Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 80 Falling into a Trap

Chapter 80 Falling into a Trap
Inside a villa.

A man was hugging left and right to enjoy, with a wicked smile rippling on his face, and dishonestly wiping the oil with both hands, which made the two young women smile coquettishly.

At this moment, the phone in the villa rang.

Tie Long walked over and picked up the phone to answer it. After talking for a while, Tie Long put down the phone and walked to Yao Wu's side.

"Master." Tie Long called out respectfully.

"What's the matter?" Yao Wu frowned, feeling uneasy about being interrupted suddenly.

"This?" Tie Long glanced at the two women.

"Guangzhu, let's wait on you for two nights." One of the women saw the opportunity and said softly.

"You two really understand my heart, and I will reward you with this money." Yao Wu stretched out his hand, and a servant immediately brought over a stack of thick banknotes.

When the two women saw so much money, their eyes lit up immediately, and they quickly took it to thank them: "Thank you, Lord!"

"Well, let's go down first." Yao Wu waved his hand.

After the two girls left, Yao Wu looked at Tie Long and said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

"Boss, a drug factory in our gang has been taken over," Tie Long said.

"What's going on? How could it be taken away?" Yao Wu was born in an old black family, so he naturally knew the huge benefits that drugs brought to the gang.

"According to our informant at the police station, a young man named Ye Wentian did it," Tie Long said.

"Ye Wentian! I didn't expect it to be him, hum~~ It's really a narrow road!" Yao Wu sneered.

"Master, do you know him?" Tie Long was a little curious.

"This is none of your business, tell me, is there any remedy?" Yao Dan interjected.

Hearing this, a flash of anger flashed in Tie Long's eyes. He has been the gang leader for so long, who is not respectful to him, but he knows that now he is a person who has to bow his head under the eaves.

Resisting the unhappiness in his heart, Tie Long continued: "The chief of the police station has something in our hands, he should know what to do, but that kid Ye Wentian called the media, I'm afraid he wants to transport all the drugs It's impossible to come back."

"Well, you Ye Wentian, it seems that if I don't give you some strength, you don't know my strength." Yao Wu now hated Ye Wentian to the extreme, and then said: "When I get familiar with the gang affairs, I will deal with that ignorant guy with my own hands, and you tell your brothers to restrain themselves first."

"Okay, I see." Tie Long nodded and walked out.

"My lord, do you want me to kill that guy?" Yao Dan said.

"No need, I said that I will deal with him personally, wouldn't it be boring to let him die like this now." A playful smile flashed in Yao Wu's eyes.


When Ye Wentian returned to school, he thought up his speech and said a few perfunctory words to Xiao Yuxin. Xiao Yuxin didn't think too much about it and continued with his review plan.

The knowledge in the books has been fully grasped, Ye Wentian suddenly felt that there was nothing else to do, after thinking about it, he finally started to study the formula of primordial Taoism.

Last time, Ye Wentian's strength improved rapidly, and Hongmeng Daohua Jue passed him a lot of knowledge, such as medical scriptures, weapon refining, alchemy and various magical methods, but now his cultivation base is only at the late stage of the yellow rank, and his body Still in a weak stage, he can't use those magical methods at all. The only feasible way is to study medical scriptures and alchemy, and he is still far away from refining weapons.

It is recorded in the medical scriptures that the elixir made by gathering the essence of many medicinal materials can not only improve cultivation, but also prolong life and improve aptitude. Of course, it is an excellent elixir, and now Ye Wentian wants to refine it. Possibly, but there are still some low-grade pills that can be refined, and they are more beneficial to his current cultivation, but medicinal materials are a very big problem. Ye Wentian pondered for a long time and decided to wait for the matter here Go to Gushi after work.

"I don't know what happened to Wanting?" Thinking of Gu Shi, Ye Wentian was worried about Xie Wanting. After all, a young and beautiful girl is going to a different place for the first time, and it is inevitable that bad people will be attracted by her, let alone such a turbulent place.

At this time, Xie Wanting had just got off the train, and she was carrying a backpack, looking at the crowds of people coming and going, feeling a little lonely and scared in her heart. Thinking about it now, she regretted that she shouldn't stay away from Ye Wentian because of sadness.

In a strange city, a weak woman, although she has some education, is weak and weak, so she has no power to fight against gangsters.

Walking out of the train station and out of the range of those police officers, Xie Wanting was quickly missed by those who cared.

Looking at his wallet, it was deflated and came out in a hurry. There was only more than 100 yuan left in the wallet. This amount of money could only last for two days.

Xie Wanting felt very helpless and distressed.

Although this strange city hides countless dangers, it has to be said that it is quite magnificent.

Not far away, a small restaurant is open for business. In front of the door, there is a sign, a recruitment notice, there is no special requirement, as long as it is a woman of full age.

But Xie Wanting was distressed. She was 17 years old this year, and she was not yet full. However, after thinking for a long time, she finally decided to choose to try her luck.

After finding the boss, Xie Wanting explained her purpose.

The owner of the small restaurant is surnamed Zhang. He wears sunglasses. He is short, less than 1.6 meters tall.

"Little girl, are you from out of town?" Seeing the pure and beautiful Xie Wanting, Boss Zhang asked friendlyly with a flash of light in his eyes.

"Yeah." Xie Wanting nodded: "Boss Zhang, I'm not old enough, can you let me work here for a period of time, washing dishes and so on, as long as food and lodging are included."

"Hey~~ It is reasonable to say that we dare not accept minors, but when I saw you, little girl, I thought of me in the past. It was also the first time I came to a different place back then. I had everything on me, and I was exhausted for a long time. It's only time to get a little more excited, so how about you stay in my shop first, help me wash the dishes, sweep the floor, and eat and live are included, and I will give you 3000 yuan a month, how about it?" Boss Zhang Pretend to say kindly.

"Thank you very much, Boss Zhang. Boss Zhang is really a good person, and there will be good rewards." Hearing that Boss Zhang agreed, Xie Wanting was so happy that she shed tears, but she didn't know that she had fallen into someone else's trap. Become someone else's little Aries.

"Why are you crying?" Boss Zhang's heart moved, and he stepped forward to wipe Xie Wanting's tears away.

Xie Wanting blushed, and subconsciously avoided: "I'm sorry, Boss Zhang, I'm too excited."

"From now on, you are my employee, and of course I will treat you well. There is a saying, 'We are the same people in the end of the world, why don't we know each other when we meet'." Boss Zhang said as a matter of course.

Xie Wanting smiled through tears: "Boss Zhang, it's 'the same people who have fallen in the end of the world, why meet each other before'."

"That's right, that's right, that's the sentence, hehe~ I haven't read any books, so don't take offense." Boss Zhang smiled, with a flash of complacency in his eyes: "Also, from now on, you can just call me Big Brother Zhang, and I'll call you Brother Zhang." Wanting you!"

"Yes." Xie Wanting nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Boss Zhang introduced Xie Wanting to other employees. Among those employees, there were three women and two men, and the chef was one of the women.

What surprised Xie Wanting was that, except for the two men who spoke, the other three women didn't speak much. However, Xie Wanting, a young girl, didn't have the slightest doubt about it.

(End of this chapter)

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