Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 594 Unreconciled Jason

Chapter 594 Unreconciled Jason
The red-haired woman just ran into the hall of the villa when a figure suddenly appeared in front of her. She was shocked and wanted to stop her running forward but it was too late and hit Ye Wentian hard.

The red-haired woman and Ye Wentian were about the same height, when they met, they accidentally kissed each other.

The red-haired woman turned pale with shock, and stared at Ye Wentian with wide eyes, and Ye Wentian was also stunned. She didn't expect it to happen so suddenly. Although Ye Wentian could have avoided it just now, after a thought flashed through her mind, , and so it happened.

It was the first time that Ye Wentian kissed a foreign woman seriously, and he could be regarded as an enemy.

Suddenly, Ye Wentian became bold, hugged the red-haired woman's willow waist, pried open the red-haired woman's small mouth, and began to fiddle with it.

Although the red-haired woman is already in her thirties, she is still a young girl. She was kissed by a man at this moment, her face was blushing, and she wanted to bite off Ye Wentian's tongue, but when she thought of how powerful Ye Wentian was, she immediately Stop that thought.

What's worse, smelling Ye Wentian's breath, the red-headed woman suddenly felt intoxicated.

"Hmm~~" The red-haired woman closed her eyes, as if letting Ye Wentian be frivolous.

Ye Wentian kissed her hard and let go of her.

"It tastes good." Ye Wentian chuckled.

Hearing this, the woman stared blankly at Ye Wentian with a complicated expression.

"What's your name?" Ye Wentian asked.

"Maya," said the red-haired woman.

"Maya, the name is good, and the person is very beautiful." Ye Wentian nodded.

"Who... are you?" Maya couldn't help asking.

"My name is Ye Wentian, and her name is Lin Fei." Ye Wentian said.

"Oh." Maya nodded, her little heart was still jumping wildly, completely forgetting that Ye Wentian had killed one of his companions just now.

"Hmph~~" At this time, Lin Fei came over and gave Ye Wentian a hard look.

Ye Wentian smiled awkwardly.


Suddenly, the whole villa trembled violently.


A voice with strong inner strength came up from the ground.

" should be the hall master's breakthrough!" Maya's eyes lit up.

"Why did you work with him?" Ye Wentian asked.

"The hall master once saved my life, so my life belongs to the hall master." Maya said seriously.

"Don't you know how to help the evildoers?" Ye Wentian shook his head and said.

"In this world, strength speaks, there is no right or wrong, so there is no such thing as helping the evildoer, I am repaying the favor!" Maya said seriously.

"Okay. I know your thinking is deeply ingrained and it's hard to correct it for a while, but starting today, you can live for yourself, Jason, and you will be a dead person." Ye Wentian said coldly.

"Dead man, what a big tone!" Hua followed a powerful voice, and then a tall and mighty man appeared in front of everyone.

"Boy, you didn't go home to drink milk at such a young age, but you ran here to die?" Jason looked at Ye Wentian coldly.

"Jason, who gave you your liquid medicine?" Ye Wentian frowned slightly, this guy also had that liquid medicine in his body.

"Medical solution, what kind of medicinal solution?" Jason looked at Ye Wentian suspiciously.

"Naturally, it's the medicine that makes you stronger." Ye Wentian said coldly.

"Boy, who are you?" Jason couldn't help but dignified. Only he and the person who gave him the liquid knew about him getting the liquid medicine. Unexpectedly, Ye Wentian also knew about it.

"Of course I'm the one who killed you." Ye Wentian looked at Jason indifferently.

"Haha~~ I want to kill me, kid, and I'm not afraid of losing my waist when I talk big." Jason laughed disapprovingly, and then said: "Now that I, Jason, have broken through to the third heavenly realm of the innate level, I will unify the entire New York City, no one can stop me!"

"Well, I'm afraid I will disappoint you, because today will be your death day." Ye Wentian said.

"Boy, since you want to die, don't blame me, Maya, kill her!" Jason said coldly.

Hearing Jason's order, Maya's expression was startled. Seeing Ye Wentian's killing intent immediately, but she didn't do it, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Ye Wentian smiled slightly, pulled Maya behind him, and at the same time hit Jason with a palm, not very fast.

"Looking for death!" Jason didn't hold back, he used all his strength when he made a move, which was his habit. In his opinion, when two people fight, only one wins in the end. It's either life or death!


Two powerful internal forces collided, shaking everything around, and then Jason slammed into the distant landscape tree like a broken kite, almost breaking the landscape tree up.

"You... who are you?" As soon as he opened his mouth, Jason couldn't help it anymore, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Naturally the one who killed you." Ye Wentian smiled evilly and dodged at an extremely fast speed.

Jason's pupils were wide open, wanting to react, but the gap with Ye Wentian was too big, and he couldn't see Ye Wentian's position. When he saw Ye Wentian again, a strong hand was already dead He strangled his neck tightly.

"No~~" Jason looked at Ye Wentian unwillingly, he was unwilling to die like this, because his cultivation base finally broke through, but he didn't expect that his strength had just broken through, and he thought he would dominate the underworld in New York City, but he didn't expect Just like that, it fell into Ye Wentian's hands aggrieved.

"Remember, do more good deeds in the next life." As he spoke, Ye Wentian squeezed his luck, and there was a creaking sound, and Jason tilted his neck unwillingly.

Maya looked at all this with a complicated expression, and she wanted to stop it, but she knew that relying on her strength was useless at all, and she could only witness Jason's death.

"Maya, be a good person." After Ye Wentian finished speaking, he came to Lin Fei's side and led her to drive the most luxurious sports car in Jason's garage, and then the two left quickly.

It wasn't until Ye Wentian and Lin Fei walked away for a long time that Maya finally came to her senses. Looking at Jason, who was unwilling to die like this, she had mixed feelings for a moment.

Jason was an orphan, he fought hard by himself, and later worshiped a master, learned martial arts well, and worked hard to get to where he is today. He got mixed up with the hall master, and got the medicine to enhance his strength , and today, he didn't even have a chance to arouse the power of the liquid medicine, so he was killed by Ye Wentian just like that.

The other subordinates rushed over. After seeing this scene, no one spoke to them. Here, Maya is already dominant.

Maya glanced at everyone, then took a deep look at Jason again, and quickly disappeared from everyone's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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