Chapter 136

The next morning.

Sunlight poured into the room through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the clock on the wall pointed to 10 unconsciously.


The phone by the bed vibrated.

Cen Shu opened her eyes, her almond eyes were clear, she casually grabbed Yazi who was beside her, and brushed the cat's fur.

It's a WeChat.

"Little fox, I'll wait for you to come to the capital."

Cen Qin had just landed in the capital because of his work.

Cen Shu chuckled, turned off her phone, got up and took a shower.

I simply ate some bread, changed my clothes, and went downstairs with a small bag on my back.

As soon as he reached the first floor, he saw Cen Yanyu sitting on the sofa, his eyes were black and his beard had grown a lot, as if he hadn't slept all night.

Cen Shu frowned slightly.

"I knew it, Shushu, you didn't intend to call me!" Cen Yanyu set the alarm for four o'clock in the morning and sat there until now, just afraid that Cen Shu would sneak out without telling him, "Don't even think about it! I'll follow you Already!"

Cen Shu sat on the sofa beside her and leaned lazily, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

Cen Yanyu rubbed his shriveled stomach, "No." There was an inexplicable sense of grievance in his voice.

"You should eat first." Cen Shu paused, then turned on her mobile phone to play a small game, "It's time to go on the road when you're full."

Cen Yanyu: ...

on the taxi.

Cen Yanyu was so bumped by the dirt road that he almost vomited out the breakfast he had just eaten.

Looking at Cen Shu next to her, she seemed to have fallen asleep a long time ago.

Cen Yanyu held back his vomit, rolled down the car window, and looked outside.

The scenery outside the car window ranges from high-rise buildings to country roads, until it reaches the halfway up a mountain.

As soon as the car stopped, Cen Yanyu pushed open the door, ran to the side of the road and retched.

"Girl, is your friend okay?" The taxi driver looked on and felt uncomfortable.

Cen Shu glanced, "It's okay, thank you, master."

"Hey!" After collecting the money, the driver turned around and left.

Cen Yanyu retched for a long time, his heart was piercing, his face was flushed, and he took a sip of water to recover.

Only then did I have the mind to look at the surrounding environment.

"This is……"

The villa area was built on the mountainside, and the surrounding villages were also moved away because of the heavy rainfall in the rainy season in the past few years, fearing that it would cause landslides.

Regarding the legend of the haunted house, Cen Yanyu also saw a few words on the Internet, but he was not very interested. He simply glanced at it and didn't understand it deeply.

"Shu Shu, what are you doing in this kind of place?" Although Cen Yanyu didn't believe in those monsters, this place was too remote, and a girl could easily be in danger.

Cen Shu leaned against the stone lion, ate a piece of toffee, and said in a flat tone, "One of the few hobbies."

Cen Yanyu: ...


The sun was a bit dazzling, so Cen Shu raised her hand to block it, and walked towards the villas.

Cen Yanyu glanced around, inexplicably feeling a little cold, seeing Cen Shu walking away, he hurriedly followed.


"Welcome new veterans to pay attention, and take a wave of free gifts!"

"The babies have also seen it. Now I am at the gate of the haunted house in the legend of Xuancheng. I am a little scared now..."

"Dear friends, the anchor didn't sleep last night and rushed here overnight. Don't the iron people in the live broadcast room come to a wave of 666? All kinds of... ah, the gifts will keep up, and the anchor will come later Play big!"

The burned villa of the Si family was particularly conspicuous in the group of villas.

Before Cen Yanyu could get closer, he heard the voices of various 'demons and ghosts' from afar.

(End of this chapter)

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