Chapter 138 He Can't Fly

"Look out, veterans! Countdown!"

I saw the bald brother holding the edge of the trash can with both hands, his head stuck into the trash can, and then half of his body was also stuck into the trash can.

Cen Yanyu watched from the side, pointing the camera at the bald brother.

All kinds of '666' are flying all over the barrage.

Cen Yanyu saw that the hands of the bald man holding the trash can began to tremble, obviously disgusted.

The heat in the live broadcast room was suddenly pushed to a climax.


"Ah!!! Ghost! There is a ghost!"

A scream came from inside the villa.

A man in Taoist robes and holding a mahogany sword ran out of the Si family's villa in a panic.

His face was pale, and his Taoist robe was covered with dust.

Not far away, several big black birds were frightened and flew up from the tree one after another, making a 'wow' sound.

Seeing this, the anchors who were still broadcasting at the door and didn't dare to go in, immediately turned off the live broadcast, and ran away!

The bald man in the trash can also heard the sound, and was unable to get up from the trash can for a long time in a hurry.

In a panic, he knocked down the trash can, rolled out of it, grabbed the phone from Cen Yanyu's hand, and ran away quickly.

The trash can rolled around on the ground a few times, hit the fence beside it, and then stopped. Small black bugs flew out all of a sudden, emitting an unpleasant smell faintly.

The entrance of the villa suddenly became silent.

A gust of wind blew, and under the sun, Cen Yanyu felt the slightest chill.

After finishing the game, Cen Shu looked around, frowned slightly, and walked into the villa.

"Hey! Shushu, you better not go in, it's inside..." Cen Yanyu grabbed Cen Shu, looked at the villa, and always felt nervous, "It's not safe."

Cen Shu glanced at the burnt pitch-black windows on the second floor, and the corners of her lips curled slightly, "If you're afraid, stay here."

Breaking away from Cen Yanyu's hand, he pushed open the iron gate and walked into the villa.

Cen Yanyu froze for a moment, then stepped up to follow.

These days, there are many anchors in the name of adventure, and the first floor is a bit messy.

Some rubbish was also randomly thrown on the ground.

In the southeast corner of the villa, there are a few burning candles, emitting a faint light.

Cen Yanyu glanced, and couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

Cen Shu came to the escalator with ease, raised her head and looked up.

"Shu Shu, you don't want to go up, do you?" Cen Yanyu followed behind Cen Shu, looking around with vigilance.

As soon as Cen Yanyu finished speaking, he saw Cen Shu flying up!

"Fuck!" Cen Yanyu finally couldn't help but swear, and rubbed his eyes in surprise, yes, he flew up!
Could it be that his sister has some special abilities?
Cen Shu condescendingly looked at Cen Yanyu's foolish appearance, a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

"Can't you come up?"

Cen Yanyu was stunned, how to go?He can't fly!


Cen Yanyu got closer, only to find that there was a black leather rope between the first floor and the second floor. The rope was very thick, but because the color was black, if you didn't look carefully, you couldn't see it at all.

But...his sister is too powerful!It went up in less than two seconds, how good is this arm strength!
Cen Yanyu usually plays basketball, and his arm strength is not bad. He climbed up to the second floor for 5 minutes with his hands and feet.

Tired and out of breath.

Before I had time to wipe off my sweat, I saw the still burning will-o'-the-wisp!

"Shu Shu, be careful!"

(End of this chapter)

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