Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 579 The End of the Feng Family 2

Chapter 579 The End of the Feng Family 2
Lin Fei had entered a closed state at this moment. In medical terms, he had become a vegetable.

Ye Wentian could only feel a flame in his chest expanding infinitely, eventually filling his entire body.


Ye Wen raised his head to the sky and screamed, a monstrous power rose to the sky, and the building on the first floor vibrated continuously amidst the howling, and finally couldn't bear it, the reinforced concrete broke and fell down piece by piece.

"You all deserve to die!" Ye Wentian's eyes were red, and with a flick of his big hand, all the fragments on the top of his head flew up and flew towards the surroundings.

This was the first time Ye Wentian was so sad. For Lin Fei, he had nothing but guilt.

"Lin Fei, I will make you better." Ye Wentian waved his hands quickly, a blue light shone, and the surrounding water vapor condensed, forming a water ball to wrap Lin Fei, but Ye Wentian controlled it very well, and It didn't make Lin Fei feel short of breath.

Ye Wentian kept waving his hands, washing Lin Fei's body completely, and then changed her into his own clothes.

Ye Wentian picked up Lin Fei and quickly reached the roof of the largest villa, overlooking the crowd gathered around him.

"Who is your Excellency? Is there any misunderstanding with our Feng family?" A half-step innate-level powerhouse flew over, looking at Ye Wentian, who was full of murderous intent, his brows almost condensed into a Sichuan character.

He was deeply shocked by the destructive power of the third floor of the villa not far away. He believed that that kind of destructive power was definitely not something that a congenital second-level powerhouse could do, and such a powerhouse actually arrived In the Feng family, a great uneasiness surged into his heart.

Ye Wentian glanced coldly at the old man who was speaking, and this glance almost froze this half-innate-level powerhouse.

The old man felt that that glance almost killed him, and the feeling of being short of breath at that moment seemed to be on the verge of death.

"Who on earth provoked such a big and powerful enemy?" The old man's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he glanced at Feng Shihua who came after him.

"Ye...Ye Wentian!" Feng Shihua looked at Ye Wentian incredulously like a frosted eggplant, his cold eyes nearly froze his heart.

"It seems that you should be the current head of the Feng family!" Ye Wentian looked at Feng Shihua coldly.

"No... that's right." Feng Shihua's heart skipped a beat, he secretly swallowed his saliva, his heart was extremely timid, he never imagined that Ye Wentian would be so scary, this is not a young man who has just grown up, he believes that even if he is Those unborn old monsters may not necessarily have such terrifying strength.

"I just want to ask you, where is Miss Xiaoyu now?" Ye Wentian asked coldly.

"Go... let's go." Feng Shihua's eyes flickered a little.

"Let's go, hum~~ If you don't tell the truth, this is the end!" Ye Wentian snorted coldly, waved his big hand, and a huge palm formed by the power of heaven and earth slapped down on the strong men holding the micro punch.

Those strong men were at most similar to some special forces. Before they could react, they were smashed into the soil by Ye Wentian's giant palm, and they were deflated!
The crowd was startled, and everyone was dripping with cold sweat. The hands of the remaining burly men holding micro punches kept trembling. They had seen death, but they had never seen such an inexplicable death.

They are timid and frightened!

Finally, some people couldn't bear such a suppressed and fearful atmosphere, dropped their guns, and ran away, and the rest of the people also ran after seeing this.

"Run, only death!" Ye Wentian flashed coldly, stretched out his right hand, and tapped repeatedly.

"Chi! Chi! Chi~~"

White light flashed again and again, and those strong men who escaped fell to the ground one by one, with a bloody hole in their heads.

"Young master Ye, my servant Feng Xueyou, I don't know how our Feng family offended you!" The half-step congenital-level powerhouse looked at Ye Wentian in confusion.

"Hmph~~ Let me ask you again, where is sister Xiaoyu?" Ye Wentian looked at Feng Shihua coldly, ignoring the half-step genius-level powerhouse.

"Shihua, what's going on?" Feng Xueyou looked at Feng Shihua gloomyly.

Feng Shihua secretly sighed, he didn't expect that in his life, there would be a time when he was capsized in the gutter, so he went to Feng Xueyou's side, and whispered to Feng Xueyou.

It's a pity that Feng Shihua mumbled about Ye Wentian's strength. If he was a congenital-level fourth-level powerhouse, it would be difficult to obtain sound transmission at such a distance, but the current Ye Wentian is between Feng Shihua's sound transmission fell into Ye Wentian's ears verbatim for the existence between the congenital perfection and the half-step golden core stage.

"It turns out that sister Xiaoyu has escaped!" Ye Wentian glanced at Lin Fei who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, and felt sad.

Hearing Ye Wentian's whispered words, both Feng Shihua and Feng Xueyou were shocked, and looked at Ye Wentian in disbelief.

"There is no need for your Feng family to exist anymore!" Ye Wentian's expression turned cold.

"Wait, Mr. Ye, it is undeniable that you are very powerful, but my father-in-law is one of the three major powers in New York. If you kill me, your life may not be easy in the future." Feng Shihua only borrowed the name of his father-in-law. He beat his head, hoping to save his life, but it was a pity that he met Ye Wentian.

"Go to hell!" Ye Wentian reassured Lin Fei, flew around and started killing.

Feng Xueyou and Feng Shihua, who were the first to bear the brunt, had the highest cultivation, but even the two of them had no chance to react, and a big hole was blasted out by Ye Wentian, and some of those small fish and shrimp were directly crushed to death by Ye Wentian's powerful power up.

The huge Feng family, hundreds of people in the family were completely wiped out in less than a quarter of an hour, and disappeared in the long river of history.

Ye Wentian picked up Lin Fei and threw a few fireballs out. The huge villas were filled with flames, illuminating the entire dawn.

Elisa and Iyad, who were outside, looked at each other, with nothing but fear in their eyes.

Ye Wentian is really too powerful, especially for Elisa. When she saw Ye Wentian for the first time, she could feel that Ye Wentian's strength was definitely not as strong as hers, but a few Months passed, everything turned upside down, one day, one place, a huge difference, an insurmountable gap straddled the two of them.

"With Mr. Ye here, maybe he can help Miss get rid of the second master." Iyad said looking at Eliza.

"Maybe." Elisa frowned slightly, thinking of what her second uncle had done to her, she felt a burst of heartache.

After leaving the villa, Ye Wentian sat in the back of the car with Lin Fei in his arms. Seeing this, Eliza and Iyad got into the car. Iyad sat in the front and Eliza drove.

Seeing that Ye Wentian didn't speak, but looked softly at the woman in his arms, and pondered for a while, Elisa had no choice but to make her own decision.

(End of this chapter)

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