Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 597 Unreasonable Sorrow

Chapter 597 Unreasonable Sorrow

There was a loud noise that shook the sky, and everyone was stunned. All the people around looked over with countless pairs of eyes.

At this moment, let everyone know what it means to be silent and to hear fallen leaves.

Pairs of pupils were wider than a bull's eye at the moment, looking at the scene in front of them in disbelief, each and every one of them seemed to be tearing their clothes out.

"Nimma... what's going on!"

Some people grabbed their hair, trying to wake themselves up, some twisted their thigh muscles vigorously, telling themselves that this was not a dream, some even limp on the ground, slapping their cheeks until they Only when she turns red can she truly recognize that everything in front of her is real!
A car weighing two thousand catties flew upside down under the small fist of a kid. If it wasn't a car that hit violently, but a car that was lying on the ground, under this punch, it would probably fly upside down. farther.

With such a huge power, even ordinary early stage powerhouses cannot achieve it, but Xiaomao and Qingqing are different. The two have been baptized with holy water since they were young, and their meridians are many times stronger than most practitioners.

"Xiao Mao, why are they looking at us with this kind of eyes?" Qing Qing asked, pulling Xiao Mao's arm, puzzled.

"I don't know." Xiao Mao shook his head and looked at the people around him suspiciously.

In the car, the man was hit violently, and the airbag deployed, saving his life, but the violent shock made him pass out.

"Let's go and find Brother Tian." Xiao Mao didn't care about this person, and took Qing Qing's hand and left.

Seeing the two little kids going away, the people around watched the two great gods leave in amazement, not daring to make a sound.

But the two of them didn't go far, and they couldn't help but stopped again.

"Xiao Mao, what's the matter?" Qingqing looked at Xiao Mao suspiciously.

"How should we go next? Where is Yanjing?" Xiao Mao asked.

"Ah~~" Qingqing felt troubled, and shook her head: "I don't know either."

"Or, let's ask them." Xiao Mao pointed to the soldiers guarding the exit.

"Yeah." Qingqing nodded.

So Xiaomao and Qingqing quickly ran towards those soldiers. At this time, one of the soldiers got an order from his superior and walked out quickly. When he saw the two little kids running over, he was overjoyed.

"It's the two of them, if you dare to hurt the young master, arrest him." The little officer said.

"Don't move." Several soldiers were ordered to point at Xiaomao and Qingqing with their micro-chargers.

Seeing these people's ferocity, Qingqing and Xiaomao looked at each other, without saying a word, each side.

"Boom! Boom! Boom~~" A series of voices sounded, and when the voice disappeared, all the nine guards here lay on the ground.

"These people are not being beaten." Xiao Mao clapped his hands and shook his head regretfully.

"They are all ordinary people, so naturally they are not as powerful as us." Qingqing said, "What should we do next?"

Xiaomao and Qingqing looked into the distance, there was no one in front of them, but when they looked around, they didn't know how far away they were.

"What should I do?" Xiao Mao lost his mind and couldn't help looking at Qingqing.

Qingqing glared at Xiao Mao, who scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Why don't we go back and ask them." Qingqing thought for a while, and then said: "We have money in our hands. I heard from the elders that people outside like money. If they take us to find Brother Tian, ​​we will Give them the money, do you agree?"

"That's right, let's do it!" Xiaomao nodded immediately: "Qingqing, you are so smart."

"Hmph~~Of course." Qingqing pouted.

The two children walked back again, but when they reached the previous place, a military vehicle drove over, and the leader was an officer at the battalion commander level.

"It's them." Someone said, pointing to Qingqing and Xiaomao who came over.

"It's them!" The officer signaled to stop the car, looking at Xiao Mao and Qing Qing in disbelief.

It's hard to imagine that such a small child can possess such supernatural power. To do such a thing, at least tens of thousands of catties of strength are necessary.

But thinking of the little fist on the car, the officer completely believed it.In fact, he is also a cultivator, but only a half-step yellow, so he knows the power of a cultivator.

"Why did you two hurt my son?" The officer looked at Xiao Mao and Qing Qing coldly.

"He seems to be a bad guy too." Xiao Mao said.

"Yeah." Qingqing nodded: "But what did he say, what should I do if I don't understand it?"

"I don't know either." The two little guys were in trouble again.

"Catch it first." The officer signaled the two soldiers to go over.

The two soldiers got orders and didn't believe that these two little guys had such great abilities, so they didn't care much.

But the hearts of the audience around them tightened again, staring at the scene that was about to happen with their eyes wide open. Such a frequent scene was hard for them to encounter in their life.

"What do they want to do?" Seeing the two soldiers approaching nonchalantly, Xiao Mao was puzzled.

Those soldiers also came towards them before, so they made a move, but the two soldiers who walked over at this moment did not have a fierce expression, so they did not make a move.

"Let's go." Two soldiers grabbed Xiaomao and Qingqing by their collars and lifted them up.

"Let me go." At this moment, Xiao Mao and Qing Qing were angry, knowing that these people had no good intentions.

In a blink of an eye, two muffled sounds entered everyone's ears.


Everyone opened their mouths wide and secretly swallowed their saliva. Then the two soldiers were thrown far in the air and finally landed.

But this time, the two soldiers were sad. When Xiao Mao and Qing Qing got angry, they didn't pay attention to their strength, and directly beat the two poor soldiers to death.

"Damn it, shoot them!" The little officer was startled and ordered immediately.

More than a dozen rifles and microchargers fired wildly at Xiaomao and Qingqing.

"bang bang bang~~"

A series of gunshots rang out, but what made people speechless was that all these soldiers hit the empty space, and the figures of Xiaomao and Qingqing flew up the moment the bullets were fired.

"I rely on~~ in the sky!" Someone yelled, and then everyone looked up.

But then, Xiao Mao and Qing Qing quickly landed, waving their fists at a dozen soldiers.

"bang bang bang~~"

In just a few seconds, more than a dozen soldiers were all sent flying by Xiaomao and Qingqing. Their inner strength was pierced through their bodies, and their internal organs were directly crushed.

The gun in the leading officer's hand was trembling, and he looked at Xiaomao and Qingqing with his mouth open in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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