Chapter 684

Zhou Zhongda knew in his heart that if Patriarch Zhou Ming was still there, all the problems would not be problems.

At that time, ancestor Zhou Ming was extremely talented. At the age of 20, he created the unique Mingwang swordsmanship, breaking through the innate realm in one fell swoop, and then skyrocketed. By the age of 40, he was already one of the few figures in the Tianfeng Kingdom.

It was also at that time that the ancestor Zhou Ming created the Weiyuan Escort Bureau. In just a few dozen years, he left a good reputation in the entire Tianfeng Kingdom. However, the ancestor Zhou Ming traveled away and never returned. life and death.

"Father, it's a blessing, not a curse. A disaster can't be avoided. Don't you always teach your children to be positive and optimistic?" Zhou Jingzhi said seriously.

"That's right! It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a disaster that can't be avoided." Zhou Zhongda nodded: "Xiao Wu, tell everyone to come to the hall immediately for a meeting."

"Okay, escort." The man standing aside nodded.

"Let's go into the hall." Zhou Zhongda looked at Qin Guan and the others and said, his eyes fell on Ye Wentian, he paused for a while, and nodded.

Ye Wentian has an inexplicable aura, he just stands like that, as if he is integrated with the whole world, if he doesn't look like a person, and he is also a special living person, people will think that he is born A long thing, like a mountain, like a tree.

Ye Wentian looked at Zhou Zhongda and nodded, his expression was still so indifferent, without any sense of restraint, and he did not appear inferior or embarrassed because of the difference in identities between the two parties.

For his daughter Qin Yulian and Ye Wentian to be so close, Qin Guan was only a little surprised, smiled, and then walked into the door.

"Hey, hey, hey~~ Yulian, don't hold hands with the two of you all the time, just pretend I don't exist!" Zhou Jingzhi held the box and looked at Ye Wentian dissatisfiedly. He likes Qin Yulian, so naturally he wouldn't be right. Qin Yulian had no choice but to vent all her grievances on Ye Wentian.

"Brother Zhou, hello, I'm Ye Wentian." Ye Wentian didn't care about Zhou Jingzhi's rudeness. Dare to do it.

"I know who you are, I heard you." Zhou Jingzhi glared at Ye Wentian: "Boy, you are not allowed to have any physical contact with Yulian in the future. He is my future wife. You should know the truth that a friend's wife should not be bullied." Bar."

Zhou Jingzhi glanced at Qin Yulian triumphantly, and the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

Hearing this, Qin Yulian quit immediately.

"Zhou Jingzhi, can you stop being so shameless, who is your wife, who can't even beat me, and still wants to marry me, my future husband is at least like Wentian." As she said, Qin Yulian even pulled Ye Wentian His arms were pressed against his chest.

" you..." Zhou Jingzhi was about to explode with anger, and the little volcano in his heart couldn't help but explode.

"What are you, hum~~ Wentian, let's go in." Saying that, Qin Yulian took Ye Wentian's arm and walked in.

"I...I want to fight you!" Zhou Jingzhi said angrily.

"Don't pay attention to him!" Qin Yulian said directly, pulling Ye Wentian forward.

"Brother Zhou is actually pretty good." Ye Wentian said softly.

"He! It's like he's missing a muscle. He's a good man, but he's not the ideal husband in my mind." As she said that, Qin Yulian took a sneak look at Ye Wentian. .

Ye Wentian frowned slightly. He naturally knew what Qin Yulian was thinking, but he didn't seem to have Qin Yulian's place in his heart. This feeling is very strange. It stands to reason that Qin Yulian can be regarded as both talented and beautiful. The type of wife and mother, this kind of woman can be regarded as rare in the world, but she doesn't have that kind of feeling towards her.

At this moment, Ye Wentian couldn't help but think of the woman Lian Ruoshui who had met once in Liuhu Lake. Although he didn't have too many thoughts about Lian Ruoshui, the pair of eyes of Lian Ruoshui deeply attracted him. , as if seen somewhere, very close, very nostalgic, that kind of feeling can't be described, maybe it can only be felt, not expressed in words.

"You two find a place to sit." Zhou Zhongda said.

"Okay, Uncle Zhou." Qin Yulian nodded, "Wentian, we sit behind my father."

As she spoke, Qin Yulian pulled Ye Wentian to sit behind Qin Guan, and Ye Wentian and Qin Guan made eye contact and said hello.

Zhou Jingzhi was like a frosted eggplant. When he ran in and saw Qin Yulian and Ye Wentian sitting together like glue, he was so angry that he screamed. He walked over to Qin Yulian with the box and was about to sit down.

"Jing Zhi, bring the box up." Zhou Zhongda said.

"Oh." Zhou Jingzhi stepped forward, handed the box to Zhou Zhongda with both hands, and then returned to Qin Yulian and sat down.

But a few, all the people who should come have arrived. Ye Wentian took a look. There are about sixty people in the whole hall. At the peak in the late stage of the bone forging stage, everyone else is basically cultivating in the viscera refining stage. There are about a dozen strong people in the marrow washing stage, and there is only one half-step innate class, and that is Wang Tiequan. His cultivation base is still at its peak in the late stage of marrow washing stage.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are focused on the box in Zhou Zhongda's hand. This box is also made of high-quality red sandalwood, with phoenix dance patterns carved on it, which is vivid and beautiful. I am afraid that this box alone is not worth a thousand taels of silver. Can't buy it.

Ye Wentian closed his eyes, his consciousness stretched out, and through the box, he discovered the silent guqin inside.

I don’t know what kind of material this violin is made of, it looks very old, obviously it has been dusty for many years, its luster is gone, the middle one of the seven strings is missing, it does look like a broken violin, but Ye Wentian Infiltrated with consciousness, he was horrified to discover a big secret, this piano is not as simple as it seems.

"Tianmoqin!" Ye Wentian was taken aback, and three ancient characters appeared in his consciousness, and Ye Wentian couldn't help murmuring softly.

Qin Yulian, who was sitting next to Ye Wentian, was stunned for a moment when she heard Ye Wentian's words, and looked at Ye Wentian suspiciously: "Tianmoqin? What Tianmoqin?"

"That's all nonsense, you also believe it." Zhou Jingzhi said disdainfully.

"Hmph~~ I didn't talk to you again!" Qin Yulian glared at Zhou Jingzhi.

Qin Guan, who was sitting in front, naturally also heard Ye Wentian's words, and almost everyone in the hall also heard Ye Wentian's words, and all of a sudden, they looked at Ye Wentian involuntarily.

"Do you know what's inside?" Zhou Zhongda looked at Ye Wentian suspiciously.

"I don't know." Ye Wentian shook his head: "But it's not a simple piano."

"Of course it's not a simple qin. If it was a simple qin, that woman would pay such a high price for us to send darts." Zhou Jingzhi pouted.

(End of this chapter)

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