Super Junior Grandmaster

Chapter 88 Warning

Chapter 88 Warning
After listening to Su Meiniang's words, Ye Wentian's mind was full of thoughts. He knew that there were many things in this world that he didn't know, but he never thought that there were such things in this world as Su Meiniang said.

If it is what Su Meiniang said, then he will be in danger. If his strength is strong, it is fine, but unfortunately his strength is so low now, if he meets a master of Xuan level or above, then he will be in danger.

"Qiantian, what happened?" At this moment Xiao Li came over.

"Brother Li, I'm fine now, so I'll trouble you to make a run." Ye Wentian said.

"Okay, then let's go, call me if you have something to do." Li Qing knew Ye Wentian's ability, looked around, and it really seemed that nothing happened. After checking the general situation, he led a group of police officers leave.

The matter had been resolved, and the teachers and students dispersed one by one. Looking outside the school gate, Ye Wentian felt a little heavy.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong?" Seeing Ye Wentian frowning slightly, Xiao Yuxin asked concerned.

"It's okay." Ye Wentian came back to his senses, and smiled lightly: "Yu Xin, you go back to the classroom first."

"Then what about you?" Xiao Yuxin asked hastily.

"I still have something to do. I will return to the classroom later, so don't worry about it." Ye Wentian said with a smile.

"Okay then, but you have to hurry up." Xiao Yuxin pouted, almost ready to lift a mop bottle.

"Go quickly." Ye Wentian said.

Xiao Yuxin had no choice but to walk towards the classroom.

Seeing Xiao Yuxin's figure disappear, Ye Wentian turned around and ran towards the outside of the school gate.

Those students who had been paying attention to Ye Wentian all of a sudden suddenly couldn't see the slightest trace of Ye Wentian, couldn't help being shocked, and ran to the place where Ye Wentian was standing just now, but there was nothing.

But at this moment, Ye Wentian found a taxi, got in the car, and reported the address. Soon, the car stopped in a community, and this is where Ye Wentian came yesterday.

After getting out of the car, Ye Wentian quickly went upstairs and walked to Su Meiniang's door. The door was open, but Su Meiniang was no longer in the house.

"It's gone!" Ye Wentian frowned, and after scanning with his spiritual sense, he didn't find anything left for him.

After standing for a while, Ye Wentian turned around and was about to go back to school, but at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps going upstairs. It seemed that there were three people.

Ye Wentian walked out the door and waited quietly.

The three of them went upstairs, and when they saw Ye Wentian in the corridor, they were taken aback for a moment.

" are Ye Wentian!" The man in the middle was shocked when he saw Ye Wentian's face. Run downstairs.

"I want to run! Hmph~ did you run away!" Ye Wentian sneered, his feet moved, and his whole body suddenly rushed out like an arrow from the string. He slapped those two people twice, and was immediately slapped by Ye Wentian. Fainted.

The guy breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't hear the chasing footsteps upstairs.But what he didn't expect was that as soon as he ran out of the stairs, he found that he bumped into a person and bounced him back directly.

"You~ are you a human or a ghost?" The man came back to his senses and saw that it was Ye Wentian. He was shocked, his whole body couldn't help trembling, and his face was dripping with sweat. He didn't know if he was scared The one that ran just now.

"Do you think ghosts will come out in broad daylight?" Ye Wentian shook his head and said with a disdainful smile, "I think you should know me a little bit, otherwise you wouldn't run away if you saw me, I'm gone, no Like nonsense, tell me, who ordered you."

"Big~~Brother, if I say this~~this, he will destroy me." The man said in horror.

"Oh, that's it." Ye Wentian nodded if he had a clear understanding, walked to the man, and stepped on the man's ankle: "Tell me, if I use a little more force, your foot will still be useful." ?"

"Big brother, yes~ I'm sorry, I don't want to hurt you, but the boss saw that I have a similar body shape to yours, so he asked me to dress up you, there is no way, for the sake of survival, so I can only do this, big~ Big brother, please do me a favor, adults don’t remember villains, let me go, I am not old, there are old and young, if I die, the whole family will have nothing to rely on."

"I said, I can let you go, as long as you name the person who ordered you, if you don't, I can't help you." Ye Wentian said coldly.

"I~ I..."

At the same time, not far away, a car stopped, and a person got off. The person walked past a building, looked around, and happened to see Ye Wentian's back and the person lying on the ground.

"Ye Wentian!" The man was startled, turned around and ran away immediately.

Ye Wentian's ears were extremely sensitive, and when he turned around, he saw a person's back disappearing from sight, and this back, Ye Wentian was very familiar with, it was exactly the same as the back that drove away yesterday.

"Damn it!" Ye Wentian kicked the opponent unconscious, and then chased after that figure, but just after he got there, the man ran away in the car, and now Ye Wentian's speed could only surpass him briefly. The speed of the car, but it can't last for a long time at all.

"Hmph~~ Let this kid run away again." Ye Wentian clenched his fists tightly, secretly hating him.

Come to that person, and wake him up again.

"Tell me, who is the instigator, I don't have time to waste time with you anymore." Ye Wentian's tone was very cold, making people shudder.

The man looked at Ye Wentian with a terribly gloomy face, and was terrified in his heart. He subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and said timidly, "'s none of my business, it's...Brother Biao told me to do it." of."

"Brother Biao! Why haven't I heard of it?" Ye Wentian wondered.

"I heard that Brother Biao is Zhao Shun's subordinate." The man added.

"Zhao Shun! Zhao Fei's father!" Ye Wentian suddenly realized.

"Yes, it is."

"It turned out to be him again." Ye Wentian actually guessed that Zhao Fei was the most suspected, but unexpectedly it was him.

"I'll let you go today, but if I see you doing bad things again in the future, it won't be so simple." Ye Wentian kicked him away instantly.



"What is it called? Don't worry, it will be fine in a few days. This is your punishment. You'd better take it as a warning, otherwise your head will make a noise next time. I believe you should know the consequences. .” Ye Wentian said.

"Yes... yes, big brother, I... I don't dare anymore." The man gritted his teeth and was about to pass out from the pain.

Ye Wentian looked around and left immediately. He knew that Su Meiniang should have left this place, but he didn't know where she went. Now her cultivation is outstanding among ordinary people, but in the cultivation world, It is still at the bottom, and there may be danger at any time, but that is not what Ye Wentian cares about.

(End of this chapter)

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