Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 551 Yuan Qin's thoughts

Chapter 551 Yuan Qin's thoughts

Ye Wentian's heart was shaken, something was completely touched, he was about to speak, and then there was a beeping sound, and the other party had obviously hung up the phone.

Ye Wentian sighed slightly, looked at the missed calls in the phone, there were many, including calls from Xiao Yuquan, Ye Qing, Wang Jiutian and Ye Tailong, and several calls from Zhang Jing a phone call.

Ye Wentian took advantage of this time to return the calls one by one, and finally asked Zhang Jing about Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, but she hadn't been there recently, and she didn't know about Xuanyuan Xiaoyu.

"Brother Tian, ​​did something happen?" Dongfang Ning's gentle voice came from behind.

Ye Wentian took back his phone, turned around, and smiled slightly: "It's okay."

"Brother Tian, ​​I am your wife, and I can also be your most loyal listener. If you have any troubles, you can talk to me." Dongfang Ning hugged Ye Wentian's waist, and looked at Ye Wentian tenderly.

"It's really fine, don't think too much about it." Ye Wentian pinched Dongfang Ning's little face, kissed her on the forehead, and then the two walked out holding hands.

Seeing Ye Wentian come out, the village chief hurriedly dragged him to dance together, Ye Wentian had no choice but to dance with them.

Many young women from the village surrounded Ye Wentian, forming a circle to enclose Ye Wentian.

Some young guys complained about Ye Wentian, but Ye Wentian was a guest, so they had no choice but to overturn the jar of bitterness and swallow it in their stomachs.

Seeing this, Ah Shui got into it with a thought.

"Brother Tian, ​​you danced with Xiao Hua last time, let's dance together this time." Ah Shui pursed his lips, looking at Ye Wentian expectantly.

"Beauty Ah Shui has said so, can I still refuse." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, and danced the dance woven by their village with Ah Shui.

Together, Huang Xiangling, Ruan Xiaoyu, Xiao Yuxin and Yilan watched Ye Wentian's every move silently, and were not in the mood to dance with the villagers.

"Brother Tian, ​​you are such a genius at dancing, you learned it so quickly." Ah Shui looked at Ye Wentian with some surprise. The two of them just danced a new dance, but Ye Wentian and her danced it once. , and has even surpassed her.

"Don't forget that I'm your elder brother, who should be a good example for younger brothers and sisters." Ye Wentian smiled slightly: "Okay, if we jump like this again, some people will be jealous. "

Ye Wentian looked at Ah Shui and smiled slightly, then walked towards Huang Xiangling and the third daughter.

"Three beauties, I wonder if I have the honor to invite the three of you to dance together?" Ye Wentian imitated a gentleman and bowed to Huang Xiangling's three daughters.

Ruan Xiaoyu and the three girls looked at Ye Wentian with a slight smile, and looked at each other, but they didn't get up.

"Hey~~ I'm really disappointed, it seems that this handsome guy is not charming enough." Ye Wentian shook his head.

"My lord, I wonder if the little girl can dance with you?" Yuan Qin stood up at this time, and looked at Ye Wentian with eyes like autumn water. This glance made Ye Wentian's heart sore up.

"Okay." Ye Wentian nodded.

"My lord, can my little girl teach you another dance?" Yuan Qin's beautiful voice came again.

"I'll listen to you." Ye Wentian nodded.

Yuan Qin smiled coquettishly, that smile seemed to be a non-human smile, and some men who were paying attention to this side couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

"Miss Yuan, it's really hard to imagine that there are such troublesome beauties like you in this world. I'm afraid the ancient Xishi Diaochan can only hide her face when she meets you." Ye Wentian sighed.

"But the young master sees the little girl as if he saw an ordinary person." Yuan Qin said while dancing while holding Ye Wentian's hand.

"I didn't force myself to be calm. Watching you for a long time is really a kind of torture and test." Ye Wentian said with a smile.

"That son is the one who can easily pass the test." Yuan Qin said.

"Don't flatter me." Ye Wentian shook his head, and continued: "You are the lord of Yaoyue Palace, and you are also a celestial body, it seems that you should have practiced the art of flattering hearts."

"Young master has a wide range of knowledge. It's really good. What I practice is the supreme heart method of our Yaoyue Palace, the Charm Jue. Only I have the entire copy of this exercise, and everyone else only has a part of it. Even the elders of Yaoyue Palace It's the same." Yuan Qin said.

"You tell me such a secret thing, aren't you afraid that I will leak it out?" Ye Wentian was taken aback, looking at Yuan Qin with some surprise.

"Yuan Qin is now the son of the son, and the son can know everything about the little girl." Yuan Qin said seriously.

Ye Wentian was taken aback, looking at Yuan Qin, it didn't seem like she was lying, but now Ye Wentian couldn't believe the appearance, because when the acting skills reached a certain level, even experts in this field would have difficulty quickly distinguishing the truth from the fake, while Zhao Min is a good example.

"Then can you tell me why you are still a virgin? This makes me puzzled. If I guess correctly, Yuan Lin should be your disciple?" Ye Wentian said.

Yuan Qin didn't expect that Ye Wentian could even see this, she paused, and looked at Ye Wentian in surprise.

"Is there any embarrassment?" Ye Wentian stared at Yuan Qin. Among the three women, Yi Lan, Iron Fan and Yuan Qin, only Yuan Qin made him feel that he had ulterior motives.

"My lord, please forgive my servant!" Suddenly, Yuan Qin knelt down towards Ye Wentian.

When everyone saw this scene, they looked at this side without being surprised.

Ye Wentian frowned, quickly pulled Yuan Qin up, and walked aside.

"Let's talk." Ye Wentian's tone was a bit hostile.

"My lord, I used to focus on improving my cultivation and strengthening the Yueyue Palace, so I did some unscrupulous things..." Yuan Qin explained everything to Ye Wentian intermittently.

Hearing Yuan Qin's narration, Ye Wen knew the reason for Yuan Lin's death.In order to break through to the innate state, Yuan Qin did not hesitate to sacrifice Yuan Lin's charming body to let her do that kind of thing with a man in the sect, let that man absorb Yuan Lin's Yuan Yin and let her absorb all of her Yuan Qi. Can quickly improve skills.

Ye Wentian thought that the reason why Yuan Lin saw the change in her eyes was because her physique was very attractive, which made her have bad thoughts, but what she didn't expect was that Ye Wentian's strength was too abnormal, and she had no chance to make a move. .

"It seems that your Charm Art is not that simple, and you can absorb Yuanyang without that." Ye Wentian was a little shocked.

"It is recorded in the Meixin Jue that this is actually a self-cultivation method. I didn't understand the meaning of self-cultivation before, but I didn't understand it until after this incident." Yuan Qin said.

"It turned out to be a self-cultivation technique!" Ye Wentian was a little surprised, and then said, "Then you approached me, do you mean to get my idea?"

"My lord, does have this meaning, but I..." Yuan Qin looked at Ye Wentian weakly, hesitating.

(End of this chapter)

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