Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 678 Liu Minghong's Horror

Chapter 678 Liu Minghong's Horror
The long red light beams slammed into one big tree after another, and after a few seconds, everything finally returned to silence.

Looking around, a long straight line was knocked out by the fire python, and it lay quietly under the big tree like that, motionless, the ground was stained with bright red blood, it had no vital signs, its internal organs The six internal organs have completely shifted, and the tough flesh and blood have softened like tofu.

Lian Ruoshui took a deep breath, her eyes were full of anxiety, and she was about to leave to look for Ye Wentian's trace, but at this time a figure stood in front of her.

The person who came was a woman who seemed to be near middle age, dressed in white, with a plump figure and quite affluent appearance.

"What are you doing here?" Lian Ruoshui frowned slightly.

"Princess, we should go." The woman looked respectful, but there was no expression on her face.

"Could it be that you're in such a hurry!" Lian Ruoshui gritted his teeth, his eyes filled with anger.

"Princess, I'm from here. If I guess correctly, the princess may have fallen in love with poison." The woman's eyes were fixed on Lian Ruoshui, and her sharp eyes made Lian Ruoshui flustered for a while.

"Am I in love with him?" Lian Ruoshui murmured to himself.

In fact, even Ruoshui herself couldn't figure out why she cared so much about Ye Wentian. The number of young talents she met was countless, but Ye Wentian was the only one who could enter her heart.

For the three words Ye Wentian, Lian Ruoshui always has inexplicable emotions, otherwise she would not have let the maid Xiaodie invite the useless Ye Wentian that day, especially the moment she saw Ye Wentian, For the first time, the heart that had never been startled was beating violently.

"Princess, this is just a low-level area. The people here are not good enough for you. If the princess is still entangled, I have no choice but to kill the concern in the heart of the lord." The woman said in a deep voice, with great determination implied in her tone .

"No!" Lian Ruoshui was startled, and begged, "I want to see him for the last time."

"No!" The woman frowned, and glanced aside: "Someone is here, let's go."

Even Ruoshui wanted to resist, but in front of the other party, she could only accept it submissively, without the power to resist.

The second daughter had just left a little, when a figure rushed over, seeing the long trace on the body of the fire python, one could imagine the horror in her heart.

Liu Minghong squatted down and touched the body of the big fire python with his hand. The place where he started was soft, as if he had no bones.

"The body temperature is still so high!" Liu Minghong was shocked again: "What kind of master can make the fire python in the realm of refining Qi and transforming God without the slightest resistance!"

At this moment, Liu Minghong wasn't calm anymore, he felt his whole scalp was numb, and looked around with a vigilant expression, such a strong person was not something he could afford to provoke.

Being able to kill the fire python with one move, Liu Minghong is not enough to be so horrified, but the long trace left on the ground is not something that ordinary innate level powerhouses can do, and his heart is even more There is a bold guess that the murderer who killed the fire python may have reached the legendary level.

Liu Minghong jumped forward, hid in a corner, concealed his body as perfectly as possible, and waited quietly.

As midnight approached, the sky was getting colder and colder.The evening wind blows, the leaves in the forest rustle, and a slight chill soaks through the skin and spreads to the heart.

Liu Minghong frowned and waited for two hours, but there was no movement at all, which was not in line with common sense.

"Could it be that the strong man has already left!" Liu Minghong was puzzled, and immediately jumped out, looking left and right, but the surroundings were still as deserted as ever.

"It seems that I scared myself!" Liu Minghong heaved a sigh of relief, took out the space ring and put away the fire python.

The cultivation of this fire python has reached the peak of the mid-stage of refining qi and transforming into gods, and his strength should not be underestimated. His flesh and blood are nourishing, which can give him a helping hand in his cultivation progress.

Although he guessed that the other party had already gone away, Liu Minghong still didn't dare to stay for a long time, and rushed towards Yuzhou City immediately. For him, being able to get the corpse of this fire python was already a great gift from heaven. "Baby", he didn't dare to think about it.


On the other hand, Ye Wentian didn't know how long he had been hiding from the ground, he only knew that he couldn't hold on in the end, and passed out after escaping from the ground.

He didn't know where he was, he only knew that he was very tired physically and mentally, and if he died right away, it could only be said to be an arrangement of fate.

In Liufeng Forest, there were the howling of wild wolves and dogs, and the chirping of birds in the forest.

Here, it is already the periphery of Liufeng Forest.

In the early morning, the first ray of dawn passed through the layers of mist and across the sky, with a hint of warmth, like a mother's little hand, touching Ye Wentian's face.

A night passed, and Ye Wentian was still in a deep coma until now, without even having a dream.

At the corner of his mouth, the blood had already dried up, but his face was still a little pale, his bones were weak, and he desperately needed to supplement various nutrients.

On the road, a group of people hurried towards this side.

"Let's go, we will be home soon, and then we can sleep well!" The leading middle-aged man said loudly.

"Boss, when I get home, I have to sleep upside down. I'm really tired after driving for such a long time!" A man interjected.

"Hehe~~Brother Wang, what's the matter, this is too much!" Another man smiled slightly.

"If I didn't have a bad stomach and weak bones, how could I be so unbearable!" The man surnamed Wang retorted.

"Let's see if you dare to eat indiscriminately. There are all kinds of poisonous fruits in this Liufeng forest. They look bright, but they are actually very poisonous." Another man said.

"Yes, yes, what brother Qin said is, thanks to brother Qin, otherwise I would have to pull out my intestines." The man surnamed Wang said.

Hearing what the man surnamed Wang said, the crowd laughed loudly.

"Huh~~Boss, there's someone over there!" At this moment, the middle-aged man surnamed Qin saw Ye Wentian lying on the grass, and pulled the reins immediately.

"Woo~~" The bodyguard and his party also grabbed the reins and stopped.

"Let's go and have a look!" said the head of the escort.

A group of people got off the horse, and when they saw Ye Wentian, who had a handsome face, they were taken aback for a moment. They all looked at each other, but they didn't recognize each other.

The middle-aged man surnamed Qin squatted down to examine Ye Wentian's injuries carefully, frowning slightly.

"How are you, Escort Qin?" the head of the escort asked.

"This young man's bones are extremely weak, and he has passed out in a high degree of coma. He needs to be recuperated for at least a month or two before he recovers." Qin Escort said.

"What kind of injury did this young man suffer?" The man surnamed Wang pointed at the blood at the corner of Ye Wentian's mouth.

"It's strange, apart from being extremely weak, he doesn't seem to have suffered any injuries!" Qin Biaoshi slightly frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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