Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 586 Visit

Chapter 586 Visit
Seeing Ye Wentian's powerful methods, Jack and Quilly were instantly shocked beyond measure.

"You...what is your cultivation level?" Jack stared wide-eyed, swallowed, his nerves tensed.

"You think so." Ye Wentian's mouth curved slightly, he raised his right hand slightly, and pointed his index finger at Jack.

Jack didn't understand why, and neither did the others, but then they all understood.


A white light flashed, followed by a 'boom', and something fell to the ground.

Quiry looked over, and then a spurt of blood spattered his face.

Normally, he would be able to dodge the splashed blood, but at this moment, his reaction speed is comparable to that of ordinary people.


Jack looked at his shoulder-length broken arm, and screamed in pain. Since everything happened in the blink of an eye, he and Ben didn't feel the pain when Jack's arm fell before, until the moment passed. The heart-piercing pain was transmitted to the brain nerves.

Seeing this scene, the rest of Quiri's subordinates were stunned, trembling all over, trying to stop the trembling straight up, but the body just didn't obey, as if it wasn't his own.

"Now you should know my cultivation level." Ye Wentian smiled wickedly.

Iyad, who was behind him, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he saw this scene. Ye Wentian was so powerful that he was abnormal, at least for him. Sometimes when he thought of Ye Wentian's terrifyingly powerful means, Iyad was also a little scared.

Jack clutched his bleeding left arm tightly, sweating all over his face. Hearing Ye Wentian's words, he was still in pain at first and didn't react, but soon, he looked at Ye Wentian and nodded again and again.

"Very well, you have received the punishment you deserved. I can choose to let you go, but you must do one thing for me." Ye Wentian said lightly.

"You... you say!" Jack resisted the pain and said tremblingly.

"I want you to transfer all the funds in the boxing ring to this bank card." As he said, a bank card appeared in Ye Wentian's palm.

"Ah~~ this..." Jack was suddenly embarrassed.

"Why, it seems that you don't want to~" Ye Wentian gently raised his right hand again.

"No~~ no, son, I...I'll have someone transfer the money to you right away." Jack was shocked when he saw Ye Wentian's action, and immediately took the bank card in Ye Wentian's hand, and then asked his subordinates to transfer the money to you. Go down and transfer money.

Soon, the younger brother transferred the money and asked Ye Wentian to check it. After confirmation, Ye Wentian put it into the Qiankun ring with satisfaction.

"You did a good job. If there is any news about Xuanyuan Xiaoyu, please let me know." Ye Wentian told Jack his number.

"Okay...Okay." Jack nodded again and again, how dare he not agree.

"Let's go." Ye Wentian was overjoyed when he got 150 billion US dollars, and now he was sure that Xuanyuan Xiaoyu was not in danger, so he felt relieved.

Ye Wentian swept away all the money in the boxing ring that had been in business for decades, and Jack slumped down on the ground.

The boxing arena has been drained by Ye Wentian, and the only thing he can do now is to run away, because once Howard, the leader of the Dulong Organization, finds out about this, his life will definitely be in jeopardy. No matter what the reason is, Howard will not will forgive him.

Jack knew this truth well, and after making up his mind, he found a reason to get rid of the crowd, and fled to other parts of the United States alone.

Although Jack lost one of his left arms, the most important right arm is still there. With his innate first-level cultivation base, he can make a living no matter where he is, so he doesn't have to worry about that at all.

"My lord, what about Miss Xuanyuan Xiaoyu?" Iyad asked.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to find Sister Xiaoyu now. It's easy to find her in this vast crowd." Ye Wentian shook his head: "Let's go back first."

Back at the hotel, Elisa came out, looked at Ye Wentian and shook her head.

Ye Wentian's heart darkened and he walked into the bedroom.

On the bed, Lin Fei had already woken up, but her eyes were dull and motionless, no different from a vegetable.

Ye Wentian gently touched Lin Fei's cheek, Lin Fei seemed to have no sense at all, and was still as dull as ever.

Lin Fei's injuries had been healed by Ye Wentian, but her consciousness was severely closed, and she had to find the right way to wake up.

During the time when Ye Wentian and Iyad went out, Eliza tried a dozen methods, but none of them worked.

Smelling Ye Wentian's breath, Lin Fei suddenly closed his eyes, very peaceful and looking good.

Ye Wentian was taken aback, but he still didn't respond after seeing Lin Fei, so he couldn't help but sighed.

"Young Master Ye, there are two cars parked downstairs, they seem to be unusual people." At this time, Elisa walked in and whispered in Ye Wentian's ear.

"Yes." Ye Wentian nodded, indicating that he understood.

The visitor, Ye Wentian, did not know each other. There were two foreign women, one with a serious face and the other with a charming face.

Soon, the two women came to Ye Wentian's room and walked towards them.

Ye Wentian frowned slightly, and then got up, and the moment Ye Wentian let go of Lin Fei, Lin Fei moved, Ye Wentian was stunned, turned his head to see, Lin Fei just turned his head slightly, and then It didn't move again.

Ye Wentian waited for a while, but seeing that Lin Fei still didn't respond, he had no choice but to go out.

"dong dong~~"

The doorbell of the room rang.

Iyad opened the door and took a look at the two women. He felt that he was stronger than himself, but he was not afraid because Ye Wentian was here, which was his strong confidence.

"Who are you?" Iyad asked.

"Hello, respected Mr. Iyad, my name is Catherine, this guy is Fengshen, ignore her." Catherine stretched out her hand and smiled charmingly at Iyad.

Hearing Catherine's words, Fengshen frowned slightly, but did not refute anything.

Iyad did not shake hands.

"I don't know you, you go." Iyad said.

"Don't worry, we're here to find Miss Eliza, please introduce me." Catherine shrugged the big rabbit, tempting Iyad.

Iyad smiled wryly in his heart, he didn't expect that at his age, a beautiful woman would discharge himself.

"Young master Ye, they?" Eliza asked Ye Wentian's opinion.

"Since I'm looking for you, you can make the decision." Ye Wentian said lightly.

"Understood, Mr. Ye." Elisa nodded: "Let them in."

Iyad got Elisa's order, and then let Catherine and Fengshen walk in.

Entering the hall, Catherine and Fengshen glanced lightly. Ye Wentian was sitting on the front seat of the sofa, drinking tea and watching TV, while Elisa was sitting on the side, watching them.

(End of this chapter)

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