Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 63 Unreasonable

Chapter 63 Unreasonable
"Wentian, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Ye Wentian's frightened appearance, Zhou Xiaotong asked worriedly.

"Ah~~ It's okay, it's okay." Ye Wentian breathed a sigh of relief, came to his senses, waved his hands, and at the same time cursed at Patriarch Hongmeng in his heart.

Zhou Xiaotong clearly didn't believe her eyes. After getting along day and night these days, she also understood Ye Wentian's character, but Ye Wentian didn't want to talk about it, so she didn't ask anymore.

The two walked up to Lightning, Lightning kept wagging his tail, and licked Ye Wentian's pants with his tongue, it was outrageously intimate.

Zhou Xiaotong untied the chain around Lightning's neck and gained freedom. With a kick of Lightning's legs, he threw himself directly at Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian was a little speechless, he dodged away, his eyes widened, Lightning immediately knew that Ye Wentian was blaming it, and hummed aggrievedly.

"Old man, what is its origin?" Ye Wentian used his thoughts to transmit the sound to Hongmeng's ancestor.

After waiting for a while, there was no sound, and Ye Wentian went straight to the black line: This old man knows how to pretend for me.

"Sister Xiaotong, can I discuss something with you?" Ye Wentian asked.

"You don't want me to give you the lightning, do you?" Zhou Xiaotong said angrily.

"My wife is smart, I found that I can't stop loving you." Ye Wentian said with a smirk.

"Go, go, go~~" Zhou Xiaotong finally realized what it means to say "a tree does not need skin, it will surely die, a person does not need skin, and the world is invincible".

"I don't have this right alone. I have to ask Xiao Li and the others to agree. After all, this is a police dog raised by everyone, not mine." Zhou Xiaotong continued.

"Okay then." Ye Wentian patted Lightning on the head: "I can't take you away now, I will take you away together after I get them to agree."

"Hmm~~Wow~~" Lightning looked at Ye Wentian resentfully, turned his head and called out to Zhou Xiaotong a few times, as if expressing his dissatisfaction.

As a last resort, Lightning was finally locked up by Zhou Xiaotong. Seeing Ye Wentian was about to leave, Lightning felt reluctant again.

"Wentian, I'm curious why Lightning is so sticky to you all of a sudden. I remember that I was very strange to you before. Is there something about you that attracted it?" Zhou Xiaotong looked Ye Wentian up and down, as if he was going to Ye Wentian seemed to see through.

"Something?" Hearing this, Ye Wentian's heart was shocked, he stopped, looked at Zhou Xiaotong with his brows fixed in thought, and suddenly realized: "Could it be because of it!"

"He? Who is it?" Zhou Xiaotong asked in confusion.

"It's rather evil to talk about it. I'll explain it to you later when I have time." Ye Wentian said.

"Okay." Zhou Xiaotong nodded: "But when you think it over, you must tell me. To be honest, I am very interested in your adventure."

"Don't worry, my good wife, I will be the first to tell you about this." Ye Wentian kissed Zhou Xiaotong.

"You!" Zhou Xiaotong didn't expect to be attacked by Ye Wentian again, and couldn't help being annoyed: "This is the police station, there are cameras, please respect me a little bit, okay?"

"Uh..." Ye Wentian glanced around, there really are cameras, and not one, but four: "Okay, then I will train you slowly when I get back!"

"Fuck you!" Zhou Xiaotong clenched his fist and hit Ye Wentian.

Ye Wentian dodged, dodged, and held Zhou Xiaotong's fist: "Okay, I'm teasing you, let's go, and go eat after you finish your work."

"Hmph! Today I will make you bleed profusely!" Zhou Xiaotong said with hatred.

"Okay! As long as my wife is happy." Ye Wentian said with a smile.


After a busy day, Zhou Xiaotong's tense nerves could finally be relaxed, and she was about to get up when a pair of warm hands rested on her shoulders, gently rubbing her slightly stiff shoulders.

Knowing that it was Ye Wentian, Zhou Xiaotong sat down quietly, closed his eyes, and enjoyed it quietly.

"How is it? Is it comfortable?" Ye Wentian whispered softly against Zhou Xiaotong's ear.

Zhou Xiaotong didn't speak, just a little, opened his eyes, turned his head, and looked at the man in front of him quietly.

"What? You don't know me?" Ye Wentian said with a smile.

With a happy smile on Zhou Xiaotong's face, he hugged Ye Wentian and kissed passionately.

