Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 552 The Bitter Taste

Chapter 552 The Bitter Taste

"Go ahead." Ye Wentian frowned slightly.

"But after getting in touch with the young master slowly, this is the first time that this servant has fallen in love with a man." After Yuan Qin finished speaking, she felt her whole body relax a lot.

"Ahem~~ Well, to be honest, you are very tempting, but I am just a passer-by in your life, you can leave tomorrow, you are also the Palace Master of the Moon Palace, and the Moon Palace needs you." Honestly speaking Seeing stunners like Yuan Qin and men who don't want to do that kind of thing, there is definitely something wrong with that aspect, but Ye Wen knows that in life, he will not do something just because of his momentary desire. Some careless things, this is not his code of conduct, if he does that, he is no different from an animal.

"My lord, I don't ask for anything, I just want to be by my side and ask my lord to agree. Yaoyue Palace has other elders who preside over daily affairs. If my lord agrees, my servant can give up the position of palace master." Yuan Qin looked at Ye Ye firmly. Ask God.

Ye Wentian glanced at Yuan Qin, and then looked away. After watching for a long time, he must be deeply trapped. Her magic power is too great.

"Young Master." Seeing Ye Wentian's silence, Yuan Qin's charming voice came again.

"It's decided like this, you can leave early tomorrow morning." Ye Wentian said firmly.

"Master, is Yuan Qin not good? I am at least a congenital master. Although my cooking skills are not as good as your master, I think I am pretty good. Besides, if you have any needs, Yuan Qin will spare no effort to satisfy you." Yuan Qin said softly.

Ye Wentian couldn't help but smiled wryly: "To tell you the truth, I really can't control the day I will get you done if I keep you by my side."

"That's the honor of the slave." Yuan Qin's face suddenly turned red, as if she had applied a layer of rouge, extremely glamorous.

"You want to follow me so earnestly, I only think you have ulterior motives." Ye Wentian frowned slightly, seeing Yuan Qin's more beautiful face, subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and quickly turned around to cover up his Awkward.

"Master, you are right. The little girl does have ulterior motives. I hope I can warm your bed and make you feel at ease. You may not know how attractive you are to women, especially for those of us who practice seductiveness. poison." Yuan Qin looked at Ye Wentian's back with fiery eyes, stood up suddenly, and rushed towards Ye Wentian.

But what she didn't expect was that an afterimage flashed past, and a cold hand had already pinched her neck, and at the same time several extremely cold icy forces entered her dantian.

"Cough cough~~" Yuan Qin's originally red face became even redder, and it became a luxury for her whole body to take a breath of fresh air. what a big deal.

But in just three breaths, she only felt that her internal organs were about to be frozen, but her body surface felt hot, and her whole body formed a world of ice and fire, which made her feel that life would be worse than death.

"Ning'er." Ye Wentian turned around, seeing Dongfang Ning's face covered with frost, his heart skipped a beat.

Hearing Ye Wentian's voice, Dongfang Ning frowned slightly, and the murderous intent on her body gradually faded, but her gaze on Yuan Qin was still as indifferent as ever.

Iron Fan, Yang Jing, and Yilan sensed the situation here, and hurried over here.Although Meng Tianfang knew what was going on here, but he knew that Ye Wentian was there, so he didn't come, and he focused on looking at his Minmin.

"My lord, what's the matter?" Yilan asked softly.

"Hey~~" Ye Wentian sighed slightly: "Ning'er, there is nothing wrong with her."

Dongfang Ning took a deep breath, and slammed Yuan Qin towards the big tree next to her. If she hit this time, she would definitely be injured.

Ye Wentian was startled, and quickly hugged Yuan Qin into his arms. Feeling the changes in Yuan Qin's body, Ye Wentian checked it out and was taken aback.

"This is going to kill her!" Ye Wentian secretly swallowed his saliva, turned his head and glanced at Dongfang Ning who turned away, and at the same time put a palm on Yuan Qin's back to resolve the pain for her strength.

"It seems that Ning'er's skill has also improved a lot, and I'm afraid she has reached the peak of the first heaven of the innate level." Ye Wentian was secretly surprised, but he was relieved when he thought of Dongfang Ning's identity.

"I hope this is the last time I see you!" Dongfang Ning said, she jumped and disappeared in an instant.

"What a wonderful lightness skill." Tie Fan, Yang Jing and Yi Lan were startled at the same time, and they all looked at each other, all of them turned pale with astonishment.

"Unexpectedly, the son's wife is so powerful." Iron Fan said to the two through voice transmission.

Yang Jing and Yilan nodded, and then walked to Ye Wentian's side.

"Is it better?" Ye Wentian withdrew his hand and asked softly.

"En." Yuan Qin nodded.

Ye Wentian glanced at Yang Jing's three daughters meaningfully, and the three daughters understood, and then walked away.

"Young Master." The three girls left for a while, Yuan Qin couldn't bear it anymore, hugged Ye Wentian's waist, lay in Ye Wentian's arms and began to cry.

Feeling the softness in front of him and the tantalizing fragrance, Ye Wentian didn't have any bad thoughts in his heart, and gently patted Yuan Qin's soft back. "Miss Yuan, you can also see that my wife can't tolerate sand in her eyes. It's not her fault. I think any qualified wife has this kind of thinking. I feel guilty to her because I can no longer treat her wholeheartedly. She, so I don't want to provoke other women to just add to her troubles, with your beauty and strength, I think I will be able to find a man who loves you and will accompany you through this life." Ye Wentian said softly.

Yuan Qin didn't speak, the sound of crying gradually weakened, and it took a long time before she left Ye Wentian's embrace, raised her head, and looked at Ye Wentian with red eyes.

Ye Wentian believed that this was the saddest time she had cried in a long time, maybe she didn't know what crying was, but tonight, she cried, and she was so sad.

"My lord, can I beg you one last time." Yuan Qin said slightly.

"Tell me, whoever can help you will help you." Ye Wentian said.

"I want to kiss you once." Yuan Qin lightly parted her vermilion lips, and looked at Ye Wentian in a daze: "Is that okay?" Ye Wentian didn't speak, and looked at Yuan Qin for a while, and already answered with practical actions.

I don't know how long it took, when Ye Wentian opened his eyes again, the corners of his mouth were still reminiscing about the sweetness and softness, the tip of his nose could still smell the intoxicating fragrance, and the coldness on his cheek told him that Yi Ren had been gone for a long time.

In life, nothing is perfect, perhaps because of this, there are so many memorable things.

"Losing, isn't it a kind of gain!" Ye Wentian murmured softly, with a bitter taste on the corner of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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