Chapter 62
Ye Wentian didn't go directly to the prison, but went to the bank to withdraw 1 yuan, and then bought some fruits and the like.

When they came to the prison, Ye Wentian had a relationship with Zhou Xiaotong, so he could visit him in the prison.

When Wang Dazhu and his group saw their boss come in to visit them and comfort them with things, they were very moved.

Ye Wentian chatted with several people in Wang Dazhu's dormitory all morning, and then began to talk about the action that Ye Wentian gave them.

"Wang Dazhu, how is the practice of the movement I taught you?" Ye Wentian asked.

"This... this..." Wang Dazhu scratched his head, and they looked at Ye Wentian embarrassedly.

Ye Wentian was taken aback for a moment, shook his head and said, "You guys do that action."

Wang Dazhu and the others had no choice but to follow the method Ye Wentian taught them.

The three of them Wang Dazhu, Fang Cheng, and Ma Tao were crooked, and they almost couldn't stand still, but they were not bad. Ye Wentian was most impressed by the difficulty of this movement, while the others fell down before they could stand still.

"Doing this movement requires perseverance, cruelty and perseverance. Once you break through this hurdle, you will find that your body has undergone earth-shaking changes. Now that you have not yet started, you will naturally not feel the magic of this movement. Everything is difficult at the beginning, not because you are not good enough, but because you are not cruel enough to yourself." Ye Wentian continued: "You keep your posture, I will help you."

Ye Wentian came behind Wang Dazhu, put his palm on his back, and mobilized his original divine power to walk through the meridians of Wang Dazhu's whole body.

Feeling the changes in his body, Wang Dazhu's spirit lifted, the fatigue feeling just now was swept away, and he turned into a hundred times more energetic, as if with the help of a god, the strength of his whole body instantly increased, and a kind of excitement and pride that he had never felt before surged into his heart.

At this moment, Wang Dazhu worshiped Ye Wentian to the extreme, and such a miraculous method reappeared, which made him yearn for a while, and strengthened his determination to follow Ye Wentian.

But a little, Ye Wentian frowned, a slight sense of weakness came to his heart, Ye Wentian had no choice but to withdraw his hands, and sat on the side to adjust his breath.

Wang Dazhu and the others stopped their movements, forming a tacit understanding without disturbing Ye Wentian, and waited quietly.

After a while, Ye Wentian opened his eyes, looked at the puzzled expressions of several people, and smiled slightly: "Okay, let's continue."

This time, Ye Wentian didn't stay on them for so long, and helped them a little, otherwise, his body would appear weak again.

Among them, the one who benefited the most was Wang Dazhu, whose strength almost doubled, and the cells in his body were nourished by the original divine power, and his aptitude and understanding were greatly improved.

"You guys should have been out of prison not long ago, right?" Ye Wentian asked.

"Brother, we will be released from prison in more than half a month, and then we will hang out with you." Wang Dazhu's face was full of excitement, and his fists were creaking.

"Yes, big brother, we'll hang out with you, but big brother, don't want us when the time comes!" Fang Cheng begged.

"Don't worry, as long as you are willing to follow me, I will take you in." Ye Wentian smiled, and then said: "You must persist in this movement every day to be able to achieve anything. When you can guarantee to persist in this movement for an hour , you will find your body changes.”

"Don't worry, brother, we will not disappoint your expectations, and we will stick to it to the end." Ma Tao patted his thick chest and abdomen.

Ye Wentian nodded. He knew that some of them still had concerns, and they might not follow him when they were released from prison, but that didn't matter anymore. Everyone has their own choices, and the most important thing is their own choice. Just choose to have no complaints or regrets, he will not force them, this extraordinary action is a precious gift for them.

Ye Wentian finished lunch with them, and then Ye Wentian said goodbye to them, and went to find Hu Tiequan alone, who knew that Hu Tiequan was assigned to work, but Ye Wentian had no choice but to go back to the police station .

On the way, Ye Wentian suddenly heard a dog barking, Ye Wentian was refreshed, the sound was very familiar.

"It's that strange dog named Lightning!" Ye Wentian muttered.

"Wang... um..."

Following the sound of lightning, Ye Wentian came to the wall of a courtyard, and looked at the four-meter-high courtyard wall, plus the power grid, it was about five meters high, which is an insurmountable gap for ordinary people , but for a cultivator like Ye Wentian, it's like eating, it's not difficult.

Intuition tells Ye Wentian that Lightning is not an ordinary dog, but according to the information given to him by Hongmeng Daohua Jue, Lightning is not a powerful spirit beast or monster.

Ye Wentian was about to jump over the courtyard wall to see the lightning, when suddenly he saw a monitor not far away in his consciousness. If this trespassed without authorization, it would be justified, and although Zhou Xiaotong could help him, but he I also don't want to bring unnecessary trouble to Zhou Xiaotong out of thin air.

Ye Wentian walked to Zhou Xiaotong's office and walked in without knocking on the door.

Zhou Xiaotong was summarizing the incident of this terrorist attack, when he sensed that someone walked in without knocking on the door, Xiumei frowned, raised her head, saw that it was Ye Wentian, and became even more angry.

"Wait! My wife, I was wrong, I was wrong, I promise you, next time you come in, you will definitely knock on the door first." Ye Wentian saw that Zhou Xiaotong was about to get angry, he quickly admitted his mistake, walked behind Zhou Xiaotong, and rubbed her graciously. Shoulder and back.

"Hmph!" Zhou Xiaotong really couldn't do anything about Ye Wentian, she found that since the relationship between the two was established, they were always bullied by Ye Wentian.

"Come on, what's the matter?" Zhou Xiaotong said angrily.

"My wife is really a god!" Ye Wentian gave a thumbs up, his face full of flattery: "Could it be that this is what the ancients said that there is a sympathy!"

"Are you talking or not? Didn't you see that I was busy?" Zhou Xiaotong was chattering towards Ye Wentian with black lines all over his face. This guy was more capable of chattering than an old lady.

Seeing this, Ye Wentian knew that he had made Zhou Xiaotong angry again: "The thing is like this, I want to see the lightning, so I need your help."

"Why are you going to see it?" Zhou Xiaotong was a little puzzled.

"Don't you feel that lightning is very unusual?" Ye Wentian continued: "From the moment it sticks to me, I feel that it seems to have some kind of fate with me."

Zhou Xiaotong frowned and pondered for a while, then said, "Let's go!"

The two walked out, Zhou Xiaotong got the key, and went to Lightning's den together.

From afar, when Lightning saw Ye Wentian, he jumped up and down as if he had taken a stimulant, yelling non-stop. If it wasn't for the chains that locked it, it would have already jumped on Ye Wentian by now.

"Boy, take good care of it, it has a great background, and it will definitely help you in the future." Ye Wentian was walking, when the voice of the ancestor Hongmeng suddenly popped out in his head, almost frightened his soul out of his wits.

(End of this chapter)

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