Chapter 560
"An accident?" Ling Xuerou frowned slightly: "Could it be that Professor Liu has enemies?"

"En." Ye Wentian nodded.

"You... seem to know something?" Ling Xuerou looked at Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning strangely.

"Don't mention this matter for now. Since Professor Liu is not here, there is no need for me and Ning'er to go to class. Goodbye." After Ye Wentian finished speaking, he and Dongfang Ning turned and walked out of the classroom.

The students in the classroom were quite excited to see Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning, but seeing the two of them seemed to be leaving, they were all confused.

"Ye Wentian!" Ling Xuerou walked out of the classroom, and suddenly yelled out of nowhere.

"What's the matter?" Ye Wentian turned his head to look at Ling Xuerou with a complicated expression.

"Be careful." After saying these words, Ling Xuerou's expression darkened, and a warmth was slowly flowing in her eyes.

"Thank you." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, took Dongfang Ning's hand and walked towards Zhang Jing's office.

"Brother Tian, ​​it seems that Ling Xuerou still has feelings for you." Dongfang Ning said.

"But it's not important anymore, is it?" Ye Wentian smiled lightly.

"If you are willing to accept her, I agree." Suddenly Dongfang Ning said such a sentence, which made Ye Wentian stunned for a moment.

The two stopped, Ye Wentian raised Dongfang Ning's clean chin, and stared intently at Dongfang Ning's eyes, Dongfang Ning refused to give in, and stared closely at Ye Wentian's eyes.

"Ahem~~That, Ning'er, you are so beautiful!" Ye Wentian pecked Dongfang Ning's small mouth, then smiled, and walked towards Zhang Jing's office first.

Looking at Ye Wentian's back, Dongfang Ning smiled slightly, she didn't lie about what she said just now, if Ye Wentian was willing to accept Ling Xuerou, she would agree.

In her opinion, Ling Xuerou was the first girl Ye Wentian met, and it was right for the two of them to be together, but after seeing Ye Wentian's attitude, Dongfang Ning breathed a sigh of relief. It made her a little uncomfortable.

I have to say that a woman's heart is so strange and elusive, you can never guess what she is thinking.

Zhang Jing's office has arrived, but the door of her exclusive office is still closed. Ye Wentian was stunned for a moment, distracted his senses, and finally found Zhang Jing driving over in his car.

Zhang Jing slept very late last night, and no one from Phantom and the others came to wake her up this morning, so she was late like this.

Ye Wentian thought of making fun of it, he used his original divine power, unlocked the door, then walked in with Dongfang Ning swaggeringly, and then locked the door from the outside, which is a trivial matter for a congenital master like Ye Wentian one pile.

Zhang Jing went directly to Ruan Xiaoyu's class, explained some things and walked towards the office.

Zhang Jing's office is relatively spacious, and there is an inner room for sleeping, and even toilet and shower facilities are all available.

Zhang Jing unlocked the lock, entered the office, closed the door gently, and found nothing unusual.Just as she was about to put things on the desk, a pair of hands hugged her from behind, and even the holy place in front was tightly grasped by the people behind her.

Zhang Jing was startled, and subconsciously bumped her back with her elbow, but Ye Wentian let Zhang Jing hit him, playing tricks with dishonest hands.

"You..." Zhang Jing was out of breath for a while, and was just about to kick her back with her feet, but who knew that the people behind her pinched her feet, and it was a luxury to move even a little bit.

Zhang Jingxiu frowned slightly, and glanced at the bracelet on her wrist, it didn't even protect her, which made her stunned for a moment, and then looked at the strange hand that climbed in front of her, at this moment Zhang Jing didn't know who was behind her.

"Wentian, scared me to death!" Zhang Jing turned her head to look at the person behind her.

"Hee hee~ Sister Jing, you must have been scared." Ye Wentian smiled triumphantly, and kissed Zhang Jing's little mouth.

"You bad guy, you play tricks on others as soon as you come." Smelling Ye Wentian's familiar aura, Zhang Jing's long-suppressed longing broke out.

"Sister Jing, I haven't seen you for a few days. Your figure is really getting better and better. It makes me want you." Ye Wentian smiled wickedly.

"Wentian, I miss you so much." Zhang Jing turned around and hooked Ye Wentian's neck, and the two of them pressed tightly together.

Ye Wentian also couldn't control himself, not to mention that the person in front of him was his own woman, so why did he need to control anything.

I have to say that Zhang Jing's figure has grown the best among the few, and even Dieyi's figure is not as good as it is. Coupled with Zhang Jing's demure and fiery personality, the man is very conquering idea.

"Ahem~~" The two were full of enthusiasm, when a voice from the inner door broke their interest.

"Little...Xiao Ning!" Zhang Jing was taken aback, and when she saw Dongfang Ning, her pretty face flushed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to disturb, but Professor Liu's matter is imminent. You two should do it later." Dongfang Ning said.

"What's wrong with Professor Liu?" Zhang Jing looked at the two suspiciously.

"Don't you know that Professor Liu hasn't come to class for three days?" Ye Wentian looked at Zhang Jing in surprise.

"I know." Zhang Jing nodded: "But I don't know the specific reason, and I didn't ask."

"Professor Liu is not at home. If he went to meet some friends, he would definitely explain it clearly to the students, but he didn't. This made me think of Professor Liu's enemy." Ye Wentian said.

"Professor Liu has an enemy?" Zhang Jingxiu frowned slightly.

"Not bad." Ye Wentian and Zhang Jing nodded at the same time.

"Then what are you going to do?" Zhang Jing asked.

"I don't know yet, I can only rely on the power of a few big families to find it." Ye Wentian thought for a while and said.

"Wentian, I think it might be more efficient to let Phantom and the others search for it." Zhang Jing thought for a while and said.

"Oh~~ How did I forget this, they are killers, they have received professional training, and they always have some special abilities." Ye Wentian smiled happily, and kissed Zhang Jing hard on the face.

Zhang Jing gave Ye Wentian a white look, and looked at Dongfang Ning who was standing aside with some embarrassment.

"Sister Jing, come to Sister Xiaoyu's house tonight, I want to eat you well!" Ye Wentian whispered in Zhang Jing's ear, and bit Zhang Jing's earlobe viciously.

Zhang Jing couldn't stand being teased, her whole body was weak, and her face seemed to be on fire. If Ye Wentian hadn't hugged her, she would have collapsed to the ground at this moment.

Ye Wentian hugged Zhang Jing to the bed, bid farewell, and then returned to Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's home with Dongfang Ning.

"Young Master, Ma'am." Just as Ye Wentian and Dongfang Ning got out of the car, a total of 11 people from Phantom came over and knelt down on one knee towards them.

"Get up, you can just stand and talk in the future." Ye Wentian said.

"Yes, son." Phantom and the others said.

Ye Wentian stepped forward and saw the phantom showing his true face. Thinking of the scene he saw at Ai Feier's house at that time, Ye Wentian still had a good impression of the phantom.

(End of this chapter)

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