"Brother Tian, ​​do you think there is hope for Zhao Min and Brother Meng?" Wu Qianqian and the girls looked at Ye Wentian and said.

"I guess..." Ye Wentian finished speaking halfway, took a bite of wolf meat, and chewed carefully: "Not bad, not bad, today's skill is barely up to par."

"Brother Tian, ​​your craftsmanship is nothing to say, I can't wait to keep you..." Wu Qianqian felt that the words were wrong, so she glanced weakly at Yan Suifeng, but Yan Suifeng is a slow-witted guy. There was no reaction at all, so I immediately felt relieved.

"Brother Tian, ​​do you have to change the subject?" Mo Xiaoyan and Bai Qiushuang pouted and looked at Ye Wentian dissatisfied.

"Okay, let me say it." Ye Wentian shook his head, and then said: "The previous life is related to the present life, and now Zhao Min has integrated Han Donger's memory. Don't think about it. Han Donger's obsession is very deep, especially for him. Meng Tianfang's affection, and this obsession, will definitely affect Zhao Min subtly. I guess, if it weren't for the appearance of this handsome guy, the two of them would probably not have any troubles. Maybe they are already on the right track, and they are just waiting to get married I have a baby."

"Brother Tian, ​​I suddenly realized that you are also very narcissistic." Bai Qiushuang and Mo Xiaoyan rolled their eyes.

"I always just tell the truth, okay?" Ye Wentian said seriously.

"Honestly speaking, I think Brother Tian is right. Brother Tian is indeed very attractive. If it wasn't for Brother Tian, ​​you already have so many girlfriends. Maybe Miss Ben would have succumbed in front of you." Wu Qianqian said honestly.

When Yan Suifeng heard this, his handsome face immediately collapsed, looking at Ye Wentian's expression, not to mention how rich it was.

"Although Brother Meng is not as good as Brother Tian, ​​he is still a handsome guy, and even a brave and invincible general. His strength is earth-shattering. The most important thing is that he is consistent with his feelings. To have such a man as a husband is very important to our women. There are no regrets." After speaking, Wu Qianqian looked up at Yan Suifeng and said, "But I think Brother Meng is still not as handsome as my Brother Yan, at least Brother Meng is not as handsome as my Brother Yan, hehe hee~~"

Hearing this, Yan Suifeng felt as if he had been slapped with chicken blood, and his face that had just been suffering immediately burst into a smile.

Looking at this scene, Bai Qiushuang and Mo Xiaoyan laughed coquettishly without covering their mouths, but when they thought of the insurmountable gap between themselves and Ye Wentian that day, their newly raised mood immediately sank down.

Ye Wentian naturally noticed this scene, so he pretended not to know, gnawed on the little wolf leg left, and enjoyed it happily.

A big wolf leg had just been wiped out, when Ye Wentian sensed the phone ringing in the Qiankun ring.

Sweeping over with his spiritual sense, he found that it was Xuanyuan Xiaoyu who called. Thinking of Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's long-lost face, Ye Wentian felt a sense of warmth.

It would be a lie to say that he has no feelings for Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, but Ye Wentian chose to bury this feeling.

Ye Wentian threw away the wolf bone, walked to an empty corner alone, and quickly connected the phone.

But when the phone was connected, neither side made a sound, and they could hear each other's breathing from the phone.

"Wentian, it's great to hear your voice!" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu opened her mouth slightly, and finally spoke first.

Just one sentence made Ye Wentian feel the urge to cry. He knew Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's affection for him, but Ye Wentian would choose to carry out the things he had promised his wife without hesitation. This was a promise to his wife, and it was also a promise. The responsibilities of a husband.

"Sister Xiaoyu, where are you now?" Ye Wentian asked.

"Office, you?" Xuanyuan Xiaoyu said.

"I'm in a mountain village, and I'm having a bonfire party with the villagers. It's very lively." Ye Wentian said.

"That must be very interesting." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu had a look of longing.

"Well, the people in the village are very simple and hospitable." Ye Wentian said.

"I really hope to be able to participate." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's voice was full of regret.

Ye Wentian didn't answer this time, he always felt that Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's tone was a bit weird.

"Sister Xiaoyu, are you okay?" Ye Wentian asked.

"It's okay." Xuanyuan Xiaoyu smiled lightly, a little fascinated: "Wentian, I miss you!"

(End of this chapter)

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