Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 670 in full swing

Chapter 670 in full swing
One soldier died, and then one after another, the soldiers of the family became the souls of the dead under the claws of the wind eagle.

Morale was instantly suppressed by the group of beasts, and fear had already permeated their hearts.Escaping became the first thought in their minds.

"How could this happen?" Inside the city wall, Ye Xiong stared at each soldier being killed by the wind sculpture and the iron eagle. The sharp claws seemed to be cutting tofu, and hundreds of soldiers had no resistance at all.

Although the strong crossbows in the hands of these soldiers were powerful and killed many spirit beasts, there were too many spirit beasts, and once the cultivation base of the spirit beasts had reached the internal refining stage, the effectiveness of the strong crossbow would be very small.

What's more, there are dozens of flying beasts in the stage of viscera refining and marrow washing in the sky. They are the kings in the sky, and sharp arrows are useless to them.

"This... how could there be a beast horde!" Li Ranxin of the Li family and Chang Xiao of the Zhu family were still discussing how the people they sent out hadn't returned yet, but at this moment, seeing the bloody scenes on the city wall, they were terrified. The legs are almost weak.

There used to be a beast horde in Yuzhou City, but the beast horde at that time couldn't have such a big force.

"The beast tide is coming!" The people in Yuzhou City panicked, and some people had already packed up their things and ran to another city.

"The city guards can't hold back, run!" I don't know who was the first to yell, and then a kind of people ran to the other side desperately.

The three major families in Yuzhou City, all the most important figures at this moment have gathered.

"Yuzhou City is our foundation. Although our three families are competitors, but this time, I hope you don't hide your secrets. Once these spirit beasts break through the city gate, none of our three families will be able to please." Li Family Patriarch Li Bingcheng said in a deep voice. Said.

"Okay, this time the three of us advance and retreat together!" Zhu Yunwen, head of the Zhu family, nodded solemnly.

"The important people of our Ye family are all present. This is our attitude. It seems that the two of you still have something to hide." Ye Hong, the head of the Ye family, looked at the two of them coldly.

"Ye Hong, it's not that our Li family has reservations. This time, the eighth and ninth elders of our Li family have gone to Liufeng Forest, and now..." Li Bingcheng frowned, and his eyes were gloomy.

"Our Zhu family is too!" Zhu Yunwen gritted his teeth.

Ye Hong's expression was shocked, he didn't expect that people from Li family and Zhu family went to Liufeng forest and have not come back yet.

The members of the Ye family also went to Liufeng Forest, but because they went a little later, they found a beast horde in the middle of the journey, so they made a decisive decision and rushed back immediately, saving their lives.

"So that's how it is." Ye Hong clasped his fists at the two of them and said, "The two of you are in condolence, and the top priority is to fight against the enemy together!"

Although Li Bingcheng and Zhu Yunwen felt a little uncomfortable when they heard Ye Hong's words, they didn't say anything when they saw that Ye Hong was speaking sincerely.

When people from the Li family and the Zhu family stepped forward, a smile appeared on the corner of Ye Hong's mouth.

Although the three families spoke beautifully, they still had precautions in their hearts.



"No! The city gate is about to be knocked open!" The officer guarding the city shouted sharply: "Hold against the city gate!"

"I'll help!" Ye Xiong's face was uncertain, he gritted his teeth, and slammed his palm on the iron wood.


The three giant apes ran towards the city gate, five meters away from the city gate, and slammed into the city gate violently with both feet.



Ye Xiong and several guarding officers in the viscera refinement stage were sent flying out at the same time, their qi and blood were stagnated, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Ye Xiong! Why are you here?" Ye Guangcheng's face changed drastically when he saw Ye Xiong.

"Father, I..." Ye Xiong clutched his chest tightly, unable to speak fluently.

"Go back, it's dangerous here!" Ye Guangcheng shouted sharply.

"dong dong dong~~"

The familiar voice sounded again, and Ye Xiong's face changed drastically.

"Hold against the city gate!" Ye Xiong and several officers said at the same time.

However, after reacting, it was still a step slow.


With a bang, the huge city gate was knocked out, and rushed towards Ye Xiong and the others.


The three violent apes looked at Ye Xiong and the others and roared loudly, and then densely packed spirit beasts rushed into the city.

"Block it!" A crisp voice came, and then two beautiful figures floated in the front row, they were Du Fang and Liu Xiyue.

"Junior Sisters, it's dangerous here, let us deal with it." Qian Feng and the others immediately stood in front of them.

"Disciples of Tianfeng Academy, Lingxu Sect, and Qingxu Sect!" Everyone's eyes lit up.

"Roar~~" The three leading violent apes slapped their chests fiercely, jumped up, and slapped Qian Feng and the others with their giant palms.

"court death!"

Qian Feng and the others drew their swords and stabbed the three violent apes trickily.

The strength of the four of Qian Feng is not weak, the worst ones are all in the middle stage of viscera refining, the strongest Qian Feng has the cultivation base of the early marrow washing stage, but the three violent apes are stronger, and the worst are all in the early marrow washing stage , the strongest one has reached the peak of the marrow washing stage.

"Not good!" Qian Feng's sharp sword was just halfway out, and he felt the strength of the violent ape, and immediately felt the huge gap between the two sides.

But at this moment, there is still no chance to retreat, because the speed of the three violent apes is too fast.

"Ah~~" Seeing this scene, Ye Xiong and his group felt their hearts beating violently.


At the same time, three-quarters of the hundreds of defenders on the city gate were killed or injured, and Feng Diao and Tie Ying rushed into the city, killing all directions.

The four of Qian Feng were very unwilling, and they all regretted showing off. It is extremely stupid to take their lives as a joke.

The violent ape's big palm was getting closer and closer, the four of them had no chance to resist under this palm force, they could only wait for the judgment of fate.

And at this moment, an afterimage flashed in an instant, appearing in front of the four of them.

"Evil animal, dare to invade my city, court death!" A voice full of majesty spread like ripples, and then, a tyrannical force moved towards the three violent apes and the spirit beast behind the violent ape like a huge wave. Shock away.


The tyrannical energy instantly cut through the huge bodies of the three violent apes, and even the spirit beasts behind the violent apes were not spared.

"City Lord!" The members of the three major families were shocked when they saw the person coming.

"Guard the city, I'm here to guard it!" After Liu Minghong finished speaking, he took a step forward, and the tyrannical vigor swept across, and all the spirit beasts that invaded were not spared.

"One husband guards the gate, ten thousand husbands don't open it!"

"The strength of the city lord is so strong!"

"Is this the innate level powerhouse?" Ye Xiong's blood was surging when he saw the protective qi on Liu Minghong's body.

Those spirit beasts couldn't get close to Liu Minghong's body at all, and they were blown away by Liu Minghong's protective zhenqi within a few meters.

Liu Minghong's air punch is like a death harvester, no spirit beast can survive wherever it passes.

(End of this chapter)

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