Chapter 139 Did he cross?

Cen Yanyu was startled, and subconsciously protected Cen Shu behind him.

Cen Shu raised her eyes, looked at Cen Yanyu's back, her eyes moved slightly, her lips curled up slightly.

The flames are flamboyant and can be intimidating at first glance.

After waiting for a while, the color of the flame dimmed a bit. Cen Yanyu frowned, turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone, and took a few steps forward.

Cen Shu walked straight to the master bedroom.

"What! This is someone pretending to be a ghost!"

Approaching the legendary will-o'-the-wisp, Cen Yanyu breathed a sigh of relief, there was still some black ash on the ground, and there was still unburned white paper beside it.

It's not the will-o'-the-wisp phenomenon that often appears in the cemetery at all, but it seems to be a warning to outsiders.

'Squeak' sounded.

Cen Yanyu stood up and looked. At some point, Cen Shu was already standing at the door of a room, and the door opened.

The sunlight from outside leaked in faintly through the glass window. In the beam of light, dust was flying, with a little hazy dreaminess.

Cen Yanyu was startled and walked over quickly.

But when he saw the furnishings in the room, he froze for a moment.

If the outside of the room is desolate and dilapidated after the fire, then this room is almost the same as ordinary people's houses.

Compared to the outside, the inside is really clean.

In the room, there was a large bed with an oversized Buzz Lightyear printed on the bed sheet.

The wardrobe and desk are neatly arranged, and there are posters of various cartoon characters on the walls.


Cen Yanyu frowned, always felt that something was wrong, but just couldn't remember.

"Mommy! I want to go out to play! It's been a long time since you took me out to play."

A childish voice suddenly sounded.

Cen Yanyu's heart skipped a beat.

At some point, a figure appeared beside the desk.

It was a little boy about three or four years old, wearing a small suit and tie, with a very handsome face and extremely cute.

She was carrying a schoolbag on her back, as if she had just returned from get out of class.

Cen Yanyu's eyes widened suddenly, and he finally knew something was wrong.

The posters and decoration of this room are not modern at all.

The cartoon characters in the posters on the wall are all popular cartoon characters from 20 or [-] years ago.

He is... crossed?

Cen Yanyu looked at Cen Shu, and saw Cen Shu lazily leaning against the wall, looking at the boy with soft eyes.

As if aware of his gaze, Cen Shu turned her head and put her fingertips on her lips, "Shh."

Cen Yanyu didn't speak any more, and turned his gaze to the little boy.

"When I was young, Mommy had to take care of my younger brother and sister. Be good, okay. When Auntie comes back the day after tomorrow, Mommy will take you out to play again, okay?"

A soft voice sounded along with the sound of footsteps.

At the door, a woman's figure appeared. The woman was wearing a long gray dress, her hair was coiled up, her figure was plump, and she had a gentle smile on her face.

"But, when I was young, I really wanted to go out and play." Beside the desk, the boy was fiddling with toys, but he didn't turn around, as if he was having a fight.

The woman chuckled and hugged the boy from behind, "Good boy, you see, mom and dad have given up the biggest room to him, so he can play racing cars in the room by himself."

Between the big bed and the desk, there is a separate area with a small mini racing track.

In that era, not to mention racing tracks, even racing cars were not affordable for everyone.

"Then will dad come back to play with me today?" The boy was silent for a while, his voice was waxy, with a little expectation.

"Of course, Dad will be back soon today, please do your homework when you are young, okay?"

The woman asked the boy coquettishly.

The boy pursed his lips, "Well, that's fine, I'm a man now, Mommy, go and see your younger siblings."

Cen Yanyu watched from the side, couldn't help it, and curled his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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