Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 87 Unexpected

Chapter 87 Unexpected
Seeing everyone's expressions, Ye Wentian knew that if there was no conclusive evidence to prove his innocence, he would still be surrounded by those rumors. Although he didn't care, being framed was always a bit uncomfortable.

"I know what everyone thinks. Now, I will prove my innocence." After Ye Wentian finished speaking, he walked to the tablet computer, looked at the woman with a cold smile, and then said, "You said that I had sex with you last night?" If something happened, would you dare to go to the hospital for an examination to prove it?"

"Hmph~ I had the video at the time, so I didn't keep any evidence, why? You are deliberately trying to take advantage of the loophole." The woman said disdainfully.

"Okay, even if what you said is reasonable, I will show you a more powerful evidence now." Ye Wentian smiled, pulled up his trousers, and said loudly: "Now, look at this video in the video. There is a knife scar on the man's calf, but you can see that there is no scar on my leg. Moreover, this man has no hair on his legs. Look at my leg again. Now, you should believe what I said. .”

"Sure enough!"

"If scars can be faked, but how can leg hair be faked!"

"I just said that Handsome Ye is not that kind of person. I almost misunderstood my male god. I'm so excited!"


The woman watched the video, and compared Ye Wentian's right leg carefully, it really was full of holes!
"I'm sorry, handsome boy, when I saw you in person, I couldn't believe that bastard was you. Now that the facts have been clarified, I'm leaving." Knowing that the matter had been revealed, the woman hurriedly packed her things and prepared to leave.

"If I'm framed, I want to leave. Is it that easy?" Ye Wentian grabbed the woman's arm and pulled her back gently.

"Little handsome boy, what else do you want? How about I accompany you for a day, if one day is not enough, three days and three nights, ten days and ten nights, how about it? And it's free, and I promise I won't frame you Like a chameleon, the woman immediately winked at Ye Wentian, seeing the woman's appearance, Ye Wentian frowned and squeezed hard, causing the woman to cry out in pain.

"Handsome guy, it's no wonder you haven't gotten that little beauty until now. Just like you, you don't know how to be sympathetic." The woman said angrily.

For the woman in front of him, Ye Wentian felt that his resistance could not help being fluctuated, as if every movement of the woman in front of him was full of infinite temptation.

"Tell me, who ordered you?" Ye Wentian frowned.

"No one instructed me. I came to you when I was not convinced. Oh, I'm sorry, it was the bastard who said his name was Ye Wentian and he was in No. [-] Middle School of Jiangling City, so I came here." The woman said.

"When I asked you just now, your heartbeat frequency changed, and your eyes also deceived you. Tell me, who told you to lie to me? I will give you three seconds to think about it. After three seconds, then Don't blame me for being unscrupulous!" Ye Wentian's tone was gloomy, obviously angry.

"Wentian, since this matter has nothing to do with you, it's better to leave it to the police. I called the police just now." Cai Kun walked over and signaled Ye Wentian not to use illegal means.

"One, two..." Ye Wentian didn't listen to Cai Kun's words, and started counting directly.

"Hmph~" The woman didn't care at all, she glared at Ye Wentian with winking eyes.


Ye Wentian uttered this word heavily, his face turned cold, a silver needle suddenly appeared in his palm, and he stabbed at the woman.

"Ah~ what did you do to me? Why can't I move?" The woman looked at Ye Wentian in horror and wanted to move her body, but her whole body refused to obey her command.

"I'll ask you again, are you going to tell me or not?" Ye Wen asked in a cold voice.

"You... hum!" The woman was about to scold at first, but suddenly changed her demeanor.

The other people around were stunned when they saw Ye Wentian's miraculous methods. He fixed the woman with a single silver needle. This shows that Ye Wentian is proficient in the knack of acupuncture points in the human body. Tian re-examined it again, after all, a scumbag who only knows how to fight will not learn these things.

"This is just the beginning. I'll see how long you're going to last." Ye Wentian took out a silver needle again and stuck it on another acupuncture point of the woman.

But this time, beyond Ye Wentian's expectation, the woman's screaming in pain did not sound as he imagined.

Ye Wentian frowned, seeing that the acupuncture point he had stabbed was indeed correct, and then looked at the woman, who closed her eyes at this moment, and gradually, her complexion showed a look of pain.

Then, bean-sized beads of sweat slipped down quietly, but just a little, Ye Wentian saw wisps of green smoke rising from the top of the woman's head, but it was very faint, and other than him, people who were close to him couldn't see it clearly.

"Went, what happened to her? Can you do something wrong!" Cai Kun said anxiously.

"Don't worry, she's fine now." Ye Wentian said.

But after a while, the woman's eyes suddenly opened, and a flash of light flashed by, making the people around her jump.

"Thank you, my benefactor." The woman smiled and wanted to move her body, but found that she was still unable to move, so she couldn't help but pouted and looked at Ye Wentian dissatisfied.

At this time, Ye Wentian found that the casual action of the woman in front of him became more and more alluring, and he felt itchy in his heart when he saw it.

"I'll let you go after you answer my question." Ye Wentian said flatly.

"Okay." The woman was helpless, so she said: "Actually, I don't know who that person is. It seems that he is just a small character. He just told me to frame you and paid me half of the money. The other half, that's how it is."

Ye Wentian frowned, he knew the woman in front of him was telling the truth.

"Okay, let's go, I hope I won't see you again." Ye Wentian took off the silver needle and said calmly.

"What? The benefactor just wants to drive me away so much, doesn't he want me to repay you?" the woman said with a smile.

"Hmph, if you don't leave, you won't be able to leave when the police come." Ye Wentian frowned.

"Okay, benefactor, my real name is Su Meiniang, thank you very much, if there is a chance, I will definitely repay you." Then, Su Meiniang came to Ye Wentian's ear and whispered: "Benefactor, your The body is very strange, like the body of nine yangs, but it is a little different. The physique of the benefactor is very attractive to people like me. The benefactor should take care of it, and don’t fall into the hands of this kind of woman. Otherwise, it will be miserable, hehe~ Okay, benefactor, I'm leaving, goodbye!"

After finishing speaking, Su Meiniang kissed Ye Wentian on the cheek, then turned and left. At this time, Xiao Li and the others came, met the woman, they didn't know each other, and walked towards this side.

(End of this chapter)

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