Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 559 Liu Zhaoyuan Disappears

Chapter 559 Liu Zhaoyuan Disappears

"Don't worry, if they have the guts to come, I will definitely make them come and go." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, and then said: "Killing God, you go to Jing'er's house, come over with Phantom and the others tomorrow, I have a task Arrange for you."

After a pause, Ye Wentian continued, "But I don't know if I can move you."

"Young master can use the killing god, and others will obey you unconditionally." The killing god said in a deep voice.

"It seems that you are still the backbone of your group." Ye Wentian nodded slightly: "Okay, let's go."

"Yes, young master!" After Shashen finished speaking, he jumped up and left in the air.

Ye Wentian glanced at the sky, feeling a little inexplicably sad for a moment, this emotion was full of worry about Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, and yearning for Dieyi.

Back in the hall, Wang Ma just greeted everyone to eat hot noodles.

Meng Tianfang looked around in surprise, this place is completely different from Xiaohua's village, and Xiaohua's village is a bit retro, but this place is completely like another paradise, which makes him very puzzled and puzzled.

"Brother Meng, come and eat noodles. You need to understand the daily things of this era as soon as possible, otherwise it will be difficult to catch up with Xiao Minmin. If you have any questions, you can ask Yilan and the others, and they will answer you enthusiastically." Ye Wen Tian whispered.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye!" Meng Tianfang said gratefully.

Ye Wentian patted Meng Tianfang's gesture of clasping his fists lightly, and beckoned him to the dining table.

Wang Ma looked at Meng Tianfang, and always felt that this person did not belong to the same era. Meng Tianfang naturally felt Wang Ma's gaze, and just looked at Wang Ma and nodded with a smile.

Ye Wentian knew that if Wang Ma found out that Meng Tianfang was the famous General Meng of the Qin Dynasty, she didn't know how surprised she would be.Fortunately, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's villa is very big, and after allocating the rooms, Dongfang Ning, Xiao Yuxin, Ruan Xiaoyu and Huang Xiangling entered Ye Wentian's room together.

Cultivation is an imminent matter for the three daughters of Xiao Yuxin, and it is really necessary to improve their own cultivation.

The palms of the five people faced each other, and Ye Wentian used the Hongmeng Dao Hua Jue to transform their bodies one after another, and then let them practice on their own.

Ye Wentian didn't waste time, he played with the sixth movement of Hongmeng Daohua Jue, and stabilized the realm of the sixth heaven of foundation establishment in one fell swoop.

One night passed, and the next day, Ye Wentian took Dongfang Ning, Xiao Yuxin, Ruan Xiaoyu, and Wang Hu to school. go straight back.

Under Ye Wentian's guidance, Meng Tianfang quickly learned to drive, and drove Zhao Min, Yuan Lin, Mo Xiaoyan and Bai Qiushuang to follow Ye Wentian.

When he arrived at the school, Meng Tianfang reluctantly watched Zhao Min leave without saying a word, and his heart was inevitably a little sad.

"Brother Meng, don't worry, if I'm not wrong, you are already on the road to success, work hard, Xiao Minmin will definitely accept you." Ye Wentian said.

"En." Meng Tianfang nodded.

"Oh, by the way, Brother Meng, you don't have a driver's license, you should drive back early." Ye Wentian said.

"Driver's license?" Meng Tianfang looked at Ye Wentian with some doubts.

"That's it." Ye Wentian showed Meng Tianfang his driver's license, "It's like an ancient pass, don't worry, I'll ask an acquaintance to get one for you."

"Okay." Meng Tianfang nodded, looked at the place where Zhao Min left, thought for a while and said, "Minmin, she..." "She lives in the school, don't disturb her, you can come back when she stabilizes her mood It's not too late to see her." Ye Wentian said.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Meng Tianfang nodded to Ye Wentian and the others, and then drove away.

"Brother Tian, ​​when will I be able to see you again." Bai Qiushuang and Mo Xiaoyan looked at Ye Wentian, with all the unspeakable sadness revealed in their eyes.

"Don't worry, don't forget, I'm an alumnus in the same grade as you, not to mention you are roommates of Yuxin and Xiangling, if you want to see me, just follow them to find me." Ye Wentian smiled.

"Yes." Bai Qiushuang and Mo Xiaoyan nodded, and then left with Xiao Yuxin and Huang Xiangling, followed by Wang Hu and Yuan Lin.

"Xiao Yu, what class are you in?" Ye Wentian asked.

"Two English classes in the morning, and then Professor Liu's medical class. You are just the opposite of me." Ruan Xiaoyu laughed.

"Yo~~ It seems that my beauty Ruan has studied my schedule quite thoroughly!" Ye Wentian looked at Ruan Xiaoyu rather jokingly.

"Hmph~~ You think everyone is like you, indifferent to others." Ruan Xiaoyu pouted.

"It seems that I really need to take care of you." Saying that, Ye Wentian hugged Ruan Xiaoyu's waist, and when Ruan Xiaoyu was surprised, Ye Wentian blocked his alluring mouth immediately.

Ruan Xiaoyu's eyes widened, feeling the gazes around her, her little face turned red like a ripe apple.

"No, a lot of people are watching!" Ruan Xiaoyu turned her head, and Ye Wentian's mouth immediately kissed her cheek, making her even more anxious.

"Hey~~ Xiao Mian, do you still dare to say that I don't care about you?" Ye Wentian lifted Ruan Xiaoyu's chin, and blinked provocatively.

"Forget you, I'm going to class!" Ruan Xiaoyu glared at Ye Wentian, and waved towards Dongfang Ning: "Xiao Ning, goodbye."

"En." Dongfang Ning smiled slightly, nodded, and then looked at Ye Wentian.

"Let's go." Ye Wentian ignored the gazes of the people around him, and walked towards the classroom holding Dongfang Ning's hand.

"Wow~~ Mr. Ye is so handsome!"

"It would be nice if Mr. Ye kissed me."

"You don't even look at who you are, how can you be worthy of Mr. Ye." Another woman with a good figure looked at the two girls who were talking in front of her with disdain at this time, and then turned her hips and walked away.


Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning walked into the classroom, and a woman was about to come out.

"Ye Wentian, Dongfang Ning!"

"Ling Xuerou, long time no see." Ye Wentian smiled slightly and nodded towards Ling Xuerou.

No matter what, at least she and Ling Xuerou are still classmates, and besides, there is no hatred between the two of them, it's just God's will, the two childhood sweethearts meet again but they feel like strangers.

"Class is about to start, where are you going?" Ye Wentian asked.

"Professor Liu hasn't come to class for three days. I'm going to talk to the Academic Affairs Office." Ling Xuerou said.

"What? Didn't come to class for three days?" It was Dongfang Ning who answered the conversation. This situation did not seem to be in Dongfang Ning's impression. Although she was not very familiar with Liu Zhaoyuan, she still knew Liu Zhaoyuan's teaching style.

"Ning'er, do you know something?" Ye Wentian looked at Dongfang Ning suspiciously.

"Professor Liu disappeared, something must have happened." Dongfang Ning said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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