Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 683 This dart is not simple

Chapter 683 This dart is not simple

"Senior Zhou Ming created Weiyuan Escort by himself, but in just ten years, the reputation of Weiyuan Escort spread to the entire Tianfeng Kingdom. Today's Weiyuan Escort is not as good as before. I'm afraid it won't be long." The voice of the woman in the carriage came out again.

"From the girl's accent, I'm afraid she's not very old. Why do you think that Weiyuan Escort will not regain its former glory." Zhou Jingzhi immediately became unconvinced.

"The dignified Weiyuan Escort Bureau has a few heads. I don't think you don't know the reason why the Weiyuan Escort Bureau was able to prosper."

"Of course I know." Zhou Jingzhi frowned and said in a deep voice.

"The reason why the Weiyuan Escort Bureau was famous back then is because of the established reputation, and secondly, it is the most important thing." The woman paused, and then said: "It's strength! And you, it seems to replace you His ancestors were ashamed."

"You!" Zhou Jingzhi was very annoyed. He had just suffered from Qin Yulian's embarrassment, but he didn't expect that misfortunes never come singly, and he was humiliated by another guest for no reason. The first genius in Yishan City!"

"Yishan City is just a small place. It's the first day. Do you think there is any prestige at all." The woman in the carriage said disdainfully.


"Girl, the purpose of your coming here today is not to humiliate our Weiyuan Escort Bureau." At this moment, the housekeeper couldn't bear it anymore, and said calmly.

"Hehe~~ I'm just talking casually, don't take it to heart. Well, this is half of the reward, and I will naturally pay the other half of the reward after the matter is completed. The address is inside, let's take a look." The woman's voice just finished , and then a box made of rosewood flew out.

This time, the woman didn't make things difficult for the two of them, she just pushed the box towards them with her ingenuity.

The butler was afraid of fraud, so he took the box in front of Zhou Jingzhi, opened it vigilantly, and found a box full of dozens of gold tickets.

And on this pile of gold tickets, a handkerchief was embroidered with a few large characters, Fuliu Mountain Villa, Yufeng Town.

"Girl, if the old man is not blind, this box of gold tickets is probably no less than 5000 taels." The butler couldn't help but look serious.

If it is five thousand taels of silver, it is acceptable. The problem is that it is 5000 taels of gold, which is equivalent to 50 taels of silver. Such a lot of money is not a small amount.

"The housekeeper's eyesight is really good, yes, no more, no less, 5000 taels of gold." The woman nodded.

"Girl, to be honest, such a big reward has not been more than ten times since Weiyuan Escort was established, and this is the first time to take over Weiyuan Escort from the head of the escort. I'm afraid this trip is not easy. " said the butler in a deep voice.

"It's easy to say, difficult to say, it depends on your ability. As long as you send the dart I entrusted to the address above, your mission will be completed." The woman said.

"Young escort, let's ask the escort to make a decision on this trip." The butler reminded.

"My time is limited. If you don't want to take this dart, I think there are still people who are willing to take it. I heard that Fuwei Escort Agency, which is the most popular, is good and has a tendency to step on you. If this dart is accepted by them , from now on, your Weiyuan Escort Bureau will really lose its reputation." The woman seemed to have a very precise grasp of their psychology.

"The Weiyuan Escort Bureau can take this escort, but I want to ask, what is in this box?" Zhou Jingzhi frowned and asked in a deep voice.

"Young Escort, don't make any fuss, it's just a broken piano." The woman said.

"It's really a broken piano?" Zhou Jingzhi obviously didn't believe it, and the others around him naturally didn't believe it either.

"I know what you are worried about. Now I can guarantee with my head that it is indeed a broken piano. It is just because of various reasons that I need you to send it to me. The specific reason involves some private matters, and I am not in a position to disclose it. Please forgive me." The woman said righteously.

"Okay, Weiyuan Escort Bureau will pick up the escort for this trip." Zhou Jingzhi made a final decision.

The butler wanted to say something else, but he felt that there was nothing to worry about with a broken violin, but judging from his years of experience, this dart trip might not be so easy to complete the task.

"Young Escort is indeed a courageous person. Please don't blame him for being rude to the young Escort!" said the woman.

"Miss is serious." Zhou Jingzhi cupped his fists and asked, "Would you like to reveal your name?"

"My surname is Zhao. I hope there will be some time in the future! Sister Hong, let's go." After the woman's voice fell, the woman in red driving the carriage drove away quickly.

"Young Escort, I'm afraid the matter is serious." The butler almost frowned into a frown. This escort is related to the reputation of Weiyuan Escort for nearly 200 years, and it is true that he must accept it if he does not pick it up.

At this time, a man and a woman came over. The man looked at the carriage going away, and his consciousness hurriedly passed the backs of the two women in the carriage. He felt a little familiar, but he didn't think of anything.


A dozen or so horses galloped and soon stopped in front of Weiyuan Escort Bureau.

"Father! Uncle Qin, Uncle Wang..." Zhou Jingzhi and the escort Zhou Zhongda greeted everyone, and the others also greeted one after another.

"Wentian, come, let me introduce you." Qin Yulian grabbed Ye Wentian's hand, and was so happy that she forgot the difference between men and women.

Through Qin Yulian's introduction, Ye Wentian met Li one by one.

"Young man, your name is Ye Wentian, right? You have a good name and good looks, haha~~" Wang Tiequan squeezed Ye Wentian's body. Although he didn't use much force, it made Wang Tiequan stunned all of a sudden. Living.

"I was mistaken, you must be a cultivator." Wang Tiequan looked at Ye Wentian with evil eyes.

"Uncle Wang is right, the boy is indeed a cultivator." Ye Wentian nodded.

On the other side, Qin Guan and Zhou Zhongda surrounded Zhou Jingzhi and the housekeeper.

"This is the dart that the woman pressed, a broken piano?" After understanding the matter, Zhou Zhongda looked at Zhou Jingzhi solemnly.

"Yes, Father, the woman used her head as a guarantee, which is a broken piano. She said that she only chose to let us send it because of some privacy." Zhou Xingzhi said.

Seeing Zhou Zhongda's questioning eyes, the butler also nodded.

"I'm afraid things are not as simple as imagined." Zhou Zhongda took a deep breath.

"Father, did I do something wrong?" Zhou Jingzhi asked weakly.

"You did nothing wrong in this matter. If I was present, I would only be able to take over this dart. I am afraid that Weiyuan Escort will be benevolent if it is not successful." Zhou Zhongda looked up at the plaque left by his ancestors. I don't feel sorry for the plaque under it.

(End of this chapter)

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