Chapter 669
A herd of beasts struck, shaking for hundreds of miles.The flying beasts all over the sky rushed towards Yuzhou City at an extremely fast speed, rolling layers and layers like a curtain all over the sky.

"Beast tide, why did the beast tide appear for no reason?" The middle-aged man frowned, his face full of worry.

This man's name is Liu Minghong, he is the lord of Yuzhou City, and his cultivation is unpredictable.

"Grandpa Yun, how could there be a beast horde?" Liu Rushi was practicing sword in the garden, when she heard the ground shaking more and more intensely, she flew over to take a look, her face turned pale with fright.

"I don't know, maybe it has something to do with that vision." Liu Zongyuan said.

"Vision!" Liu Rushi was stunned: "Grandpa Yuan, is my father still in seclusion?"

As soon as Liu Rushi finished speaking, a middle-aged man appeared in front of the two of them instantly.

"Father!" Liu Rushi immediately greeted Liu Minghong when he saw Liu Minghong.

"City Lord." Liu Zongyuan cupped his fists towards Liu Minghong. He is not Liu Minghong's father, but Liu Minghong's servant. He has been staying in the City Lord's Mansion as a housekeeper, and he is also Liu Minghong's confidant.

"Yeah." Liu Minghong nodded towards the two of them: "I know the situation."

"The city guards listen to the order and go immediately to defend the city gate!" Liu Minghong's sonorous voice spread far away.

"Yes, City Lord!" After receiving Liu Minghong's order, the uniform voice of the city guards came from outside the door.

In this turbulent period, in this small city of Yuzhou, it is hard to imagine that there are soldiers with such high morale.

"Father, this beast horde seems to be unprecedented, and the city defenders may not be able to resist it." Liu Rushi worried.

Liu Minghong put his hands behind his back, looked in the direction of the city gate, his eyes flickered, and Xiao Xu said: "Do your best, obey the destiny!"

"City Lord, miss, I don't think you need to worry too much. This time, Elder Hu from Tianfeng Academy, Elder Wu from Qingxu Sect, and Elder Liu from Lingxu Sect are all here. They are all innate-level powerhouses. Coupled with the powerful bows and crossbows of the defenders, I don't think it will be a big problem to stop this beast tide." Liu Zongyuan said.

"Oh!" Liu Minghong was stunned: "calculating the time, it is here. It seems that this retreat is long enough."

"Father, you have been in seclusion for more than a month this time!" Liu Rushi looked at Liu Minghong dissatisfied.

"Hehe~~ I didn't expect to be in seclusion for so long this time." Liu Minghong touched Liu Rushi's head, his eyes were full of kindness.

"City Lord, you don't know that Miss has been specially recruited by the Lingxu Sect." Liu Zongyuan said.

"Oh, really?" Liu Minghong looked at Liu Rushi questioningly.

"Hmph~~ Father doesn't care about his daughter." Liu Rushi glared at Liu Minghong.

"Haha~~ It's all father's fault." Liu Minghong gave a slight glance, only staying on Liu Rushi's body, nodded and said: "The peak in the late bone forging stage is not bad."

"Father, my daughter is the number one genius in Yuzhou City, why does she seem to be forced into your mouth!" Liu Rushi pouted dissatisfiedly.

"You, you must know that the strong have their own strong hands. At your age, there have been innate-level strong people." Liu Minghong said solemnly.

"What? The innate-level powerhouse! Who?" Liu Rushi looked at Liu Minghong in disbelief.

"That happened 800 years ago." Liu Minghong looked at the sky, and continued, "800 years ago, a powerful and powerful ruler appeared in the Tianfeng Kingdom, and his name was Zhao Yu.

Legend has it that Zhao Yu was able to recite poems and fight against each other at the age of three, read thousands of volumes of military books, practiced martial arts at the age of five, and reached the middle stage of foundation establishment at the age of six. The one who moves is the target of all countries vying to assassinate.

If a tree is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it. This is an eternal truth.

Zhao Yu was so talented that he suffered countless assassinations. Among them, for the sake of the throne, there were brothers who killed each other.

Zhao Yu seemed to have been blessed, and he didn't fall from the countless assassinations. Instead, he was allowed to go upstream and become the lord of the country whose name has been passed down to this day.

After Zhao Yu unified the six kingdoms, he ended the separatism of the heroes and allowed the common people who had suffered from the war to recuperate. As time went by, the Tianfeng Kingdom became more and more prosperous.

It can only be said that Zhao Yu, who was likely to be promoted to the legendary Golden Core stage, was unable to receive treatment because of the assassination wounds that year. "

"I didn't expect that there would be such a heaven-defying ruler in our Tianfeng Kingdom! But why haven't I heard of it? Haven't I seen it in the book?" Liu Rushi wondered.

"This involved the killing of Zhao Yu's brother, father and wife, so there were very few mentions of him. As time went by, fewer and fewer people knew about it, but there are still Among the big families, there are still people who know about those things back then." Liu Minghong said.

"A 16-year-old congenital-level powerhouse is really a pervert!" Liu Ru was inexplicably shocked.

"So don't be arrogant and complacent. I think you are already arrogant, which is not conducive to your future practice." Liu Minghong said.

"Understood, father." Liu Rushi curled her lips, nodded, and looked at Liu Minghong with a coquettish smile: "Father, what state are you in now?"

"I..." Liu Minghong shook his head: "I'm afraid it will be difficult for you little girl to catch up with me."

"Hmph~~ It's a trick again, father, just wait, I will definitely surpass you." Liu Rushi said dissatisfied.

"Okay, I'll wait for that day." Liu Minghong smiled slightly: "Housekeeper, if you take care of me, I'll go and see the situation."

"Father, I'm going too." Liu Rushi said immediately.

"It's too dangerous there, your cultivation base is too low." Liu Minghong shook his head.

"If I don't experience wind and rain, how can I surpass you, father!" Liu Rushi looked at Liu Minghong firmly.

Seeing the determination and determination in her daughter's eyes, Liu Minghong thought for a while and nodded.

"Let's go." Liu Minghong nodded, looked at Liu Zongyuan and said, "Wait a while and take care of it."

"Yes, City Master." Liu Zongyuan nodded.

After Liu Minghong finished speaking, he took a step forward, and his whole person disappeared in the eyes of the two of them in an instant.

"Father, you!" Liu Rushi stomped her feet angrily as she watched Liu Minghong leave like this.






Outside the city gate, countless spirit beasts gathered densely. If it weren't for the strong city wall tens of meters high, these guys would have rushed in and killed one side.

"Archers get ready!" The officer defending the city gave an order, and the crossbows and bows and arrows were fully prepared for these spirit beasts.

"Chirp~~" The leading wind sculpture screamed, and then hundreds of wind sculptures and iron eagles in the air swooped down.

"Shoot!" The city guard's hairs stood on end, and with an order, hundreds of arrow feathers pierced the air and shot towards the beasts.


The leading wind sculpture has reached the late stage of marrow washing, and the rain of arrows all over the sky can't stop it from advancing. With a dive, the airflow of the fluttering wings instantly blocked the arrow feathers.


There were screams one after another, and the sharp claws of the wind eagle instantly stabbed a soldier's helmet, and plunged straight into the soldier's head.

(End of this chapter)

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