Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 677 Lian Ruoshui's Anger

Chapter 677 Lian Ruoshui's Anger
The night is gradually getting darker, but tonight, there is a bright moon hanging in the sky, people who travel at night don't have to worry about not being able to see the road clearly.

In Liufeng Forest, there was a quiet, deathly silence, which was in great contrast to the earth-shattering beast horde during the day.

The dense forest and dense trees moved rapidly to the rear, dragging out a long red afterimage.Wherever the fire python passed, it left a scorched black ground.


The fire python let out a roar, which was extraordinarily loud in the silent night, frightening the surrounding spirit beasts to tremble.Immediately afterwards, the fire python spit out, and a rocket rushed into the soil in front of it.

Soon, there was an imperceptible muffled hum from inside the soil.

Fortunately, the fire python is not strong enough, and Ye Wentian's position is still relatively deep, but the powerful force of the rocket almost crushed Ye Wentian's small body.

"I can't go on like this. If I get hit by the fire python again, I will definitely die!" Ye Wentian is persevering with the perseverance he has cultivated in these years, otherwise he would have been swallowed alive by the fire python at this moment up.

The fire python won with one move, and immediately chased Ye Wentian while spitting rockets. Ye Wentian tried to avoid the impact of the rockets three times, but the fourth impact that followed was really helpless.

Ye Wentian gritted his teeth and persisted, even at the moment of death, he was unwilling to give up a little bit of hope.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Ye Wentian slammed into the depths of the ground.

Sure enough, there is no rock layer more than ten meters below the ground, Ye Wentian was a little annoyed at his fixed thinking, otherwise he would not have been injured by the previous blow from the fire python, let alone be injured by the subsequent waves of impact .


The fire python lost Ye Wentian's trace, and immediately became angry, and kept hitting the surroundings fiercely. The rockets were like a rain of fire, burning the surrounding flowers, plants and trees.

Ye Wentian didn't dare to delay any longer, and frantically fled towards the distance. At this moment, his only thought was to escape, and the farther he could escape, the better.

He didn't know where he was, and he didn't dare to rush out of the ground. There were unknown existences on the ground. In the Liufeng Forest, there was not only the powerful existence of the fire python, but also other strong people, and even stronger existences. It's just that those powerful existences are deeper in the Flowing Wind Forest, connecting with the sea area.

The breath in the body became weaker and weaker, and even the mysterious power in the cells gradually disappeared, and the power remaining in the body could not last long.

Tiredness filled his body and mind, and he really wanted to fall asleep and have a sweet dream, but he knew that he couldn't close his eyes, because closing his eyes meant death and losing everything.

Ten years of hard work, how can it turn into nothing!

Angel Ye Wen continued to flee towards the distance with all his strength, but the strong sense of exhaustion could no longer support his strong willpower. After all, no matter how hard he tried, the oil lamp that was exhausted could not be rekindled.


Ye Wentian thought of the mutated fire spirit fruit, and immediately escaped from the ground, and swallowed it into his stomach gulpingly, regardless of the three sevens and twenty ones.

The fire spirit fruit implies the aura of fire, and this fire spirit fruit implies the aura of the Dao, which can enhance the comprehension of any living being. For Ye Wentian, it is also a rare treasure.But what he needs now is only a steady stream of energy, as for this Dao Yun, it doesn't help him much.

This 50-year-old fire spirit fruit implies a huge fire spirit energy. Ye Wentian crazily operated the Hongmeng Dao formula, and the fire spirit energy was quickly transformed into his own power.

There seemed to be countless pairs of eyes around here, Ye Wentian was startled suddenly, his hands quickly formed seals, and escaped into the ground again, and at the moment Ye Wentian escaped from the ground, an inexplicable bug landed on the ground. Where he was standing just now.

This kind of bug is a kind of poison. Fortunately, Ye Wentian saw the opportunity quickly, otherwise he would have to explain it here.

With the flood of energy, Ye Wen's speed of escaping from the sky has been accelerated a lot, but the feeling of weakness has not been reduced, but has become heavier and heavier.

"No, we must escape!" Ye Wentian punched himself on the forehead, and the intense pain hit him, and he became sober all of a sudden.

Ye Wentian had an intuition that if he fainted this time, he would lie down for a while even if he didn't die, and for a while, if he lay in the wilderness, his life would be lost.

"Things exceeded expectations!" Ye Wentian thought secretly.In fact, what he doesn't know is that if he finds a safe place to rest now and refines the fire spirit fruit with all his strength, he will not be in a coma, but instead of doing this, he chooses to flee and continue to consume the fire spirit fruit Energy, which will inevitably lead to his final coma.


At the place where the ten innate spirit beasts such as the fire python and the colorful tiger were fighting, a woman floated down. This woman is as beautiful as a fairy, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world. She is wearing a pink shirt with a good figure. , It is really haunting.

And she was Lian Ruoshui who had met Ye Wentian once.

If it wasn't for some delays, she would have arrived earlier, and this time, she will leave too.

"Ye Wentian!" Lian Ruoshui murmured softly, with a little anxiety in his eyes, and looked around, only to find three living little fire pythons in the magma in the cave.

Even Ruoshui didn't know what kind of cultivation she had, but she picked it up lightly, and the three small fire pythons in the magma in the cave seemed to be bound by some invisible force, and they escaped from the magma. , appeared in front of Lian Ruoshui.

When the three little fire pythons saw Lian Ruoshui, their eyes were full of panic, and they kept making hoarse calls.

Lian Ruoshui's smooth face was full of indifference, his hands were like claws, and an inexplicable halo penetrated into the brains of the three little fire pythons.

Suddenly, Lian Ruoshui's expression changed drastically, looking at the three little fire pythons, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

"Unforgivable!" Lian Ruoshui clenched her teeth, and with a shock of movement, the three little fire pythons instantly turned into blood mist.

And this scene happened to be seen by the big fire python who hurried back.


The fire python roared up to the sky, and rushed towards Lian Ruoshui furiously, regardless of who Lian Ruoshui was.

"Looking for death!" Lian Ruoshui frowned slightly, and with just this change in expression, everything around her seemed to be controlled by her emotions.

The fire python's whole body tightened, his eyes filled with horror, and he looked at Lian Ruoshui in disbelief, the huge gap made his head clear a lot.

Lian Ruoshui stretched out his hand to form a claw again, and a halo of light also penetrated into the head of the fire python. It was stronger than an existence like the fire python, but in front of Lian Ruoshui, it was not even scum.

"You dare to hurt him like this, go to hell!" Lian Ruoshui was furious, and with a flick of his hand from the air, the huge body of the fire python was smashed to the side as if it had received a force of millions of catties. past.

(End of this chapter)

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