Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 561 Finding Clues

Chapter 561 Finding Clues
"Phantom, we met again. We said goodbye on the train. I didn't expect that we would have a chance to meet again." Ye Wentian smiled slightly.

"My lord, you know it's me!" Phantom looked at Ye Wentian in surprise.

"Of course, don't underestimate my ability." Ye Wentian smiled slightly.

"My son is naturally capable of both civil and military skills." Phantom said seriously.

"I didn't expect a killer to flatter me. It's really fresh." Ye Wentian looked at the phantom with a sense of playfulness.

"Phantom is telling the truth." Phantom's pretty face blushed suddenly, and then disappeared.

"Hehe~~ I'm just kidding you." Ye Wentian smiled slightly, and continued: "There is one thing that needs your help now."

"My lord, please tell me." Killing God and the others said immediately.

"Killing God, I need to know the current location of Professor Liu who taught me at Yenching University, can you do it?" Ye Wentian said with a serious face.

"Don't worry, my lord. We have gathered all the personnel to Yanjing. Everything here is under our control. I will give you an answer soon." After finishing speaking, Shashen left quickly.

Ye Wentian asked the Phantom about Eiffel, but the result was that Aiffel was missing, but Ye Wentian felt a little more at ease about this result, relying on Eiffel's strength, Ye Wentian believed her It's not that he died, but what Ye Wentian didn't expect was that what awaited him would be a result that he couldn't even imagine.

"Wentian, you two are back again?" Meng Tianfang looked at Ye Wentian suspiciously.

"Our teacher may be in trouble." Ye Wentian glanced at Zhou Mei and Wang Fang: "Zhou Mei, Wang Fang, you two will follow Phantom to learn various skills from now on; Phantom, what do you think?"

"Everything is obeyed by the young master." Phantom said. "That's good." Ye Wentian nodded, then called Xiao Yuquan and Wang Jiutian, and arranged for three killers to protect them.

"Wentian." Wang Ma came over at this time, took Ye Wentian's hand and walked aside.

"Wang Ma, what is it, so mysterious." Ye Wentian was a little puzzled.

"Wentian, I heard from Yilan and Iron Fan that Meng Tianfang was General Meng during the Qin Dynasty, is there such a thing?" Wang Ma stared at Ye Wentian with burning eyes.

"It's true." Ye Wentian was a little amused, seeing Wang Ma trembling in shock, he knew that her heart must be very disturbed at the moment.

"This... this is too unbelievable!" It took a long time for Wang Ma to recover from the shock.

"Actually, it's not unbelievable, it's just that Wang Ma, you haven't been exposed to too many things." Ye Wentian smiled slightly.

"Perhaps." Wang Ma nodded.

Ye Wentian and Wang Ma returned to the villa, and they talked about Xuanyuan Xiaoyu again. Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's mobile phone number had been changed, and she didn't even know which branch she went to in the United States.

"Wentian, will something happen to Xiaoyu?" Wang Ma looked at Ye Wentian anxiously.

"Don't worry, sister Xiaoyu will be fine." Ye Wentian had no choice but to comfort, and suddenly saw Elisa chatting with Iron Fan and the others, his eyes lit up.

"Eliza, can I do you a favor?" Ye Wentian asked.

"Master Ye, it's my honor." Elisa smiled.

"Should you have your own influence in the United States?" Ye Wentian asked.

"Young Master Ye, you still don't understand that our main force has actually been transferred to the United States." Eliza laughed.

"That's really great." Ye Wentian was overjoyed: "Wang Ma, you can rest assured now."

Wang Ma was also very happy when she heard the news: "Miss Elisa, can you help me protect Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu has gone to the United States now, I don't know where in the United States she went?"

"I see." Elisa nodded, then took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

Elisa and the other party exchanged a few words in English, and the other party quickly responded, and then Elisa explained a few more words before hanging up the phone.

"Mr. Ye, Ms. Wang, Miss Xiaoyu went to New York, USA. According to her itinerary, she should have gone to her branch company - Xianyun International. I have arranged for someone to protect her secretly, but the tricky thing is , It’s not our base camp there, under the seemingly prosperous scene of New York, there are many dark forces involved, and their strength is very strong. If something goes wrong, our people may..." Elisa didn’t finish her sentence, but her consciousness was gone. It goes without saying.

"It seems that I have to go there sooner." Ye Wentian frowned, and couldn't help but look at Dongfang Ning who was quietly concentrating on the side.

Ever since Dongfang Ning knew that her cultivation had fallen behind Ye Wentian, she practiced more and more diligently.

Sensing Ye Wentian's gaze, Dongfang Ning opened her eyes, which were shining brightly, as if she could read people's hearts.

"Brother Tian, ​​do you need me to do something?" Dongfang Ning asked.

"En." Ye Wentian nodded, and with a thought, a precious sword with black air appeared in his hand.

"Demon sword!" Yilan and the girls were a little shocked when they saw this demon sword.

At this moment, the demon sword is very quiet in Ye Wentian's hands, and even those demonic nature cannot be leaked out.

"Ning'er, take the demon sword. If Muto Youlan or her people come over, you can give this sword to her. Also, if people from the Yamaguchi group, the Oda family and the Liusheng family want to trouble me, it will take a lot of hard work." It's you." Ye Wentian said.

Dongfang Ning put away the demon knife, looked at Ye Wentian indifferently: "I will do good things for you."

"Proceed with caution." Ye Wentian nodded.

"Don't worry, they still can't make waves." After Dongfang Ning finished speaking, she had already arrived in the yard, asked Phantom about the location of the Yamaguchi-gumi, and then left quickly.

"The Dongfang girl is really decisive." Eliza was actually a little afraid of Dongfang Ning, which made her feel like she was in danger.

Dongfang Ning was like a sharp sword that could be unsheathed at any time, once it was shot, it would definitely end in blood.

Ye Wentian also had a wry smile in his heart. In fact, he was just explaining now, and didn't mean to ask her to do it right away. Who knew Dongfang Ning was so impatient.

Outside the door, an afterimage flashed past, and then the God of Death appeared in the yard.

"It seems that there is already news." Ye Wentian hurried out.

"Young Master, our people have found Professor Liu's whereabouts. It's in the mountains and forests to the west of Yanjing, but the exact location is still under investigation. According to the traces left, there are three people." Killing God said .

"It's there again." Ye Wentian frowned slightly, after thinking about it, he felt that only there was the most suitable place.

"Three people." Ye Wentian pondered slightly: "Could it be that there is still Hu Tiequan?"

Hu Xiaoxiao is still staying with Xiaohua, and the only person related to Liu Zhaoyuan is Hu Tiequan.

Thinking of this, Ye Wentian immediately called Liu Xin.

Liu Xin was busy preparing the plan, when she heard the phone ring on the table, she waited for a while, then took a look with her head, and her breathing became short of breath.

(End of this chapter)

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