Chapter 140
However, before Cen Yanyu's smile reached his eyes.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed.

In the middle of the night, there were bursts of frogs and crickets outside the window, the moon was covered by dark clouds, and the sky was particularly gloomy.

"Hour, hour! Wake up!" At some point, a woman suddenly appeared beside the boy's bed, holding two babies.

The woman looked nervous and didn't know what she saw.

The boy was woken up in a daze, "Mommy, Daddy, I'm so tired today, I'll go to school after I go to bed."

Saying that, the boy fell asleep again in a daze.

'Tick! '

A silver light flashed, and thick blood dripped down the blade onto the floor.

Cen Yanyu suddenly turned his head to look at the door, and a figure appeared in the shadows. Looking at his figure, he could see that it was a man holding a knife in his hand.

The room was very dark, and Cen Yanyu couldn't see the man clearly.

"No! No!"

The woman hugged the two children and kept shaking her head, with her back pressed against the wall, tears streaming down her face.

The baby was frightened and burst into tears. The boy on the bed heard it, but frowned, turned over and continued to sleep.

The man held the knife, slowly approached the woman, and mechanically raised the knife in his hand.


"do not want!"

Cen Yanyu couldn't help but stop it.

But in the next second, the scene changed again.

Boys, women, babies, men all disappeared.

The walls of the room were pitch black, and almost everything was burnt to ashes.

The glass window was newly replaced at the back, and it was covered with dust. A little bit of light came in and sprinkled in the dilapidated room, as if telling what happened in the past.

Cen Yanyu supported his knees, bent down, panting heavily, his forehead was covered with a thin layer of sweat.

Suddenly, a black figure bumped into him hard, and Cen Yanyu fell to the ground without noticing it for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Cen Yanyu saw his younger sister, weak Liu Fufeng, who had no strength to restrain a chicken, with a catch and an over-the-shoulder throw, subduing the black shadow.

Cen Yanyu got up, patted the ashes on his body, and turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone.

The black shadow is dressed in rags, with hair draped over his shoulders in a mess. It looks like it hasn't been washed for several months. The clothes on his body are black, and he doesn't know the original color. He looks like a homeless man.

The homeless man exuded an unspeakable sour smell, lying on the ground, clutching his stomach, howling uncontrollably.

"Killed! Killed!"

Cen Shu took out a pack of wet wipes from her small bag, wiped her hands, her eyes were slightly cold.

Cen Yanyu came to Cen Shu's side with a strange expression on his face. Even the homeless nearby would live in other villas if they wanted to. There are quite a few vacant villas, and they can live there for several weeks.

Why did you choose this haunted house?
"Shut up!" Now that it was confirmed that someone was playing tricks, Cen Yanyu became more courageous, and turned to look at Cen Shu, "Shu Shu, should we call the police?"

Cen Shu knelt down, looked at the rogue man on the ground, and said calmly, "Si Qian, your lower eyelids are half hollow, but there is still a little ups and downs, do you know what I mean?"

The homeless man suddenly stopped, lying on the ground, his hair was disheveled, almost completely covering his cheeks, only a pair of dark eyes were exposed.

Cen Yanyu opened his mouth wide.

Si Qian?

Although Cen Yanyu didn't read the news carefully, Lin Jian did!That kid likes to study these weird things the most, and he described them vividly in the dormitory.

If he remembers correctly, the owner of this villa is called Si Qian! ?
 Cough, beef here to explain, according to the data, in the twelve palaces of physiognomy, the position of the lower eyelid represents the palace of children (source: China Fengshui Research Association).

  la la~
(End of this chapter)

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