Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 639 Yuan Qin's News

Chapter 639 Yuan Qin's News

Ye Wentian couldn't help but become serious. He glanced at the increasingly mysterious White Diao, and his heart moved, his whole body turned into a sword light and stabbed at the White Diao fiercely.

Jian Guang was like a flash of lightning, extremely fast, but gradually, Ye Wentian realized that his speed had slowed down, and a mysterious aura was blocking his progress.

"Ah!" Ye Wentian gritted his teeth violently, and the Tianwen Divine Sword carried a beam of sword light to strike.


With a crisp sound, Ye Wen suddenly realized that he was imprisoned in the air by an invisible force.

"This forbidden technique is interesting!" Ye Wentian didn't give up, and stabbed at the same position again with the sword in his hand.


This time, Ye Wentian clearly felt that the imperceptibly closed cage was far away, and under this blow, the light of the cage shone brightly.

"Hmph~~ With this sword, I will break your cage!" Ye Wentian gathered his strength and once again used a sword to separate the world.



Ye Wentian's sword energy pierced the cage, and the cage shattered instantly, and then Bai Diao was seriously injured, and his whole body was dying.

Ye Wentian stepped forward, held the white sable's tail, and put it in front of him, looking at the white sable's frail but hated look, he smiled wickedly.

"You~~" Bai Diao said a word, and he couldn't help but close his eyes in pain, quietly calming down the floating in his heart.

"Hey~~ Why do you need it again?" Ye Wentian put down the white mink, and gently touched the white mink's fur, which was very soft and comfortable.

"Tell me, if I peeled off your skin and made a pair of panties, wouldn't it be great!" Ye Wentian smiled wickedly.

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Bai Diao couldn't help but twitched, as if he had entered the hands of a demon.

"You... Please give me a good time." Bai Diao said with difficulty.

"You look so dead?" Ye Wentian said.

"Hmph~~ Will you let me go?" Bai Diao said angrily.

"Maybe I'll let you go if I'm in a good mood." Ye Wentian said.

"You are so kind!" Bai Diao looked at Ye Wentian suspiciously.

"Although you are very valuable to me, I don't mean to hurt you. I never did. Well, you should take care of your wounds. I've got what I want. Goodbye!" Ye Wentian said After that, in a flash, he came to dozens of miles away, where Yang Jing rushed over with Ruan Xiaoyu and Zhang Jing.

Earlier, seeing Ye Wentian and Bai Diao fighting in full swing, Yang Jing was horrified by the landslide and earth-shattering battle, and made a quick decision to take Zhang Jing and Ruan Xiaoyu to hide far away, so as not to let Ye Wentian distracted.

"Wen Tian, ​​are you alright?" the three women asked at the same time.

"Do you think I look like someone who has something to do?" Ye Wentian turned around and smiled slightly.

"Wentian, the battle just now was too terrifying." Yang Jing said in amazement.

"That white sable's cultivation has reached the late stage of Jindan, and his strength is even more tyrannical. I was able to defeat it thanks to the Tianwen Excalibur in my hand." Ye Wentian said.

"Wen Tian, ​​did you get what you thought of?" Yang Jing asked.

"Got it, let's go." Ye Wentian said, leading the three girls to walk deeper into the mysterious island.


What Ye Wentian didn't know was that shortly after they left, a wolf emperor appeared. He had been watching from a distance before, and he walked out slowly when he realized that Ye Wentian had left.

Looking at the dying white mink lying on the ground, the wolf emperor immediately showed two sharp teeth.

"It's really God helping me, a powerful spirit beast in the late stage of golden core, today I will suck your blood dry to help me break through to the middle stage of golden core." The wolf emperor grabbed the white sable, excited.

"You~~" Bai Diao didn't expect that he was not killed by a strong man like Ye Wentian, but by an ant whom he looked down upon.

The wolf emperor bit the white mink's neck, and blood gushed into his throat quickly.

The white mink let out a scream, and kept kicking its legs, but it was a pity that everything was useless, the flesh and blood on its body shrank rapidly, and finally turned into a shriveled layer of skin and bones.

The Wolf Emperor took out the white sable's inner alchemy, put it away, found a cave with rich aura, and immediately locked it up.

In the cave, nourished by the tyrannical blood and irrigated by the rich spiritual weapon, the wolf emperor quickly broke through to the middle stage of golden core.

"Hmph~~ Children and grandchildren, your death is worth it!" The wolf emperor smiled evilly, feeling the tyrannical power in his body, and gained a lot of self-confidence.

It turned out that he thought that he was a strong person here, but he didn't expect that there are many strong spirit beasts here, and there are many stronger than him. If it weren't for his cleverness and quick hiding, maybe at this moment he is only left It's just a pair of dead bones.

Now that the wolf emperor's strength has reached the mid-Golden Core stage, he already has the power to protect himself. After all, although there are many spirit beasts in the Golden Core Stage, there are not many spirit beasts in the mid-Golden Core stage.


Unknowingly, Ye Wentian and the others came to a remote place. The strength of the spirit beasts here has dropped a lot, and there are only spirit beasts of the third level of innate level, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is much lower.


"It's really exciting here!" Bai Ling killed a first-level congenital spirit wolf with a sword, and got a 500-year-old vermilion fruit, and he was very happy.

"Master, it's a pity that there are only two of us left." It was a woman who spoke, very charming.

"Hmph~~ Those useless things will die when they die. With these spiritual fruits, I can raise my cultivation level to the third heaven of the innate level. At that time, we will definitely be able to regain its glory in the Moon Palace." Bai Ling said happily.

"But it's still too dangerous here." The woman said again.

Hearing the woman's words, Bai Ling didn't scold the woman, thought about it, and nodded.

"Let's go, let's find a safe place first, let's improve our strength first," Bai Ling said.

"Master is right." The woman nodded.

Unfortunately, just as the two masters and apprentices had only walked a few hundred meters, a giant python rushed out.

"The third level of innate level!" Bai Ling suddenly exclaimed.

Hearing Bai Ling's words, the woman was startled, trembling all over.


The giant python looked at the two of them, but regardless of Sanqi 21, it rushed towards them.

"Damn it, I'll fight you!" Bai Ling just swung his long sword, but the giant python's huge mouth was already biting her.

Bai Ling's heart was ashamed, death was so close at this moment, and at this moment, a sword energy swung towards him, and the giant python was split in half by this sword energy like tofu.

"Su Meiniang, why are you here?" Before the two could react, a familiar voice came over.

"Ye Wentian!" Seeing the person coming, Su Meiniang exclaimed in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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