583 Shocking
"One billion dollars! Old man, you should think about it!" The reason why the invoicer said this was a little bit of a drum, and the one who could come up with so much money must be someone with status and status.

"Don't worry, I can still afford to lose this small amount of money. I just saw that young man is handsome, so I bet on him." Iyad said with a smile.

Hearing Iyad's words, the two billers almost fell to the ground.

"What~~ handsome, old man, he is just a little boy, hehe~~ look at me, how about it?" Saying this, one of the billing clerks still fired at Iyad, dare this guy put Iya Germany as a gay.

The other biller and Iyad almost vomited seeing this scene, but fortunately Iyad had a strong mental capacity.

"Give me the receipt." Iyad said coldly.

After Iyad left with the receipt, the white man who made the bill regretted that he was not handsome enough.

In the boxing ring, with the referee's order, the entire underground boxing ring immediately boiled.

"Boy Dongfang, if you admit defeat, maybe I will show mercy." Tebo looked at Ye Wentian indifferently, not paying attention to Ye Wentian at all.

"I think you should be regarded as a person who crawled out of the dead. Do you know that you made a fatal mistake?" Ye Wentian shook his head.

"What do you mean?" Tebo looked at Ye Wentian puzzled.

"Being contemptuous of an opponent means death." Ye Wentian shrugged his shoulders: "But for the sake of being pleasing to the eye, I decided to spare your life today."

"Boy, it seems that you are quite confident in yourself." Terber grinned: "It is undeniable that underestimating your opponent is indeed fatal, but I don't think you have the strength to fight me."

"Try hitting me." Ye Wentian hooked his fingers.

Seeing Ye Wentian's actions, Tebo frowned, feeling very uncomfortable being underestimated.

"Boy, although I won't let you die, I will let you remember today." Tebo's eyes turned cold, and he quickly ran towards Ye Wentian, and punched Ye Wentian with a flying fist go.

Ye Wentian twisted his body to the side, just avoiding Tebo's blow.

"Tuber, kill him!"

"Terber, come on!" The surrounding audience erupted.

Terber missed a hit, and immediately knew that he underestimated his opponent, and it seemed that the Dongfang boy in front of him was very strong.

"Yeah~~" Tebo propped his palm on the ground, and his two legs slammed into Ye Wentian's lower abdomen.

"Your strength is still too weak." Ye Wentian shook his head, grabbed Tebo's foot and slammed it aside.


There was a muffled sound, and the jaws of the people around were all dropped. Most of them put the money they had brought over on Terber. They didn't expect Terber to be so ungrateful in the hands of the weak oriental kid in front of them.

"Terber, what did you do, get up and kill this little boy!"

"Terber, if you lose, I will ask a killer to kill you!" some rich young masters threatened.

"Terber, come on!" Some people couldn't help getting anxious.


"Boy, I won't let you in again!" Tebo's face was a little gloomy, he didn't expect Ye Wentian to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

"Just let the horse come over." Ye Wentian was still calm.


Tebo flew a 720-degree flying leg and kicked towards Ye Wentian. The seemingly fast speed was nothing in Ye Wentian's eyes.


Ye Wentian just stretched out a fist lightly, it seemed extremely slow, but in fact it was extremely fast.

An internal force hit Tebo's thigh, and Tebo's body weighing more than 200 kilograms flew upside down and hit the ground hard.


Terber screamed, fell to the ground and clenched his two thighs, unable to stand up no matter how hard he tried.

quiet!Surprisingly quiet!

The huge boxing arena turned out to be silent, almost a needle could be heard, and everyone looked at the scene in disbelief.

"Referee, 1 minute has passed, is it time to call the verdict?" Ye Wentian quickly reminded.

"Ah~~ oh, okay." The referee hastily pronounced the verdict.

"In the first game, God wins!" The referee said loudly.

Following the referee's verdict, Ye Wentian grinned, and at this moment, Terber was able to stand up slowly, watching Ye Wentian go out fiercely.

"Second match, Tianwen vs. Game Card!"

The referee's voice fell, and a white man came out. This man had several scars on his hands, face and body, and his eyes were very sharp, like a falcon that could kill people at any time.

"Game Card~~Game Card~~"

"God asked~~God asked~~"

Although the cheers in the boxing ring were a little less this time, at least Ye Wentian's supporters could be heard.

"Your skill is very good!" After Bo Yika finished speaking, he punched Ye Wentian's life gate without waiting for Ye Wentian to speak.

Ye Wentian frowned. This kind of person had countless blood stains on his hands. Ye Wentian turned his body sideways, interlaced with Game Card's body, and pointed at Game Card's back.

The two of them stood still, Bo Yika maintained a punching posture, while Ye Wentian stood still, with traces of blood dripping down from the two fingers of his right hand.

Accompanied by a slight ticking sound, the game card fell down like this, lying on the bed, the body was still twitching, and the eyes were wide open, as if he was dying.


Everyone was stunned again. After the contest between the two, Ye Wentian easily won. Among the onlookers who still had money, there were only a dozen or so people, and the total was about 50 people.

"so smart!"

"I heard that Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon of Huaxia Kingdom, I didn't even think about it, it turned out to be true!"

"It seems that I have to go to Huaxia to have a look, maybe I can worship a powerful master!" Many people's thoughts became active.

"This person must have cultivated the powerful miraculous martial arts of the Huaxia Kingdom, otherwise he would not be so powerful." An overseas Chinese said seriously.

As soon as they saw the overseas Chinese speak loudly, those Yankees subconsciously surrounded him.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Wentian's third opponent appeared, but he was still defeated by Ye Wentian with one move. Gradually, everyone became numb and shouted at Ye Wentian.

"God asked~~God asked~~"

"God asks, worship me as your teacher, I have plenty of money, and I will support you!" Some rich men shouted loudly.

"God asks, I love you, my body is all yours."

"God asks, my man!"


As Ye Wentian defeated the eighth prefecture-level late-stage peak master with one move, some of the onlookers threw their hats on Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian was also speechless, looking at the series of underwear on the boxing ring, Ye Wentian can guarantee that if he picks up these things and sells them, he might be able to sell them for a good price.

(End of this chapter)

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