Chapter 81
Not far from the small restaurant, three young men were smoking, their eyes fixed on this side.

"Boss, what should I do, that chick entered Fatty Zhang's restaurant, she must have been taken care of by Fatty Zhang." A young man said.

"Fatty Zhang is a member of the Tiger Head Gang. He is evenly matched with our Green Gang. If we want to do it, we must do it well. That chick is so punctual. If we dedicate her to the leader, the leader may be happy. Maybe let us make a hall?" Lord, when the time comes, don’t we want the wind to catch the wind, and the rain to catch the rain.”

When he thought of dedicating that little girl to the leader, the leader was so excited that he waved his hand and gave him the position of leader, and then he could hug left and right, enjoying endless glory and wealth, he almost wanted to look up to the sky laugh it out.

"Brother is right! According to what I know about Fatty Zhang, this guy is very lustful. He will never hand over that chick to his superiors these few days, and tonight is the best time for us to do it." The second child analyzed.

"Well, the second brother's analysis is good, prepare guys tonight, and kill them quietly." The boss said.

"Don't worry, boss, the new goods I prepared are finally ready to be used." The third child smiled triumphantly.


In the evening, Xie Wanting was arranged in a small room in a small warehouse in the restaurant, just enough for one person.

This place has no windows, only one door, but surprisingly, the place is clean and smells like a woman.

"Wanting, this place is a little small, so just make do with it." Boss Zhang said.

"It's okay, Brother Zhang, it's very good here." Xie Wanting said.

"That's good. There was a woman who lived here not long ago, and she left after she found a good job. If one day you find a good job, you can also move out, as long as you remember me in the future." Boss Zhang said kindly. said.

"Brother Zhang, you are really a good person. Don't worry, if I find a good job in the future, I will definitely repay you well." Xie Wanting said happily.

"Okay, I believe Wanting is a good girl, and she will repay her kindness." Boss Zhang was eager to move, but he held back: "Okay, Wanting, you go to bed first, I'm leaving, I have something to call me. "

"Okay." Xie Wanting nodded, suddenly remembered an important matter, and said quickly: "Wait, Brother Zhang."

"Wanting, is there anything else?" Boss Zhang asked.

"Brother Zhang, can you lend me your mobile phone, I want to make a call." Xie Wanting said.

Hearing this, Boss Zhang's heart tightened, and then he smiled and said, "Wanting, I'm sorry, my phone is out of battery, why don't you call again tomorrow."

"Oh, well, it's the same tomorrow." Xie Wanting nodded.

"Then I'm leaving, go to bed early." After finishing speaking, Boss Zhang turned around, opened the door, and walked out.

"Tomorrow? Tomorrow you won't be the original you!" Boss Zhang thought evilly while standing at the door.

Xie Wanting was lying on the bed, all she could think about was Ye Wentian, maybe she was too exhausted, but after a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

Midnight came, and the small restaurant was quiet.

In the rooms behind the small restaurant, three women lay naked on a big bed and fell asleep, while beside the bed, three men were smoking and chatting about something.

"You guys played three games tonight, so it feels pretty good." Boss Zhang said with a sinister smile.

"Brother Zhang, it's not that you don't know that the three of them have been developed by the three of us that should be developed, so what's the matter?" A young man said.

"That's right, Brother Zhang, I know you're paying attention, don't worry, that chick is the first shot, but at least let us have a taste, after all, I have never met such a punctual chick, if I can Spending a night in Wushan with her is worth it even if I die." Another youth said.

"Don't worry, you two, since I've agreed to let me take the lead, it's okay to let you have a taste. Wait for the two of you to stand outside the door, and I will call you when I finish. Such a superb product is really rare in a hundred years." When I saw it, how could I let her slip away like this." Boss Zhang became excited after thinking about it, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, it's time, let's go to work."

The three of them came to the small warehouse. Boss Zhang walked in, turned on the light, and saw the little beauty who was sleeping soundly on the bed, with a heart beating non-stop. He was so excited.

Boss Zhang hurriedly took off the restraints all over his body, his eyes were on fire, and the corners of his mouth were drooling non-stop. Looking at the proud white rabbit in front of Xie Wanting, he approached with trembling hands.

At this moment, the jade pendant on Xie Wanting's chest emitted a faint light, and this light instantly entered Xie Wanting's mind, stimulating her brain nerves.

Xie Wanting slowly opened her eyes, and what she saw shocked her.

"Brother Zhang, what do you want to do?" Xie Wanting pulled up the quilt and stepped back, leaning tightly against the corner of the wall.

"Hey! I didn't expect the little beauty to wake up so soon. I thought you wouldn't wake up until the fire was almost done." After a pause, Boss Zhang continued: "But it's okay, it will be more interesting now, come on , my little beauty, let's talk about our ideal life."

"No, you go away! Huh~ You are a bad person!" Xie Wanting was terrified in her heart.

"Little beauty, it's too late to realize that I'm a bad person." Boss Zhang said with a sinister smile, "Look, it's come to this point now, what do you think should be done?"

"Woo~ Please don't come here!" Xie Wanting covered her face with both hands, curled up in the corner and cried, "Brother Tian, ​​I was wrong, come and save Wanting."

"Hey~~ Little beauty, this is Gu Shi, the world of our Tiger Head Gang, it's useless for anyone to save you, you'd better enjoy the love between men and women with me, maybe you'll beg me for it in the future! Boss Zhang swallowed his saliva, reached out and grabbed the quilt, and pulled it away fiercely.

Xie Wanting is just a weak woman, not as strong as the man in front of her, the quilt on her body was immediately thrown to the ground by Boss Zhang.

"Now, it's time for the two of us to enjoy ourselves. Be good, or you won't blame me if it hurts." After Boss Zhang finished speaking, he was ready to pounce on the lovely and pitiful Xie Wanting.


There was a loud bang, and three men rushed in from outside the door. At the same time, there were two young men lying on the ground, their chests were stained red with blood, their eyes were staring, and they looked like they were dying.

(End of this chapter)

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