Seeing Zhou Xiaotong's enthusiasm, Ye Wentian couldn't give up, and immediately intensified.

"Hmm~~" Zhou Xiaotong patted Ye Wentian twice, there was no movement, and he had no choice but to push Ye Wentian away hard, his eyes full of resentment: "You want to suffocate me!"

"Hey~~ Who told my wife to be so beautiful, I just can't stop!" Ye Wentian laughed.

"Hmph~~ I know I'm cheap and good-looking!" Zhou Xiaotong gave Ye Wentian a white look, and the man in front of her really made her love and hate him at the same time.

"Let's go, take my wife to a couple's meal!" Ye Wentian held Zhou Xiaotong's hand and wanted to go out.

"Wait a minute, I'll change clothes first, you go out first." Zhou Xiaotong said.

"I'm an old couple, what are you doing out there? It's not like I haven't seen him before!" Ye Wentian took it for granted.


"Hey~~ Just kidding, it's the husband's duty to wait for his wife, so I'll go out first." Seeing that Zhou Xiaotong was about to lose his temper again, Ye Wentian hurried out.

After a while, Zhou Xiaotong came out, dressed in casual clothes, looking like a delicate and charming beauty, which made Ye Wentian's eyes brighten.

"Let's go! What are you looking at!" Zhou Xiaotong rolled his eyes at Ye Wentian, but secretly pleased.

"My wife, you are so beautiful. It seems that I have to improve my cultivation as soon as possible in the future, or I will be beaten to death by your admirer!" Ye Wentian said seriously.

"Hmph~~ It's good to know."

Zhou Xiaotong took Ye Wentian into an ordinary Volkswagen car, Ye Wentian pointed out the location, and Zhou Xiaotong drove.

"Honey, isn't this your car?" Ye Wentian was a little surprised.

"What? Look down on such an ordinary car?" Zhou Xiaotong said lightly.

"No, what my wife likes is what I like, how can I look down on it." Ye Wentian immediately said righteously, as if he was afraid that Zhou Xiaotong would not believe it, but then said: "Wife, do you want to wait later?" Husband will give you another car when he has money?"

"As long as you have the heart." Zhou Xiaotong glanced at Ye Wentian, although his mouth was so light, but there was a burst of sweetness in his heart, not because of the quality of the car, but because of the person who delivered the car.

Zhou Xiaotong is not a woman who loves vanity, otherwise others will give her whatever car she wants to drive based on her family background, but that is not the life she wants, let alone she has another identity , that is the cultivator. In the eyes of the cultivator, these things are taken very lightly, but not all cultivators are like this.

The two came to a couple's shop, looked up, and the four characters "heart to heart" jumped into view.

The two held hands tightly, looked at each other, and a deep affection melted in their hearts.

"Let's go!" Ye Wentian said, and the two walked in together.

Entering inside, the first feeling is that it is very warm, warm colors, soft music, evoke a sweet memory in my heart, like a wine with a strong aroma, it is delicious and has a long aftertaste.

"It's a strange feeling!" Ye Wentian felt a little weird, but it was more comfortable and beautiful.

Ye Wentian took Zhou Xiaotong's hand and walked to the counter.

"Hello, a box." Ye Wentian said to a waiter at the counter.

"I'm sorry, honored guest, there are quite a lot of guests today, so there is no room." The waiter said apologetically.

"How is it possible? You're not fooling me. Aren't there three private rooms on the third floor?" Ye Wentian swept his consciousness and immediately found that there were three luxurious private rooms. Although it must be much more expensive, it was hard to eat with his future wife Meal, how can you be stingy with a few dollars and return disappointed.

Hearing this, the waiter was stunned, wondering how Ye Wentian knew, then smiled and said: "Sorry, those are three VIP boxes, which are not open to the public."

"Not open? If not open, you still come to do business. Tell me, how much does it cost? I can afford it!" Ye Wentian immediately became unwilling.

"This~~" The waiter was just an ordinary person, who was suddenly frightened by Ye Wentian's aura.

"Wentian, let's go, it's okay, let's go eat somewhere else." Zhou Xiaotong knew the rules of opening a shop, such as VIP rooms, they were only open to people with status and status.

"No, I have to eat here today." Ye Wentian acted as if if you don't let me eat, I will be in a hurry with you.

Zhou Xiaotong tugged on Ye Wentian's sleeve. Although he knew Ye Wentian's intentions, he still had a headache for his unreasonable posture.

(End of this chapter)

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