Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 84 Ice Phoenix

Chapter 84 Ice Phoenix

Seeing the car behind him getting closer, Xie Wanting stepped on the accelerator, and the car accelerated instantly and galloped all the way.

At four o'clock in the morning, there were no pedestrians on the road, and there were no shelters.On the highway, one car was in front, and three cars were behind, chasing closely.

With the passage of time, Xie Wanting's ability to control the car has become stronger and stronger, and this super learning ability can only be compared by Ye Wentian.

Ahead, there was an intersection, one leading to the outside of the urban area, and the other leading to other places from Gu City.

Xie Wanting made an instant decision and turned the steering wheel to the left. This road leads to the outside of the urban area, and this road leads to the border of the country.

"Director Liu, that girl fled towards the border, should we continue to chase her?" A man in black called and asked.

"Chasing! If you don't chase her back, you don't have to come back!" Director Liu roared angrily.

"Understood." The man in black hung up the phone: "Keep chasing!"

Two hours later, it was getting light.

Ahead was a mountain road. Seeing them chasing after him, Xie Wanting became ruthless and drove towards the bumpy mountain road.

"That girl is crazy!"

Seeing Xie Wanting's actions, the men in black who were chasing after her trembled in their hearts. This is the rhythm of death!

But there is no way, they know that if they don't chase now, they will lose their skin if they don't die when they go back, so they have to bite the bullet and catch up.

The mountain road became more and more bumpy as it went up, and it was impossible to drive ahead.

Xie Wanting stopped the car and ran all the way up the mountain, followed by the six men in black who stopped the car and quickly caught up.

Although Xie Wanting's body has been initially transformed, she has not adapted to such a long time running around, and her physical strength is obviously a little weak at this time.

Gradually, the distance between the two sides gradually narrowed, and the distance from the top of the mountain was getting closer and closer.

Xie Wanting was anxious, she gritted her teeth tightly, and tried her best, despite the sweat dripping down her cheeks.

On the mountain, there are branches and thorns everywhere, and there are some poisonous weeds and the like.

However, after walking for dozens of steps, Xie Wanting's clothes had been stained in no less than twenty places, and the bloodstains on her face were shocking. There were already many wounds on her white jade-like hands, but she endured it, despite the blood and water. Sweat blended.

Finally, the top of the mountain was reached, and in front of it was a bottomless cliff.

"Little girl, you have nowhere to go, come with us." A man in black said.

"Hmph~~ Even if I die, I won't go with you." Xie Wanting looked at the cliff behind her, tears streaming down her cheeks: "Brother Tian, ​​if there is an afterlife, Wanting must be your wife, Goodbye, Brother Tian!"

Xie Wanting opened her arms, fell backwards, and fell into the cliff in an instant.

The six men in black were taken aback. They didn't expect this little girl to be so strong. When they came to the cliff, there was no Xie Wanting at the foot of the mountain, except for layers of mist.

This cliff is at least 2000 meters high and surrounded by mountains. Even if you fall down, you can survive by accident, but there is no way out, and you will die of old age in the mountains.

"Go back!" said the leading man in black, and then walked down the mountain.

Seeing Xie Wanting jump off the cliff so resolutely, their cold hearts were touched, but only a little.

The four cars drove down the mountain and gradually disappeared into the forest.

"What? You jumped off a cliff! Damn it!" Director Liu was shocked when he received a call from the leader in black. He didn't expect Xie Wanting to be so strong.


At this time, Ye Wentian was still maintaining the first movement of the Grand Meng Dao Hua Jue. Suddenly, his eyebrows twitched, and a bad premonition came to his heart.

Ye Wentian opened his eyes, stopped his movements, and clutched his slightly painful chest. A vague scene appeared in his mind, but everything disappeared in an instant, as if it had never happened.

"What's going on?" Ye Wentian frowned, pondered for a long time, couldn't figure it out, shook his head, got up and went downstairs.


Xie Wanting fell all the way, the strong air friction was accompanied by the howling wind, and bursts of piercing pain rushed all over her body, but the jade pendant on her chest responded instantly, emitting streams of light to warm her meridians all over the body.

Finally, there was a loud bang.

Xie Wanting fell to the ground, a white light all over her body formed a protective shield to protect her firmly inside, but the huge recoil force instantly stunned her.

At the same time, the jade pendant that had been in a relatively quiet state began to tremble violently this time.

An afterimage flashed past, and a white animal flew out of the jade pendant, making clear sounds, very pleasant to the ear.

If there is an ancient strongman here, she will definitely recognize what this animal is. She is one of the ancient beasts, the phoenix!
But this phoenix is ​​not a fire phoenix, but an ice phoenix.

The ice fire phoenix was originally a twin sister, and they were all powerful existences.

Back then, Huo Fenghuang fell in love with a man in the human world and eloped with him. The members of the Fenghuang clan were furious, so they sent Huo Fenghuang's sister, Bing Fenghuang, to capture her sister back. While living an extremely happy life, he was moved with compassion. Not only did he not choose to arrest his sister, but he even helped to hide it from the members of the Phoenix clan.

However, one day, a sudden change occurred.

A strong man in the human world accidentally met Huo Fenghuang, and wanted to capture her as his mount.

Huo Fenghuang was furious, and the two sides began to fight. Who knew, that strong man was so powerful that Huo Fenghuang and her husband could not beat that strong man together, and both of them almost died.

However, at this moment, the ice phoenix appeared, and started a desperate struggle with the strong man in the human world.

The strength of the two is evenly matched, but the strength of the previous strong man in the human world was somewhat exhausted, and he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Taking advantage of the opponent's gap, Ice Phoenix wounded the opponent with a palm. Seeing this situation, Ice Phoenix would naturally not show mercy, and made another move to end the opponent's life. The Phoenix died together.

It was already too late when Bingfenghuang noticed the other party's actions, and the other party's spirit was destroyed, and she tried her best to avoid the end of her body being destroyed in the end.

In desperation, Bingfenghuang sealed his primordial spirit in this jade pendant, preparing to cultivate a second body when the time was ripe.

It's just that their cultivation progress is slow, and it will take tens of thousands of years to cultivate a second equally powerful physical body.

"Who is that little guy? It's incredible that he can restore the little girl's phoenix blood just by relying on his body's blood!"

At this time, the shadow of the ice phoenix in the sky disappeared, replaced by a beautiful woman, but her body was vague, making it hard to see clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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