Chapter 640 Pain
"Ye Wentian!" Bai Ling was shocked when he heard Su Meiniang address the young man in front of him.

"The rumors turned out to be true!" Bai Ling was shocked, and looked at Ye Wentian in disbelief.

"Who is this?" Ye Wentian pointed to Bai Ling.

"I invite Bai Ling, the lord of the Moon Palace, to see Mr. Ye." Bai Ling said, cupping his fists towards Ye Wentian.

"What! Invite the Mistress of the Moon Palace!" Ye Wentian's eyes froze suddenly, and a wave of power pressed towards Bai Ling.


Bai Ling couldn't bear it anymore, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Master Ye, why are you doing this?" Su Meiniang exclaimed.

"Isn't Yuan Qin the lord of the Yueyue Palace?" Ye Wentian looked at Su Meiniang coldly.

"Master Ye, this..." Su Meiniang immediately figured out the key point, frowned, and gave Bai Ling a worried look.

Hearing Ye Wentian's words, Bai Ling's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect Ye Wentian and Yuan Qin to know each other, and the relationship seemed to be very unusual.

"Say! Su Meiniang, I believe you won't lie to me, right?" Ye Wentian said lightly.

"Master Ye..." Su Meiniang knelt down towards Ye Wentian with a pleading look on her face.

Seeing Bai Ling's pale face and Su Meiniang's actions, Ye Wentian couldn't help but took a deep breath.

"Is she dead?" Ye Wentian said slowly.

"En." Su Meiniang gritted her teeth and nodded.

"How did you die?" Ye Wentian continued to ask.

"This..." Su Meiniang lowered her head, not daring to look at Ye Wentian again.

"Bai Ling, you killed Yuan Qin, right?" Ye Wentian said coldly.

"Master Ye, please let me go, I... I was wrong!" Bai Ling kowtowed to Ye Wentian, begging for mercy.

"You are only the second level of the Xiantian level, and I believe you broke through on the mysterious island. Your cultivation level at that time was definitely not the first level of the Xiantian level. At most, you were on par with Yuan Qin, or even a little worse. How did you kill Yuan Qin?" Ye Wentian asked in a deep voice.

"Put...poison!" Bai Ling said tremblingly.

"Poison!" Ye Wentian gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. He knew that there is no right or wrong in a power struggle, only success or failure, but Yuan Qin is someone he cares about. It was only because she couldn't accommodate other women around her that she ruthlessly rejected Yuan Qin.

Thinking of the days when Yuan Qin got along with her, how can the alluring fragrance still be remembered.

"Yuan Qin, you just died like this!" Ye Wentian clenched his fists tightly, and suddenly slapped Bai Ling's head with a palm, and a mysterious breath entered Bai Ling's head instantly.

Bai Ling was stunned for a moment, and his whole body froze instantly.

Through Bai Ling's memory, Ye Wentian discovered that after Yuan Qin went back, her whole person changed, she became listless, she didn't care about everything, and gradually neglected to take precautions, so that the people around her could take advantage of it, and she was poisoned Before he knew it, when it was time for the poison to occur, Bai Ling seized the opportunity and broke his neck.

"It turned out to be like this! The culprit of everything is me!" Ye Wentian was heartbroken, and he slapped Bai Ling's heart veins with his palm.

Bai Ling was hit by Ye Wentian's palm and flew far away, spurted out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground without a sound.

"Master...Master!" Su Meiniang turned pale with shock, and immediately ran to Bai Ling's side, shaking him non-stop, but Bai Ling's heart was broken and he had already lost his vitality.

Su Meiniang hugged Bai Ling in pain. Although Bai Ling didn't treat others very well, he treated her very well, just because Su Meiniang looked a lot like her dead daughter.

Su Meiniang felt the unprecedented affection from Bai Ling, and she also had true feelings for Bai Ling. Unexpectedly, the only person in the world who was kind to her left just like that.


Su Meiniang screamed up to the sky, venting the pain in her heart. She never thought of revenge. First, she couldn't beat Ye Wentian, and Ye Wentian was also her noble person. If it wasn't for Ye Wentian, she would not be able to become a cultivator, let alone Knowing Bai Ling, it's just that this world is like this, prosperity is perishable, and precious things are always short-lived.

"Wentian." Zhang Jing and Ruan Xiaoyu didn't know who Yuan Qin was, but the two of them could feel the grief in Ye Wentian's heart, and they couldn't help feeling sad.

"Wen Tian, ​​we have to be careful if a person dies and cannot be brought back to life." Zhang Jing comforted.

"Jing'er, Xiao Yu, I killed Yuan Qin, if she hadn't broken her heart, she wouldn't have died because of it." Ye Wentian gritted his teeth and said with a choked voice.

"Brother Tian, ​​if Yuan Qin has a spirit in the sky, I believe she doesn't want you to be so hurt for her, she definitely wants you to live a good life." Ruan Xiaoyu said.

"Yuan Qin!" Ye Wentian thought of every touching movement and every look of Yuan Qin, she is so beautiful, so innocent, and she has maintained her innocent body for so many years.

"If I had another life, what would I do?" Ye Wentian suddenly thought of this question.

"Perhaps, I will refuse more completely!" Ye Wentian smiled sadly.

Dedication, sometimes doomed to hurt some people, this is unavoidable!

Thinking of this, Ye Wentian's expression darkened, thinking of the red gauze left by Yuan Qin, Ye Wentian took it out, put it on the tip of his nose, and smelled it gently, the scent was so familiar, so fragrant, just like Like holding Yuan Qin.

After a long silence, Ye Wentian withdrew the red veil, turned around and looked at Su Meiniang who was crying bitterly.

"Su Meiniang, take care of yourself." Ye Wentian gritted his teeth, and left with Zhang Jing and Ruan Xiaoyu.

Ye Wentian and Su Meiniang's grievances and grievances have already been understood, and there is no need to involve more entanglements, this is Ye Wentian's decision.

Su Meiniang stared blankly at Ye Wentian and the three of them quickly disappearing in front of her eyes, and her heart became more and more sad. Looking back on this life, she didn't even have a true friend, and she used to have a master like a mother, but now, everything is gone. there is none left.


The strong wind was blowing violently on Ye Wentian's short hair. Facing the cold wind, Ye Wentian became more awake.

"Wen Tian, ​​everything is in the past, we should all look forward, shouldn't we?" Zhang Jing said.

"Yes, we should all look forward, I still have you." Ye Wentian sighed: "After we go back, we will go and see Yuan Qin."

"At that time, I will accompany you! Look at this woman who makes you so sad." Zhang Jing said.

"Brother Tian, ​​I will accompany you when the time comes." Ruan Xiaoyu continued.

"En." Ye Wentian nodded.

Traveling far away, Ye Wentian encountered some spiritual flowers and grasses. Although there were some spiritual beasts in front of him, facing Ye Wentian's Golden Core Stage cultivation, they were quickly resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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