Chapter 137
I saw that at the entrance of the Si family's villa, a group of people were dressed in fashion, holding up their mobile phones, as if they were talking to themselves.

When Cen Yanyu approached, he realized that these people were all anchors, anchors of major platforms.

The arrival of the two had no effect on them.

Ever since the Eurasia story became a hot search, more and more anchors saw business opportunities, and traveled thousands of miles to Xuancheng just to shoot material.

One of the bald-headed brothers, with his shiny scalp under the sun, smiled brightly at the live broadcast room.

"Old irons, do you see this? This trash can!"

There are not many people in the live broadcast room, and there are only a few old fans who are looking for gifts, so the popularity of the live broadcast room has not been raised.

The bald man touched his round head and came to the nearby trash can.

The trash can is more than 20 years ago. It is an old-fashioned plastic bucket. It has been exposed to the wind and the sun. There is a mass of black things in it, and some small bugs are crawling on it.

There was a hole in the bottom of the bucket, and weeds had grown in, and it looked pretty disgusting.

Cen Yanyu glanced aside, and the feeling of nausea couldn't help but surge up.

Where the video camera couldn't see, the bald brother's face was ashen, he retched a few times, and then smiled at the camera with a rough and loud voice.

"Veterans, if we want to do it, we will do it. The gift list, veterans can get No.1! The anchor stands in this trash can for 1 minute! Say what you say!"

As soon as Brother Bald finished speaking, the live broadcast room seemed to suddenly go crazy. All kinds of flowers and diamond gifts filled the screen, and the ranking of the live broadcast room rose directly from the top [-] to the top ten.

"Haha, thank you guys for your support, I hope the anchors go into the trash can, right? Hey hey, everyone has to work hard, now it's No.9..."

The bald brother leaned against the trash can, looking at the gifts in the live broadcast room, his heart was full of joy.


A cloud-piercing arrow appeared in Bald Brother's live broadcast room, and the full-screen barrage changed from 'upside down' to 'big brother 666'.

The bald-headed brother stared straight at him, and it took him a while to react, "Thank you Brother Hu for your support, old guys, welcome Brother Hu soon! Brother Hu is righteous!"

Cloud piercing arrow is the most expensive gift on the platform, and a cloud piercing arrow is equivalent to 1 yuan in cash.

With the appearance of this cloud-piercing arrow, the bald brother's live broadcast instantly jumped to the top of the list.

The bald-headed brother glanced at the trash can, holding back his nausea, "Since Brother Hu is so supportive, the anchor must do what he says!"

The bald brother took a glance and locked on Cen Yanyu, "Brother over there, come and help me!"

Cen Yanyu, who was suddenly caught by the cue, was stunned.

"Yes, brother, it's you, you're so handsome, do me a favor." Regardless of whether Cen Yanyu agreed or not, he forced the phone into his hand.

The camera shakes, and Cen Yanyu reveals half of his face in the camera.

"Brother Guang, there is a handsome guy! Show us a look!"

"This guy is pretty handsome. Is he also an anchor? What's his name? I'll pay attention."

"Brother Guang, we don't want to see you anymore, I want to see the handsome guy."

Some people on the bullet screen were attracted by Cen Yanyu's half face.

The bald brother laughed, "I want to see the handsome guy! Okay, then the bald brother won't perform for you!"

As soon as the bald man finished speaking, the bullet screen turned into a unified 'handstand' again.

Cen Yanyu looked for help to Cen Shu who was leaning against the fence to enjoy the cool and play games.

Cen Shu raised her eyes, glanced casually, slightly parted her red lips, and said something silently.

"come on!"

Cen Yanyu: ...

(End of this chapter)

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