Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 841 Opening of Physique

Chapter 841 Opening of Physique

Ye Wentian's eyes moved slightly, and he looked at Die Wu in surprise. He didn't expect this woman to be the most beautiful woman in the world.

Ye Wentian didn't have the slightest doubt, because judging from this woman's figure, she was indeed a rare beauty, at least not inferior to Zhao Min's appearance.

"What a pity." Xiao Rou looked at Die Wu sympathetically. She heard that Die Wu came on the night Ling Xuezhen got married, but she was with Ye Wentian at that time, so she didn't see Die Wu.

Unexpectedly, such an amazing woman in front of her would become so unrecognizable, except for her beautiful figure, her face, and her arms, they were completely horrific, without any human appearance.

"Sanggong, can you cure sister Diewu?" Xiaorou looked at Ye Wentian expectantly.

Ye Wentian shook his head, put his hands on Die Wu's back, and the original divine power surged into Die Wu's body.

"I'm afraid the Lord knows that Miss Diewu has become like this, so he will definitely not summon her again." Zhao Min sighed slightly, and then said: "But that may be a good thing, there are gains and losses."

"But for a woman, appearance is too important, not to mention Die Wu's sister is the most beautiful woman in the world."

"That's true." Zhao Min nodded: "I still know Die Wu, she is indeed a great beauty, even I can't be surprised by her, now, I can't imagine it will become like this."

Ye Wentian closed his eyes, and carefully controlled the source of divine power to flow into Die Wu's body, nourishing every cell in Die Wu.

Where the original divine power goes, the proliferation and differentiation of cells is accelerated, and stronger and more dynamic cells are continuously produced.

But what made Ye Wentian feel strange was that there seemed to be something blocking Die Wu's body, it seemed that it couldn't make her injured skin heal, but only restrained the flow of blood.

"Huh!" Ye Wentian frowned: "This breath is similar to mine."

But Ye Wentian also found a problem, that is, although the aura in Die Wu's body is very similar to his, it is very weak, and it is a thousand miles away from the original divine power in his body, but it is not like this The world's super physique can be compared.

A ray of light shone out, but was still blocked by a thin cocoon. Ye Wentian discovered the special situation in Die Wu's body, and the original divine power poured into Die Wu's body again.

Received a steady stream of original divine power irrigation, a sudden change occurred in Die Wu's body, the thin layer of cocoon seemed to explode suddenly, and a ball of breath almost identical to Ye Wentian flooded Die Wu's whole body .

The original divine power plus Ye Wentian's breath of the same origin, the two superimposed, like a wild beast, constantly replenishing the nutrients in Die Wu's body.

Xiao Rou and Zhao Min were taken aback by the sight in front of them. The streamer on Die Wu's body was constantly spinning, nourishing every inch of Die Wu's body.

Both of those mysterious auras were familiar to both of them, and they came from Ye Wentian at all, but at this moment, it didn't seem to be the case, it seemed that the aura came from Die Wu's body, and Zhao Min was horrified to find that Die Wu's cultivation was actually is constantly rising.

"She...isn't she without cultivation? Could it be that she has been hiding it? Or sealed it with some secret method?" Zhao Min secretly thought, looking at Die Wu in disbelief.

In just one minute, Die Wu's cultivation has gone from the foundation building stage to the viscera training stage, and the whole journey is in full swing, it seems that this is just the beginning.

Xiaorou also reacted at this time, seeing Die Wu's soaring cultivation base, she was inexplicably horrified, because she had also heard that Die Wu had a special constitution and could not build a foundation.

Sure enough, after another ten minutes, the growth trend of Die Wu's cultivation was finally about to calm down.

But at this moment, Die Wu has reached the level of a master, the peak of the late stage of practicing Qi Huashen, and this is just a state that has not stabilized.

Ye Wentian deeply knew that once the breath in Die Wu's body stabilized, with Die Wu's special physique, it would be enough to break through to the initial stage of refining the spirit and returning to the void in one fell swoop.

Of course, without Ye Wentian's infusion of so much original divine power, not only would Die Wu not be able to activate his physique, but if he did so in time, it would also be impossible for him to reach the peak stage of refining Qi and transforming gods in one fell swoop, and be able to reach the early stage of refining Qi and transforming Qi. The border is very good.

After all, there is still a small obstacle for rushing from the peak state in the late stage of marrow washing to the early stage of refining and transforming qi.

Die Wu's sanity gradually recovered, and she felt the warm breath in her body, and the previous splitting pain seemed to be gone.

Just as Die Wu was about to open her eyes, Ye Wentian pointed it out and made Die Wu faint.

At this moment, the skin on Die Wu's body is not so easy to heal, especially the damaged bones. It is impossible for Ye Wentian to do all he can in a timely manner. Helping Die Wu repair slowly will help her injury, but that It will take half a month.

Ye Wentian carefully calculated the time, and he should be able to reach the capital in half a month. He believed that now that the Millennium Zombie King's sanity had been partially activated, he might return to the capital when he regained his strength, but where is this guy hiding at the moment? Tian was not in the mood to look for him.

Late at night.

The moonlight poured down like passing, and landed on Ye Wentian and Die Wu.

Die Wu's appearance recovered a little, but it didn't get better. The bones of her arms that were almost shattered were supported by Ye Wentian's original divine power.

Ye Wentian opened his eyes, glanced at Zhao Min and Xiao Rou, and wanted to say something, but Die Wu would be miserable if that happened.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong?" Zhao Min asked.

"You two can't do well." Ye Wentian shook his head, thought for a while and then said: "If Miss Diewu wakes up tomorrow, just don't tell her what I did later."

Zhao Min was a little puzzled, and Xiaorou was also very puzzled, but soon, the second daughter no longer had any doubts.

Qingqing and Xiaomao looked this way through the curtain on the carriage, through the gap, but immediately after, the two little guys seemed to have been tapped to sleep, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Ye Wentian slammed his palms hard, and with a bang, the clothes on Die Wu were completely shattered by Ye Wentian. Then, the moment Zhao Min and Xiao Rou saw Die Wu's jade body, their mouths opened. Gotta be the boss.

At this time, Ye Wentian quickly wrapped Die Wu's body with a white cloth, wrapping it very well, leaving only Die Wu's nostrils and mouth outside.

Ye Wentian hugged Die Wu, looked at Zhao Min with a strange expression, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Don't be surprised, I can even see your body, whether you girls are dressed or not is the same to me." After Ye Wentian finished speaking, he walked towards the carriage.

When Zhao Min heard Ye Wentian's words, he thought of something unsuitable for children, and his face became hot.

(End of this chapter)

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