Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 584 Transformation

Chapter 584 Transformation
When the two billers saw the figure of one billion US dollars, they couldn't help frowning. They looked at each other, and immediately one of them went to find the boss, while the other informed the host to ask everyone to take a break.

There are still two more games, if Ye Wentian wins, the boxing ring will pay the old man 1000 billion US dollars, which is undoubtedly an astronomical figure for the boxing ring, and the money earned by the boxing ring in these years is only a few hundred at most. It's only a billion dollars, plus expenses and other expenses, and the rest is just tens of billions of start-up capital.

Jack is doing primitive sports with the fake Xuanyuan Xiaoyu at the moment, and at this moment he also discovered that the woman under him is not the real Xuanyuan Xiaoyu. He has arranged for someone to arrest the real Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, but whether he can catch the real one? It's a problem, after all Xuanyuan Xiaoyu has mastered the disguise technique.

"Hall Master~~Hall Master!" A younger brother knocked on the door vigorously.

"Get out! Wait until I'm done!" Jack roared dissatisfied.

"Master, you'd better wait a while and play again, you must come out for this matter." Another voice came in.

Hearing this voice, Jack frowned, knowing that something serious must have happened, so he reluctantly withdrew from the fake Xuanyuan Xiaoyu.

"Well~~Master, come again!" The fake Xuanyuan Xiaoyu seduced Jack softly.

"Smelly bitch, I'll kill you after a while!" Jack's evil fire was raging, and he stirred vigorously under the woman.

"Ah~~" the woman yelled softly, making Jack even more angry.

He was about to raise his gun and get on the horse, but the voice from outside the door came in again, so he had no choice but to stop this thought, and then walked out.

"Qui Li, what's going on?" Jack asked angrily.

"He said just now that there is an oriental boy who challenges the ten-game winning streak." Quiri pointed to the little boy and said.

"It's just a ten-game winning streak challenge, so there's no fuss." Jack was furious.

"But hall master, now that kid has defeated eight opponents with one move in a row, and the most important thing is not this, but someone spent a billion dollars on this kid to win the championship." Quiry said.

"One billion dollars!" Jack's pupils constricted suddenly: "What are his odds?"

"One to one hundred!" Querry said solemnly.

"What, one to one hundred, are you out of your mind!" Jack cursed.

"Master, just look at it and you will know why the odds are set so high." Quiry said.

"Okay." Jack nodded and walked over quickly.

As soon as Jack appeared, Ye Wentian spotted him, but he was meditating quietly, pretending to be inscrutable.

"For this match, arrange for the blood wolf to fight!" Jack said in a deep voice, he is the master of the first heaven in the innate level, but he found that he couldn't see through Ye Wentian's cultivation, which made him pay attention.

"Okay, hall master!" Quiri immediately went down to make arrangements, and soon the blood wolf appeared in the boxing ring.

"In the ninth match, who is Tianwen's opponent? I believe everyone is familiar with him. He is the only champion who has ever won a ten-game winning streak—Blood Wolf!" After a brief silence, bursts of roars followed.

"Blood Wolf~~Blood Wolf~~"

"Ah~~ It's really a blood wolf!"

"Look! Look! The blood wolf is so handsome!"

"I heard that the blood wolf is a legendary powerful supernatural being. I don't know if it's true." Some people from the intelligence network whispered.

"The blood wolf is a member of the wolf clan, with great talent and strength!"

"Heaven is in danger!"

"Heaven asked, one trick~~"

"One trick~~ God asks!"

Compared with the indifference and bloodthirsty of the blood wolf, most women still like Ye Wentian a little more.

"Boy, I can smell a feast." Blood Wolf looked at Ye Wentian with deep eyes, as if he had seen the best delicacy in the world.

"Hmm~~ The aura on your body is very unusual. It seems that you are a human race with extremely powerful talents. If I eat you, I will definitely be able to increase my talent and break through to the half-step innate level in one fell swoop. Even the innate It is possible to go to the next level." Smelling the faint smell of Ye Wentian's body, Blood Wolf's eyes shone with excitement.

"You want to eat me!" Ye Wentian opened his eyes, still sitting upright.

"Yes, it's your luck to eat you." The blood wolf grinned: "Boy, you shouldn't come to this place, but I am also very grateful for your coming. I can guarantee that the smell on your body is the best I have ever seen in my life." The best ever, bar none!"

"You want to eat me so much!" Ye Wentian couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling when he thought of the scene of the blood wolf eating people.

"Of course!" The blood wolf clenched his fists and jumped, an afterimage flashed past, and then a big hand with pointed nails grabbed Ye Wentian's neck.

"Huh~~" Ye Wentian still didn't move, a hint of evil appeared at the corner of his mouth, he flicked his fingers, and rushed towards the palm of the blood wolf with vigor.

Although the speed of the blood wolf is fast, compared to Ye Wentian, it is a sky and a ground.


Before the blood wolf could react, it was sent flying by Ye Wentian's energy, and hit the cage not far away heavily.


The cage shook, and then the blood wolf fell to the ground again, and a red hole appeared in the palm of the hand, directly passing through the palm of the hand.

"You..." The blood wolf turned pale with shock, and looked at Ye Wentian in disbelief.

"This is your strength!" Ye Wentian shook his head.

"God asked~~God asked~~"

"God asked, you are the best!"

"God asks, you love me to death tonight!"

"Heaven Asks Invincible~~"

"I didn't expect this young man to be so powerful!" Jack's pupils narrowed again.

"Master, this young man's strength may not be inferior to yours." Quiri was also extremely shocked.

"There are such powerful young people in the world!" Jack murmured.

"Perhaps he has a high level of skill, and maybe he can maintain a good appearance." Quilly said.


"I'm going to kill you!" The blood wolf roared, and suddenly ran towards Ye Wentian again. When he got close, the blood wolf's hands grew sharp claws, which were terrifying.

With a big wave of Ye Wentian's hand, the blood wolf that had just arrived nearby flew out again, and hit the top of the cage fiercely. This time, even the cage was slightly bent.

"Look, the blood wolf has transformed!"

"I'll go, it's really a legendary werewolf!"

Some people even fainted from fright when they saw the sharp claws of the blood wolf.


The blood wolf stood up as if nothing had happened, and his whole body began to change. Thick muscles spread all over his body, and his clothes and shoes were torn apart instantly.

At this moment, the blood wolf has really turned into a werewolf, his head has grown into that of a wolf, and his body has long hair all over his body. When those women saw the secret place of the blood wolf, they were all amazed and fell in love with each other. The appearance of hate.

(End of this chapter)

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