Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 578 The End of the Feng Family 1

Chapter 578 The End of the Feng Family 1
"It's him!" Feng Shihua was surprised.

"Why, brother, you have been in New York all the time, and you also know that Ye Wentian can't do it?" Feng Shizhong was a little surprised.

"It seems that he has found Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's clue, and he will definitely come to me." Feng Shihua smiled wickedly.

"Brother, you mentioned Xuanyuan Xiaoyu just now! But that beautiful CEO of Xianyun!" Feng Shizhong's eyes suddenly lit up, and they were extremely bright.

"That's right, it was her, but it's a pity that she ran away in our hands!" Feng Shihua said.

"Run away, what's going on here? Brother, how could she, a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken, escape from your hands." Feng Shizhong was very puzzled.

"You don't have the strength to restrain a chicken, hum~~ You are wrong about this point, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu is also a cultivator, but her cultivation is only at the Xuan level. As for the reason for escaping, I will wait for you to return. Let me tell you." Feng Shihua said.

"Brother, since Xuanyuan Xiaoyu has arrived in New York, she shouldn't be able to escape from our grasp. When the time comes, brother, you will hand her over to me first, hehe~~ okay?" Feng Shizhong licked the corner of his mouth.

"You boy!" Feng Shihua frowned slightly: "I want the beautiful brother to give it to you, but you can't touch Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, he is your niece and daughter-in-law."

"Nephew and daughter-in-law!" Feng Shizhong sighed secretly: "Well, since it's my niece and daughter-in-law, forget it."

"Okay, come back early, brother will clean up for you at home." Feng Shihua said.

"Okay, brother." After a pause, Feng Shizhong continued: "By the way, brother, is sister-in-law at home?"

"Don't worry, your sister-in-law and your second nephew have gone to my father-in-law's house, so don't worry." Feng Shihua laughed.

Feng Shihua's wife's name is Charlie Elena. She hates this uncle very much for no other reason. She is very dissatisfied with his virtue.

Charlie Elena is quite beautiful, once Feng Shi was so daring that he even touched Charlie Elena.

Charlie Elena looks weak, but she is also a cultivator. That time, she gave this little uncle a good lesson. From then on, when Feng Shizhong saw Charlie Elena, it was like a mouse seeing a cat.

"That's good." Feng Shizhong heaved a sigh of relief, hung up the phone, and sat in an extended Rolls Royce under the protection of two bodyguards.

What Feng Shizhong never imagined was that when he arrives at Feng's villa without haste, what he sees will be unforgettable for him forever.


The darkness before dawn came, and everything was silent, no matter whether it was inside or outside the Feng family villa, there was no sound. The atmosphere seemed a bit strange.

Feng Shihua was sleeping on the sofa in the hall, waiting for his younger brother to arrive, but suddenly, he panicked for no reason, and suddenly opened his eyes.

"What's going on?" Feng Shihua muttered to himself, feeling like something was about to happen.


In the dark night, a Land Rover galloped towards Feng's villa like a ghost.

In the car, the driver was gone, and Ye Wentian called him down.There were only Ye Wentian, Iyad, and Elisa in the car. It was none other than Ye Wentian who was driving. After familiarizing himself with the route map, Ye Wentian drove like a death squad.

"Hey~~" Ye Wentian slammed on the brakes, and the screeching sound of tires rubbing against the ground spread far, far away in the dark night.

The three of Ye Wentian got out of the car and took a look at Feng's villa. They really had to be amazed.This is the largest villa that Ye Wentian has ever seen.

"The Feng family is really magnificent!" A sneer appeared on the corner of Ye Wentian's mouth.

"Who are you?" Seeing Ye Wentian's unkind expression, the two bodyguards outside the door clenched their hands and rushed slightly, but they didn't aim at the three of them because they were not sure of their identities.

Ye Wentian's consciousness spread out, and now his consciousness can extend to a range of 8000 meters, and two-thirds of the villa has completely come into view.

"Lin Fei!" Ye Wentian frowned when he saw the scene in a certain room of Feng's villa.

Several strong men were actually insulting Lin Fei at the same time, while there was a man watching coldly beside him, and another man was filming this unsightly scene with a video camera.

"Where is Sister Xiaoyu?" Ye Wentian couldn't help becoming anxious, and looked around, but couldn't find it.

"Master, there are three people of unknown origin outside." One of the guards said to the communicator.

Ye Wentian came back to his senses and waved his big hand. Before the two guards could react, they were crushed by Ye Wentian's strong wind and fell to the ground dejectedly.

"You two wait here for a while." After Ye Wentian finished speaking, he stepped on his feet, jumped up into the air, and quickly disappeared into the night.


"Lin Fei, how is it? Is it very comfortable to have so many people serving you? Don't worry, I won't let you die. I will torture you slowly until all my subordinates enjoy you If you sell it to my entertainment place, I will drain all your value." Feng Shaofeng sneered.

"Brothers, how does this girl feel?" Feng Shaofeng asked evilly.

"My lord, I actually fell in love with this girl a long time ago, but it's a pity that at that time... hehe!" A strong man said with a sinister smile as he moved his body.

"Thank you, sir, for the reward. This girl is so beautiful. This is the best girl I've ever played with!" said another foreign man.

"Young master, this girl's figure is so good, she looks like a young girl there, she's going to blow me away!"


"Haha~~ Did you hear that, Lin Fei, I didn't expect you, a bitch, to be so popular. This is the first round, and there are two more rounds to come, just enjoy it. With your physique, I think it's just right." Feng Shaofeng smiled ferociously.

At some point, a cold wind blew in, it was chilly, as if it was going to freeze people.

The people in the bedroom were stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look outside, but they were stunned when they saw this. The dozen or so people who had been waiting anxiously turned into ice sculptures.

The ice sculpture shattered and fell to the ground, and then a handsome man appeared. This man was looking at them with cold eyes.

"You are... Ye Wentian!" Feng Shaofeng secretly swallowed his saliva, and looked at the terrifying young man in front of him in disbelief.

Turning into ice sculptures and breaking into pieces, this kind of strength is too strong for him to imagine.

"Damn you all!" Ye Wentian didn't care who they were, his figure flickered, and when his figure appeared in front of Lin Fei again, the remaining seven people all turned into ice sculptures.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Seeing Lin Fei's expressionless eyes, Ye Wentian felt a pain in his heart. He felt deeply guilty for his doubts about Lin Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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