Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 585 You Are Really Stupid

Chapter 585 You Are Really Stupid

The blood wolf turned into a werewolf, and the audience around them were scared out of their wits. Some people ran out quickly, but most of them stayed. They prefer excitement.

"Now you should have the strength equivalent to the initial stage of the innate level." Ye Wentian looked at the blood wolf lightly.

"Boy, I want to eat you!" The blood wolf opened its wolf's mouth, with a height of two meters and thick limbs, it looked very terrifying.

"Eat me, okay, it depends on whether you have the ability!" Ye Wentian continued to sit upright, and lightly hooked his fingers towards the blood wolf.

"I'm going to kill you one bite at a time today!" Provoked, the blood wolf stomped its feet, the ground trembled, and it shattered like a spider's web. The whole huge body rushed towards Ye Wentian like a rocket .

"If you like flying so much, then I'll let you fly higher." Ye Wentian smiled evilly, and with a flick of his big hand, a soft force immediately changed the trajectory of the blood wolf, and even headed towards the cage on the top Hit it hard.


There was another sound of shaking, and then the blood wolf fell down. Ye Wentian did something again. The blood wolf was like a sandbag, and Ye Wentian threw it flying about ten times before it fell heavily. ground.

quiet!It was deadly still again!
"Nimma, such a powerful werewolf is still like playing in the hands of this young man!" Everyone was shocked, they would not think that the blood wolf is a vegetarian.

"How is this kid's strength so terrifying! I'm afraid the leader will not be his opponent!" Jack thought secretly.

"Master, what should I do?" Seeing Ye Wentian's methods, Kui Li felt his scalp tingle, and kept roaring in his heart: "It's too abnormal, it's too abnormal~~"

"Let's watch first." Jack took a deep breath.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack"

There were four crisp sounds in succession, followed by the screams of the blood wolf ghost crying and howling.

Seeing the wolf's limbs being trampled to pieces one by one by Ye Wentian, everyone's heart skipped a beat, and they stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of them.

"Blood wolf, do you still want to eat me?" Ye Wentian patted the blood wolf's cheek with his shoe.

The blood wolf twitched all over, feeling sore and numb, and had no strength to answer Ye Wentian's words.To him, Ye Wentian is now a complete devil.

"By the way, I heard that werewolves have extremely powerful resilience. I don't know if a blood wolf whose limbs have been broken can grow new limbs!" Ye Wentian smiled wickedly.

"No~~ don't!" The blood wolf endured the severe pain and kept begging for mercy.

"It's a pity that you have done a lot of evil, begging for mercy is useless, and those dead souls will not forgive you." Ye Wentian kicked four strong winds one after another, and then the blood wolf's limbs flew up and squeezed out through the gap in the cage.

"Ah~~ You tease me like this, we wolf people will not let you go!" The blood wolf screamed in pain, and the blood from the limbs couldn't stop flowing out.

"You have only one end today." Ye Wentian reached out and pulled out a thick steel bar from the cage, raised the blood wolf's jaw, and said, "It's a pity, you are destined to bleed to death today! I can't see your people suffer Scenes!"

"Okay, let's get this beast out, host, hurry up and announce the tenth person on stage." Ye Wentian said.

"Uh... this..." The host was in a dilemma, and looked at Ye Wentian tremblingly, and then asked Jack what he meant with a bitter face.

"Little brother, let's forget about the tenth game, this bank card has 300 million US dollars in it, here it is!" With that, Jack threw the bank card to Ye Wentian and explained the password.

"The money is enough, but unfortunately I don't want to leave yet." Ye Wentian chuckled and sent a voice transmission to Iyad.

Iyad was ordered, and immediately stood up and said: "Jack, you are the boss here, and I have put a billion dollars on Mr. Ye, and you will give me back 1000 billion dollars!"


"1000 billion US dollars, so much!"

"Fuck me, with $1000 billion, I can do anything!"

"If I have 1000 billion US dollars, I will eat the best food, enjoy the best life, and sleep with the most beautiful woman!"

"It is conceivable that the other party cannot pay 1000 billion US dollars. Even the leader of the huge Dulong organization will not pay such a large sum of money."

"That's for sure, 1000 billion US dollars, just kidding, the number is too big!"


"This young man didn't have the tenth match. That is to say, I don't have to pay you so much money. I'm willing to pay you back the original amount plus [-]% of the usury tax. How about it?" Jack said.

"One billion, one percent of the tax is also 1000 million dollars, earned!"

"If I do."

"It's such a good thing, who says it's not!"

"But it seems that the old man probably won't agree."


"If I don't agree." Iyad said suddenly.

"It's only half a step to the peak of the innate level, and you dare to challenge me in front of me!" Jack was so annoyed that he jumped up and punched Iyad with all his strength.

The powerful fist force made Iyad unable to raise his fist at all. Seeing the opponent's fist hit him, a soft force intervened immediately.


Jack who rushed over was sent flying backwards by Ye Wentian's simple move.

"Ahem~~" Jack clutched his chest tightly, blood was continuously flowing from the corner of his mouth.

"Master!" Quiri was shocked, and quickly helped Jack up.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding audience suddenly felt bad, and ran out one by one, and then, a group of people rushed in with weapons in their hands.

"You...what on earth do you want to do!" Jack gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Wentian.

"It's very simple, hand over 1000 billion U.S. dollars." Ye Wentian smiled triumphantly.

" are in the same group!" Jack was shocked.

"It just occurred to me that you are really stupid." Ye Wentian shook his head.

"I have no grievances with you, why did you do this?" Jack said in a deep voice.

"Heh~~ No injustice, no enmity, no injustice, no enmity, why did you send someone to arrest Xuanyuan Xiaoyu!" Ye Wentian said coldly.

"You..." Jack was startled, and looked at Ye Wentian with some doubts, but the Ye Wentian in front of him was not the Ye Wentian he thought at all.

"Speak, otherwise, you will become a thing of the past!" Ye Wentian said coldly.

"Actually, we just want to cooperate with Miss Xuanyuan Xiaoyu. We have been doing underground business, and we also want to bleach and do legitimate business." Jack rolled his eyes and said quickly.

"Really? Actually, you don't need to say that I know what your Dulong organization wants to do. You covet Xianyun's financial resources, and you are coercing sister Xiaoyu to win Xianyun and take away everything that belongs to sister Xiaoyu, right?" Ye Wen Tian sneered.

"You..." Jack looked at Ye Wentian in surprise.

Ye Wentian sneered, flipped his palm, and slapped those strong men with weapons with a tyrannical force. The strongest of those people were only in the realm of heaven, and Ye Wentian shot them all at once. Meatloaf.

(End of this chapter)

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