Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 61 Familiarity

Chapter 61 Familiarity
"The writing is not bad!" Zhou Xiaotong was shocked when he saw his name written by Ye Wentian. Although it was only three words, it gave people a kind of spiritual enjoyment. mood.

"Of course, I'm the best student." Ye Wentian immediately said proudly.

"I can't see that you are good at sticking your nose to your face!" Zhou Xiaotong said in a neutral tone.

"Of course...not!" Ye Wentian thought it was a compliment, but after thinking about it in his mind, he immediately realized it.

"By the way, let's not talk about it." Ye Wentian walked to Zhou Xiaotong's side, and sat down next to her.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Xiaotong was shocked, thinking that Ye Wentian was going to molest her again.

"Of course I'm doing business." Ye Wentian ignored Zhou Xiaotong, turned on the computer and said, "Lend me your computer."

Zhou Xiaotong was a little puzzled, but didn't say anything, watching Ye Wentian operate.

Ye Wentian opened a webpage, entered an account number, and the page opened, showing Ye Wentian's name, and then entered a bank card account number, and then entered the bank card number obtained just now.

"What's the password of this bank card?" Ye Wentian turned his head and asked.

"Six zeros." Seeing that Ye Wentian was about to transfer the money, and the other party was a formal charity organization, Zhou Xiaotong didn't say anything.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Wentian donated 10 yuan to his orphanage, and opened the third page. According to the above, it was obviously a small private website. Based on Zhou Xiaotong's experience, it is likely to be a lie.

"Wait! These websites are completely deceiving, did you get kicked in the head by a donkey!" Zhou Xiaotong said angrily.

Ye Wentian stopped his movements, glanced at the angry Zhou Xiaotong, shook his head, continued to operate, and directly transferred 5 yuan to the other party, plus the 20 yuan he lost to the charity organization and the [-] yuan from his own orphanage, all at once. Just used up [-] yuan.

"You! You have a lot of money and you can't take advantage of those people with bad intentions! I really don't know what you think." Zhou Xiaotong stood up and was about to leave, but was pulled back by Ye Wentian.

"Okay, my good wife, don't be angry." Ye Wentian felt a little helpless, so he logged on to his QQ, and as soon as he went online, a series of message records popped up immediately.

Ye Wentian clicked on a message sent to him by a nickname Yaoyao, and let Zhou Xiaotong read it.

Zhou Xiaotong was no longer so excited when he saw the above content, but he was still dubious.

"I met her accidentally on the Internet a year ago. I chatted with her a lot and felt that she should not be lying, so I chose to help her. She said that she lives in Huishi and her real name is Hu Riyao. I still have her. I'll dig out the photos for you to take a look at." Ye Wentian said.

"Huishi!" Zhou Xiaotong frowned.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?" Ye Wentian asked.

"That place is near the sea, it's a bit chaotic, and there are many forces involved." Zhou Xiaotong said.

"Oh." Ye Wentian nodded, opened the space album, found a photo, clicked on it, and a beautiful girl appeared on the screen.

"She looks pretty!" Zhou Xiaotong's tone was neither yin nor yang, but he said instead: "It seems that she is indeed a good girl, but the truth is that only the real person will know."

Seeing the photo of the girl in front of him again, Ye Wentian felt a little familiar, but after thinking about it, he had no impression at all.

"Hey!" Seeing Ye Wentian staring at the photo, Zhou Xiaotong got a little angry.

Seeing Zhou Xiaotong's angry look, Ye Wentian smiled, hugged her and kissed her, and said, "What? You're jealous! You don't think I'm interested in her, do you?"

"Hmph, who knew!" Zhou Xiaotong was a little bit annoyed, "Anyway, you just like to flirt with flowers and grass everywhere. I really don't know if it's right or wrong to fall in love with you."

Seeing Zhou Xiaotong's appearance, Ye Wentian knew that the two of them should be honest, so he said: "I, Ye Wentian, is a man with a dedicated relationship. Since I have chosen you, I will not do anything to be sorry for you. I believe that I can assure you that I also hope that you choose to believe me, because you are my wife."

"Who is your wife? I'm not married to you." Zhou Xiaotong pouted. Although she was dissatisfied, she was very happy in her heart.

"Why don't we both go to get the certificate now." Ye Wentian said seriously.

"No!" Zhou Xiaotong immediately vetoed: "You are not old enough now, and you still have your own things to do, and I don't want premature marriage to restrict your life."

"As expected, she is my good wife." Ye Wentian took another sip.

"Don't change the subject, tell me honestly, how much did you contribute to this woman named Hu Riyao for free?" Zhou Xiaotong asked.

"I didn't have much money before, and with the 5 yuan just now, it's only a little over 6." Ye Wentian said.

"That's okay, I don't have any acquaintances in that place, and it's not easy for you to find out the details of this person. You are not allowed to donate to this person for free in the future." Zhou Xiaotong warned.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, my wife." Ye Wentian immediately agreed.

"By the way, you also made great contributions this time, is there any reward?" Ye Wentian continued to ask.

"There is no reward, it's just a big credit." Zhou Xiaotong said calmly.

"This is too deceitful, my wife, you have made such a big contribution, didn't the chief of the bureau say that you should be promoted to deputy chief?" Ye Wentian said dissatisfied.

Zhou Xiaotong glanced at Ye Wentian, smiled and said, "The higher-ups did have this intention, but I rejected it."

"Why? It's a good thing!" Ye Wentian said puzzled.

"It's not because of you!" Zhou Xiaotong gave Ye Wentian a blank look, and then said: "Being the deputy director has more work than the director. Those who often run here and there, those running jobs are basically done by the deputy director. , and the director is just a symbolic gesture, do you think I will agree?"

"It's better to be a wife! You know how to think about me." Ye Wentian kissed Zhou Xiaotong's white and tender face. He knew that Zhou Xiaotong did this because he didn't want to see him often. Two people in love.

"Then did you express something!" Zhou Xiaotong said playfully.

"You can express whatever you want, as long as I can do it." Ye Wentian said immediately.

"No sincerity!" Zhou Xiaotong pouted.

"Hmm...let me think about it!" Ye Wentian tapped his head, a flash of inspiration: "We have known each other for so long, and we have never had dinner together, why don't we have a romance tonight."

Seeing Ye Wentian silently waiting for her to respond, Zhou Xiaotong nodded with a smile.

Seeing that Zhou Xiaotong agreed, Ye Wentian finally breathed a sigh of relief, the two chatted for a while, Ye Wentian got up and walked out, telling her that he was going to the prison to see his old friend, and that he would accompany her to dinner at night.

(End of this chapter)

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