Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 596 Two Little Perverts

Chapter 596 Two Little Perverts

Ye Wentian clapped his hands, and shook his head helplessly. Although they were not young, their strength was much worse than Ye Wentian's.

The cultivation bases of the four are all at the second level of the innate level, but the four of them have fought together for a long time, and they have formed an inexplicable tacit understanding. This tacit understanding can increase their combat effectiveness several times, comparable to the third level of the innate level. The peak in the middle of the day and even the strong in the later stage, even so, it is impossible to be Ye Wentian's one-stroke enemy.

If it was someone else, they might be able to barely support a move when they met a master like Ye Wentian, but their supernatural powers are completely ineffective against Ye Wentian. Ye Wentian is a Dao body, born to blend with heaven and earth He is much more familiar with the nine broad powers of heaven and earth than they are.

This is also the reason why the vines used by Lingda and the earth bondage used by Tai Luo are useless to Ye Wentian.

"Ye Wentian, let us out quickly!" The four of Julie were so angry that their teeth itched. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't get rid of these vines, and even moving their bodies a little became a luxury.

"Ye Wentian, we are members of the National Security Bureau. Are you not afraid that our elders will face you if you do this?" Taylor said angrily.

"Ye Wentian, let me go, I'm about to die of suffocation." Linda said angrily.

Ye Wentian chuckled: "Miss Linda, I'm really sorry, since I'm in a panic, I'll help you out."

With a thought of Ye Wentian, two cute little nostrils were exposed, followed by Linda's bright eyes.

Seeing Ye Wentian's grinning appearance, Linda was about to go crazy, but no matter what, there was nothing she could do.

"Okay, I'm not worthy of you guys. Goodbye." Ye Wentian waved his hand, got out of the car, and drove Lin Fei away quickly.

Without Ye Wentian's control, these vines quickly lost their original strength, and the four of them were shocked, and the vines burst open immediately.

"Damn it, he ran away without a trace!" Taylor looked angrily at the direction Ye Wentian left.

"I have to say, this guy is too perverted!" Taylor patted Taylor on the shoulder, motioning him to calm down.

Julie was a little annoyed and irritable, she pulled out the Tang Dao, and a tyrannical saber slashed out fiercely, immediately filled with dust and smoke.

"Heck~~Sister Julie, now you have met a real opponent. Oh~no, it should be said that you have met a giant." Linda covered her mouth and chuckled non-stop, the fullness of her chest trembling Yes, Taylor's eyes were firmly attracted to the past.

"Hmph~~" Julie glared at Linda secretly.

Noticing Taylor's gaze, Linda immediately crossed her hips and stared at Taylor dissatisfied: "What are you looking at? If you have the guts to look at Sister Julie."

"Stinky girl, if you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I'll cut your tongue off!" Julie held the Tang Dao with a twist of luck, and a tyrannical force circulated on the Tang Dao.

Linda stuck out her tongue while looking at Julie, then turned her head to look in the direction Ye Wentian was leaving.

Taylor has always liked Linda, and when Linda said this, he was afraid to make a sound, and he didn't even dare to look at her.

"Julie, your master is from China, and your sword skills also originated from China. In this battle, I believe you should have a deep understanding of your own strength." Tai Luo said.

Julie nodded. Although she was a little unconvinced, she knew that the gap between herself and Ye Wentian was not only in cultivation, but also in age. She was already in her thirties, but Ye Wentian was nothing more than a genius.

"It's a miracle that there is a pervert like Ye Wentian in the world. I hope there will be no more such people in China." Tai Luo sighed.


It has been some time since the accident happened in the next village.

Above the Liugu Forest, three figures rushed through the sky. If there is a strong person here, you will definitely find that this is an old man walking in the sky with two little kids in their teens.

At the outskirts of Liugu Forest, the old man stopped, put down the two children, gave some instructions, and then left.

"Xiao Mao, are the people outside really as bad as the elders say?" Qingqing and Xiao Mao said as they walked outside.

"The elders must be right, otherwise Sister Dieyi wouldn't have been taken away by the bad guys." Xiao Mao nodded seriously.

"Sister Dieyi, what's the matter?" Hearing Xiaomao mention Dieyi, Qingqing's mood immediately sank to the bottom.

"Qingqing, don't worry, when we meet Brother Tian, ​​Brother Tian will definitely be able to find Sister Dieyi, let alone Sister Goddess." Xiaomao stroked Qingqing's soft hair and comforted him quickly.

"Well, when we meet Brother Tian, ​​we will definitely find Sister Dieyi." Xiao Mao wiped away the tears that were about to come out from the corners of his eyes, and nodded seriously.

"The elders said that people's hearts are sinister, wait outside, Qingqing, you have to listen to me, you know?" Xiaomao said.

"Why?" Qingqing blinked her big eyes, and looked at Xiaomao with some disbelief.

"Of course you have to listen to me, that's what the elders say." Xiao Mao thought for a while and said.

"Hmph~~ I don't want to listen to you. Now I am a master of heaven, and you are the same as me, at the same level." Qingqing retorted.

"If it wasn't for the ancestors who raised my strength to the same level as yours, your cultivation level must be lower than mine now." Xiao Mao said.

"But the fact is that my cultivation level is the same as yours, and I believe I will be able to surpass yours." Qingqing said seriously.

"But, I'm older than you, and you should listen to the patriarch and the others, shouldn't you?" Xiao Mao said.

"This...Okay!" Qingqing thought for a while and nodded.

Xiao Mao was overjoyed, and took Qingqing's little hand and jumped in the forest, and soon went outside.

"Wow~~ The things here are so strange, Xiao Mao, look, what kind of monster is that?" Qingqing pointed to the truck and motorcycle not far away.

"I don't know, it doesn't seem to be a living body." Xiaomao scratched his head.

Hearing the words of the two little kids, the people around couldn't help but look over.

Xiaomao and Qingqing were wearing ancient costumes, and Xiaomao still had long hair. Everyone was amazed, especially they couldn't understand a single word Xiaomao and Qingqing said.

"These two children are not natives in Liugu Forest, are they?" Someone asked doubtfully.

"Very likely." The people around nodded, staring closely at the two little kids.

"Dididi~~" Behind Qingqing and Xiaomao, there was a sound of honking, and a small car sped up. The driver saw Xiaomao and Qingqing who were blocking the road and didn't seem to give way, regardless of 21, quickly Coming towards this side.

"What the hell is this thing?" Xiao Mao muttered.

Looking at the small car rushing towards him, Xiao Mao thought of those ferocious beasts, stomped his foot, and his body suddenly hit the car hard like an arrow from the string.

(End of this chapter)

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