Chapter 135 Help me sign

There are two computers in Cen Yanyu's room, a desktop and a notebook.

After giving up the desktop to Cen Shu, Cen Yanyu moved the laptop and sat next to Cen Shu.

"Brother Cen, is your friend good?" Lin Jian thought that there were only two people on the call, and asked carelessly: "If you are not good, it is better not to play Yasuo, happy wind man, he is happy, I just yesterday Where are the diamonds on it?"

Cen Yanyu glanced at Cen Shu next to him, coughed softly, "It's okay, I'll take you flying!"

"Come on! Brother Cen, this is what you said." Lin Jian whistled and selected a hero to enter the game.

Lin Jian's avatar was watching a movie and playing games at the same time, various conversations came, and there was even a faintly unpleasant voice.

Cen Yanyu listened, and glanced at Cen Shu guiltily, with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"That... my classmates are not so casual..." It's better not to explain this.

Lin Jian was bored to make up soldiers, and faintly heard the voice from the opposite side, and turned off the movie, "Brother Cen, who have you been talking to?"

"It can't be your little Xue'er?" Lin Jian laughed wretchedly, "By the way, little Xue'er should not be your biological sister now, Brother Cen, you have been pregnant for so many years anyway, so you don't want to lose your fat... "

"Shut up!" Cen Yanyu said.

"Brother Cen, you're getting angry! Is it really Xiao Xue'er beside you?" Lin Jian got excited, "Sister Xue'er, can you hear me? I'm your brother's roommate and good friend. Logically speaking, you should also call me Brother Sheng!"

"First Blood!"

"Double Kill!"

Before Cen Yanyu could speak, two mechanical sounds instantly caused Lin Jian's 'fuck'.

"Brother Cen, you're good as a friend. Your level is comparable to mine." Lin Jian sighed with emotion.

"Shut up!" Cen Yanyu's face turned blue.

Lin Jian is just a talker, "Brother Cen, you haven't asked Xiao Xueer to call me brother yet!"

"elder brother."

Just when Cen Yanyu was about to strangle Lin Jian to death along the network cable, a faint voice sounded, making Cen Yanyu stunned in place for an instant.

An inexplicable sense of joy couldn't help gushing up, sister Shushu finally called him brother!
Cen Shu controlled Yasuo to go online with one hand, took out a note from her pocket and put it in front of Cen Yanyu.

"Do me a favor."

Cen Yanyu returned to his senses, lowered his head, "A request for leave?"

Lin Jian seemed to have delayed her reaction, "Damn it, Brother Cen, when did your little sister Xue'er's voice become so loud?"

"Get out!" Cen Yanyu cut off the voice directly, and looked at Cen Shu, "What are you asking for leave for?" As soon as you ask for it, you can ask for three days!
Cen Shu glanced at Cen Yanyu, narrowing her apricot eyes slightly, "I've used my brain too much, I need to rest."

Cen Yanyu:? ? ?

"Mom wants you to teach me how to study." Before Cen Yanyu could speak, Cen Shu skillfully performed another double kill, and paused, "But you are playing games with me..."

His voice was cold, without any emotion.

Cen Yanyu: "..."

"It's over..." Cen Shu got up, picked up the leave slip, "Goodbye."

In 15 minutes, the opponent was directly blown up, and the surrender was passed unanimously in advance.

Seeing that Cen Shu was about to leave, Cen Yanyu's temples bulged and he gritted his teeth, "It's fine to sign, but where are you going tomorrow? I'll go with you!"

Cen Yanyu took the leave slip and signed his name, "Three days off, in addition to the leave slip, I have to call the head teacher, take me there, and I'll call!"

Cen Shu took the leave note and put it in her pocket, looked at Cen Yanyu, her lips parted slightly, her expression was unclear.

"you sure?"

(End of this chapter)

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