Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 580 The Vibration of Major Powers

Chapter 580 The Vibration of Major Powers

Not long after Elisa drove the car away, a car drove towards here in the distance.

"Boss, look, there's so much fire ahead!" A bodyguard pushed Feng Shizhong, who was sleeping like a dead pig.

"Hmm~~ Don't make noise, I want to sleep, hehe~~ Girl, come one more, sir, let me show you how amazing I am!" In his sleep, Feng Shizhong was drooling and dreaming of his love.

The two bodyguards were a little speechless, it was too demeaning to follow such a boss.

"Boss, boss, something serious happened!" As he approached, the scene in front of him was clear, the Feng family was over.

"What's the matter, what a fuss!" Feng Shizhong was doing something good, but he was woken up by his subordinates, so he was naturally very upset.

"Boss, look ahead!" The two bodyguards said in unison.

"What's there to...see...!" Feng Shizhong was completely stunned, and when the car stopped, Feng Shizhong was the first to rush out.

"What the hell is going on? My Feng family? My eldest brother!" Feng Shizhong grabbed the clothes of a bodyguard and asked loudly.

"Boss, please call first, maybe you can contact the big boss." The bodyguard said quickly.

"Yes, yes, call, brother will be fine." Feng Shi panicked in the center, took out his mobile phone, found Feng Shihua's number, and dialed it immediately.

However, after calling for a while, he still couldn't get through. At this moment, he was completely dumbfounded.

"Perhaps the big boss has moved and is busy, so he doesn't have time to answer the phone. Why don't you try calling the two young masters." A bodyguard said.

"Yes yes yes, I still have two nephews." Feng Shizhong hurriedly called his elder nephew Feng Shaofeng again, but the result was still the same.

After a while, Feng Shizhong's heart sank again. He was not reconciled, so he pinned all his hopes on his little nephew Feng De.

Finally, the call was connected, and the voice of the little nephew came from the phone.

"Uncle, why do you call me when you have time?" Feng De was a little surprised.

"Ah De, has our Feng family moved?" Feng Shizhong said.

"The place has been moved? Uncle, what do you mean?" Feng De was a little puzzled.

"Ade, isn't it?" Feng Shizhong's heart sank completely, and he fell limp on the ground, almost losing the strength to hold the phone.

"Uncle, please explain clearly." Feng De said a little speechlessly.

"Ah De, you and your mother hurry back, the Feng family is gone, my elder brother is gone, your elder brother Shaofeng is gone!" Feng Shizhong said weakly.

"Uncle, what happened?" Feng De felt something was wrong.

"The Feng burned..." After finishing speaking, Feng Shizhong hung up the phone, watching the fire in front of him dully gradually extinguished, leaving only ruins.


Soon, the sound of a helicopter descended on Feng's territory from far and near.
Several figures ran over quickly.

"Shihua, Shaofeng, where are you?" A Caucasian woman shouted into the ruins, but only a slight sound of wind responded to her.

"Dad, brother!" Feng De couldn't believe what he saw.

When the two called their family members and no one answered, they knew something had happened at home, but they didn't expect such a terrible result.

"Who? Who did it!" Charlie Elena screamed loudly.

"Mom, you must avenge your father and brother!" Although Feng De and his brother are not very friendly, they are close relatives after all.

"I must avenge this revenge!" Charlie Elena clenched her fists tightly, took out her mobile phone from her bag, and quickly dialed her father's number.

Upon receiving the news that the Feng family was destroyed, Charlie rushed over with his people. Seeing the scene in front of him, he was a little unbelievable. The place was so clean that he couldn't even find a corpse. After some The expert's appraisal report concluded that the dust contained human substances, which has been told to everyone, and those people were burned to death.


Within a day, the news of the Feng family's destruction spread to every corner of New York City as if it had grown wings. It has to be said that the communication information in the United States is too powerful, even if Charlie Elena wanted to stop the spread of the news. no.

A complex of villas in the southeast corner of New York City is not too small compared to the Feng family, even a few times the size of the Feng family.

Here, the guards are heavily guarded, and there are countless masters hiding in a hidden corner, ready to give the enemy a head-on blow.

And here is the largest organization in New York City - the Dulong Organization.

In the hall, a middle-aged Caucasian man sat on the top, and more than 20 people sat below.

This white man's name is Howard, and he is the leader of the Dulong organization.

"What do you think about the destruction of the Feng family?" Howard glanced at the crowd.

"Chief, I took people there to check the situation. It's not like the fake news made by the Charlied family. The damage caused there is terrifying. I can assure you that even if we use missile bombing, we can't cause that kind of damage." Lamb said.

"Lam, you're too good at bragging, don't you know how powerful the missile is." Jack laughed.

"Hmph~~ I don't think the missiles are powerful enough." Lamb clapped his hands, and soon someone walked in, holding a laptop with a large screen.

"Look, you will soon know what I mean." After Lamb finished speaking, he asked his subordinates to show everyone the pictures in the computer one by one.

"It's kind of interesting, this destructive power is really not built." Howard showed a little interest.

"Boss, do you think Roland, the leader of the Athena organization, did this?" Another person said.

"Based on what I know about Roland, this possibility is unlikely. Perhaps, New York has an unexpected visitor," Howard said.

"Uninvited guest!" Everyone was shocked.

"If the fourth party comes, New York may have to reshuffle the cards again," Lamb said.

"The game has just begun. You try to let your subordinates inquire about this information, maybe the other party will start again soon." Howard said.


Similarly, among the villas in the southwest, in the hall of the largest villa, there are some men and women sitting on both sides.

And the leader is a beautiful woman, that is, the leader of the Athena organization - Roland.

"New York doesn't seem to be calm anymore. You restrain your subordinates and take strict precautions. Maybe the other party's next target will be us." Roland glanced at the people in the hall and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, leader!" the crowd replied.

"By the way, has anything happened in New York recently? It has something to do with the Feng family." Roland asked.

"Boss, Xuanyuan Xiaoyu from Xianyun International came over two days ago, but was put under house arrest by Feng Shaofeng at Feng's house, but now, what's going on?" a woman reported.

"It seems that this matter has something to do with the woman Xuanyuan Xiaoyu." Roland pondered for a while, and then said: "Fengshen, send someone to check the information of the people around Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, maybe you can find the key."

(End of this chapter)

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