Chapter 595
In the car, Lin Fei was still a little angry. Although she felt that she was not someone like Ye Wentian, she just couldn't help it. Perhaps, subconsciously, she had already regarded Ye Wentian as the most important person in her life.

"Man, shall we go back to the hotel?" Finally, Lin Fei spoke first.

"En." Ye Wentian nodded, he was thinking about his own affairs.

"What are you thinking? It can't be that beauty Maya, right?" Lin Fei blinked her beautiful eyes and stared at Ye Wentian intently.

"No way!" Ye Wentian smiled wryly in his heart: "I will never meet her again, we are just passers-by in each other's lives."

After hearing Ye Wentian's words, Lin Fei didn't say anything more. In fact, she didn't want to argue, but she just felt a little uncomfortable.

The car was driving in the wild, with few people around and few vehicles on the road. Ye Wentian's speed increased to the extreme again, and it surged like a gust of wind.

Lin Fei frowned. To be honest, she still couldn't stand the speed. She didn't like such excitement. After the hard work, her mentality changed, and she preferred an ordinary life.

In front, four figures appeared, two men and two women, blocking the five-meter-wide road, staring closely at Ye Wentian who suddenly drove over.

The speed of the car was still as fast as ever. Ye Wentian noticed those people, but he didn't intend to stop.

"This kid doesn't seem to know how to stop the car anymore." It was a middle-aged man who spoke.

"It's not because of some tricks." The eyes of the woman beside her flashed, her slender jade legs kicked the ground slightly, and she rose into the air.


A crisp sound sounded, and an extremely sharp knife appeared in her hand.

"Stop!" The woman yelled coldly, and the knife in her hand struck out suddenly.

The powerful sword qi slashed towards Ye Wentian's car without hesitation.

Ye Wentian frowned slightly, stepped on the brakes quickly, turned the steering wheel, and at the same time used the jack to stabilize the center of the car. With a perfect drift, the car stopped firmly in the wild.

Ye Wentian and Lin Fei got out of the car and walked towards them.

"Ye Wentian, my name is Linda, I didn't expect you to have good driving skills!" The woman on the far side looked at Ye Wentian, with a flash of interest in her eyes.

"It seems that you guys know me." Ye Wentian didn't find any killing intent on them, so he was relieved a lot.

"My name is Taylor, this is Julie, he is my younger brother Taylor, and we are both members of the National Security Bureau." Taylor said.

"National Security Bureau!" Ye Wentian was startled, and looked at the few people again: "I didn't expect that I would alarm you."

"You have made too much noise. In just a few days, you have caused turmoil in our New York. If you hadn't been a well-known teacher and you are the son of the Ye family, people from our National Security Bureau might want to arrest you. You can't get up." Linda smiled slightly.

"You can't blame me." Ye Wentian shrugged his shoulders, and continued: "Your National Security Bureau is so capable, I wonder if you can help me find Sister Xiaoyu."

"Are you referring to Xuanyuan Xiaoyu?" Zhu Li asked involuntarily, withdrawing Tang Dao.

"Not bad." Ye Wentian nodded.

Several people looked at each other, looked at Ye Wentian and shook their heads.

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you. We only know that Xuanyuan Xiaoyu finally withdrew 200 million US dollars from Ruishan Bank, and there was no trace of her after that," Taylor said.

"How could this be?" Ye Wentian frowned, "Have you expanded your scope to look for it?"

"I've looked for it, but there's no news yet." Julie said.

"That's right. Sister Xiaoyu is proficient in disguise. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to find her." Ye Wentian sighed.

"We find it strange that after you released the news about your location, everyone in New York City should know that you live in the Dihao Hotel. It stands to reason that Xuanyuan Xiaoyu should also know, but she didn't show up." Linda He looked at Ye Wentian suspiciously.

"Actually, this is what I find strange." Ye Wentian frowned slightly.

"If Miss Xuanyuan Xiaoyu has left New York City, it will be difficult to find her." Julie said.

"I hope so." Ye Wentian nodded.

"Young master Ye, we will do our best to deal with Xuanyuan Xiaoyu's matter, now you can come with us." Linda said.

"Why?" Ye Wentian took a step back, frowning slightly.

"You've caused us so much trouble, don't you think it's a shame that the four of us invite you to go?" Taylor looked at Ye Wentian with a serious face.

"I'm sorry, I still have things to do, I don't want to waste any more time." Ye Wentian shook his head.

"If you don't go, I'm afraid we won't be able to explain it," Linda said.

"Is there anything I can't explain, and I haven't committed any crimes." Ye Wentian said seriously.

"You!" Linda was also speechless.

"Young Master Ye, do you want us to meet each other in battle?" Julie held Tang Dao behind her again with her hand.

"I wish I could, I think this is the best way to solve the current situation." Ye Wentian spread his hands.

"The four of us know how good you are, so we won't fight you alone," Taylor said.

"I didn't ask you to fight alone with me." Ye Wentian said.

"Okay." After Zhu Li finished speaking, she couldn't wait to draw out Tang Dao.

The knife flashed, and the dazzling light shot into Ye Wentian's eyes.

Ye Wentian closed his eyes consciously, and at this moment, the four of them actually made a move at the same time. Obviously, they had already discussed this move.

Julie's knife skills are very complicated, some are from China, some are from Japan, and some are created by herself. Although it is complicated, it has to be said that it is quite sharp.

The saber energy was vertical and horizontal, and it came towards Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian was like a tumbler, with one foot on the ground, avoiding the saber energy steadily, and turning around.

"That's right!" Tai Luo's momentum sank, the ground sank, and Ye Wentian's feet were imprisoned by two layers of soil. Ye Wentian was wrapped in it.

"Hey~~ It's so simple!" Linda clapped her hands. She used these vines. She is a wood-type supernatural power user, and she can do these things with ease, especially when Tai Luo, an earth-type supernatural power user, assisted When it's time, it's even more handy.

"He's nothing more than that." Taylor was quite disdainful.

"Really?" Ye Wentian's voice came from inside the vines. Immediately afterwards, vines stretched out from the ground, enveloping the four of them.

And the vines on Ye Wentian's body disappeared without a trace, and further entangled around the four of them.

(End of this chapter)

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