Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 85 Big Event

Chapter 85 Big Event

Looking at Xie Wanting who had passed out in a coma, Bingfenghuang showed a kind smile on his face, and waved towards the mountain wall not far away.


There was a loud noise, and a cave appeared in front of it in an instant. Looking around, it was more than ten meters deep.

The ice phoenix pointed out, Xie Wanting's body rose slowly, her figure flickered, the two disappeared at the same time, and appeared in the cave instead.


Ye Wentian and Xiao Yuxin finished their breakfast and drove to the school.

Just like yesterday, Ye Wentian lay on the desk, pretending to be sleeping, and continued to study various magical methods in his mind.

He found that his spiritual sense can read books faster, and the speed can be increased to a hundred times the original speed. He was surprised, and at the same time he was a little speechless to himself. He won't be able to finish reading it, but he knows it's useless to regret it now.

"Hmph~ Brother Tian! Why are you asleep again?" Xiao Yuxin pouted her sexy mouth and looked at Ye Wentian angrily.

"My darling! Why did you, you little girl, disturb me again at the critical moment!" Ye Wentian shouted in his heart, raised his head, and said with a bitter face: "My eldest lady, the agreement between us is still good, I know clearly Remember, please don't bother me anymore, okay?"

"Brother Tian, ​​to be honest, don't you want to go to college?" Xiao Yuxin asked seriously.

"How is it possible! Although I don't value colleges very much, it's good to have more knowledge. Besides, for you, I have to be admitted to the best colleges, right?" Ye Wentian had no choice but to use gentle tactics.

Sure enough, when she heard the words "for you", Xiao Yuxin smiled instantly, but then she straightened her lips and said, "Hmph~ It's hard to say whether you can get into a second-rate university like this, and you still want to be admitted to the best university." university!"

Ye Wentian shook his head, a little helpless, turned his head, and said with a smile: "If I don't pass the exam, can't I still go through the back door? Uncle Xiao has a lot of contacts, so it's not impossible for me to get into the best university, right?" .”

"You~" Xiao Yuxin was almost angry, but when she thought about it, her father really had this ability.

"Okay, that's it, Yuxin, you study hard and don't worry about me, maybe I can surprise you in time!" After Ye Wentian finished speaking, before Xiao Yuxin could reply, he continued to think hard.

Xiao Yuxin had no choice but to turn her head around Ye Wentian reluctantly, and continued to review. For her now, most of the knowledge has been mastered, but she doesn't want to leave a dead corner of knowledge and continue to review over and over again. scrutiny.

At this time, Ye Wentian's understanding of medical skills went up to a new level. Just as he was about to sort out the knowledge system of medical skills, a guy with a loud voice woke him up again.

"Senior Ye Wentian~~"

Hearing this voice, everyone in the class raised their heads and looked suspiciously at an ordinary junior outside the door.

Fortunately, Ye Wentian's skill in nourishing Qi has been deepening recently, otherwise he would have to be violent.

"Student, what can I do for you?" Ye Wentian frowned and said slowly.

"Senior Ye Wentian, there is a woman looking for you at the school gate, saying...saying..." That junior didn't know how to say the following words.

"Woman!" Ye Wentian frowned even tighter, walked out the door, and followed that junior to the school gate.

"Have you heard that a big incident happened in the school?"

"What big event?"

"You don't know! A seductively dressed woman at the school gate said that Ye Wentian wouldn't give her any money after he's happy with her!"

"Ye Wentian! What a bastard!"

"I'll go! You deserve to be the overlord of our school."

"Hmph~ Handsome Ye Da is the male god in my heart, if you dare to chew your tongues, I will tear your mouths apart!" At this moment, a plump girl walked over and stared at those who were talking about it viciously. There are many boys.


Ye Wentian walked all the way, and the rumors that spread naturally fell into his ears verbatim. After thinking carefully, he immediately thought of the incident that happened yesterday.

But what was strange to him was that he didn't go into that woman's house at that time, which means that the woman had no evidence to prove that he didn't buy a ticket when he got on the bus. There must be something against him, otherwise she would never have found this place.

From a distance, Ye Wentian saw what the teacher at the school gate was talking to a woman, and that woman was exactly the woman he saw with his spiritual sense yesterday.

"Sure enough, it's not bad, it seems that someone wants to entrap me!" Ye Wentian clenched his fists tightly, with a gloomy expression.

"Ye Wentian is here!"

Someone in the crowd was the first to see Ye Wentian's figure and shouted immediately.

Dozens of eyes were looking at Ye Wentian, and in the teaching building in the distance, there were many students standing in the corridor and looking at this side instead of attending class.

Ye Wentian's name is really very famous in No. [-] Middle School of Jiangling City.

"You don't need to know the principal of Jiangling City No. [-] Middle School, but you must know Ye Wentian of Jiangling City No. [-] Middle School!" This sentence has almost become the school motto of Jiangling City No. [-] Middle School, and even several other high schools know it This sentence.

Seeing the real Ye Wentian, the woman's eyes instantly brightened, and she walked towards Ye Wentian step by step with her hips twisted.

"Huh~ Ye Wentian, after being with you last night, I dared not give you any money. Originally, I came here to ask for debts, but after seeing you, I decided not to ask you for debts again. You can serve my mother again. Even if this matter is resolved, how about it?" The woman kept winking at Ye Wentian, and the words she had originally planned had completely changed.

"Who the hell sent you to frame me?" Ye Wentian looked at the woman coldly, and had to say that the woman in front of him was still a bit alluring, plump and sexy, and if it wasn't for the strong smell, she would still be a pretty good woman .

"Oh~ handsome guy, those are not important anymore, I just want you to accompany me for a while without killing you, and I will also clarify the facts for you, how about it? My dear!" the woman whispered Said, ready to step forward and hug Ye Wentian, but Ye Wentian dodged casually and dodged.

"Huh~~ handsome guy, if you dare not agree to me, believe it or not, I will make this video public." The woman took out a tablet from her handbag, opened it, and pointed to a video on it.

"Are you threatening me?" Ye Wentian's tone sank.

The woman was taken aback by Ye Wentian's aura, but then smiled happily: "Little handsome guy, you are so domineering, I like you so much, you want me, okay?"

Everyone saw that woman and Ye Wentian seemed to be flirting with each other, their eyes were bigger than a bull's eyes, and they were silently thinking: worthy of being the overlord of our school, even this kind of woman can be tamed Be obedient!

(End of this chapter)

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